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《老年人太極拳教程》(TAi Chi for Seniors)文字插圖
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發布時間 2017/7/18
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《老年人太極拳教程》(TAi Chi for Seniors)文字插圖 簡介:   導讀: 簡介: 內容介紹:這本書是一本很好的老年人太極拳指南。本書通過一些實例介紹了打太極拳的好處。推薦大家下載收藏。This book gives you all the information you need to undertake a safe, health-imp 簡介: 內容介紹: 這本書是一本很好的老年人太極
"《老年人太極拳教程》(TAi Chi for Seniors)文字插圖"介紹
  導讀: 簡介: 內容介紹:這本書是一本很好的老年人太極拳指南。本書通過一些實例介紹了打太極拳的好處。推薦大家下載收藏。This book gives you all the information you need to undertake a safe, health-imp 簡介:

This book gives you all the information you need to undertake a safe, health-improving exercise regimen. These ancient Chinese exercises are fun and low impact and help to alleviate the pains of arthritis, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and many other senior diseases. The book presents an overview of the practice of t'ai chi-from the principles of the movements to the history of the art itself. It discusses various positions and helps you understand what you can hope to accomplish. Plus, methods outlined in this guide can be performed standing or seated with no previous experience necessary, and taking into consideration limited range of movement. All exercises are presented in an easy-to-learn style, with true stories illustrating the benefits that other mature adults have gained from these practices. Whether you are just beginning t'ai chi or simply looking for a supplemental text to use out of class, this your guide.


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