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《Maya次時代電影女性角色建模教程》(The.Gnomon.Workshop.Introduction.to.Character.Modeling)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : Maya次時代電影女性角色建模教程 英文名 : The.Gnomon.Workshop.Introduction.to.Character.Modeling 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 發行日期 : 2010年 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : 寫在前面: Gnomon workshop是世界權威的CG視頻網站. 他們在CG視頻教
中文名: Maya次時代電影女性角色建模教程
英文名: The.Gnomon.Workshop.Introduction.to.Character.Modeling
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行日期: 2010年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

Gnomon workshop是世界權威的CG視頻網站. 他們在CG視頻教程中是高質量的代名詞。他們定期邀請全世界的頂尖CG藝術家來為他們制作CG視頻教程,內容涵蓋面非常廣。
Gnomon教程. 讓我們在CG設計路上不再獨行~ 讓我們共同期待與業界CG頂尖設計師的面對面~ 少玩多花些時間多學習學習,讓我們的商業作品與眾不同~ Gnomon的教程向來以其前沿的技術和清晰的視頻質量而受到廣大用戶的青睐. ........
教程名稱: The Gnomon Workshop Introduction to Character Modeling
官網鏈接: http://www.thegnomonworkshop.com/store/product/875/
教程等級: 高級
教程使用到的軟件: Maya 以及 Zbrush
主講: Mark Dedecker
教程時長: 3小時54分
由Gnomon最新出品的Maya和Zbrush結合創建次時代電影女性角色模型。作者Mark Dedecker是自由職業藝術家,專門從事電影和游戲紋理特征的高,低分辨率模型創建....
在這張DVD教學中. Mark Dedecker將指導電影或次時代游戲的建模和雕刻的建模組織流程.Mark starts 從簡單的概念設計和指導草擬並理解技術和藝術家需要從新理解角色.從那裡他在 ZBrush 雕刻並帶回到Maya進行比較和換位,特別注意建立真實形體和剪影和從"丑陋的"的前期模型變得美好進入到下一個從表面化UV階段等等.

Freelance Character Artist
Mark Dedecker has worked as the lead character artist at Gentle Giant Studios and Ignition Entertainment, specializing in high and low resolution modeling and texturing for film and game characters. Currently a freelance character artist and Gnomon School instructor, Mark has worked on numerous films, games and collectibles. Some of Mark's work can be seen in Golden Axe, Iron Man, Species: The Awakening; and his digital double work has been on films such as The Hulk, 10,000 BC andThe Watchmen. Mark's bust of Spiderman 3's "Venom" was featured on the June 2007 cover of Toy Fare magazine. Mark graduated from Gnomon School of Visual Effects in 2006.
Course Description:
In this DVD, Mark Dedecker guides you through the initial stages of establishing an organized pipeline for modeling and sculpting a Next-Gen or Film character. Mark starts with a deceptively simple concept design and then guides you through the process of blocking out and understanding the technical and artistic needs for realizing this character. From there, he rough sculpts in ZBrush and brings back and forth into Maya, comparing and interchanging them. Special attention is paid to creating realistic forms and silhouettes and how to take them from an "ugly" rough to a nice piece ready for the next stages of re-surfacing UVs and so on.
Dissecting a Character 解剖一個角色
Assembling References and Creating Image Planes 組裝引用和創建圖像平面
Creating a Base Mesh. Using ZSpheres and Maya 使用ZSpheres和Maya創建一個基礎網格。
Blocking out Z Sculpture and Other Elements in Maya and ZBrush 阻斷Z Sculpture和Maya與ZBrush的其它元素
Refining Sculpt and Elements 精煉造型與元素
Hard Surface Blocking and Extraction 硬表面封閉和提取
Finishing Up the Model Before Resurfacing 整理之前重鋪路面的模型

Setting Up Reference設置參考圖
ZSpheres Z球體
Creating Base Sculpt Mesh建立基本雕刻網格
Rough Sculpt粗略雕刻
Exporting Hard Surface Blockout導出硬表面塊
Hard Surface Sculpting硬表面雕刻
Subtool Master子工具投影大師
Finalizing Sculpt Elements最終調整雕刻元素
Final Renders最終渲染

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