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Katherine Jenkins -《The Ultimate Collection》[FLAC]
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資源類別 人文社科
發布時間 2017/7/18
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Katherine Jenkins -《The Ultimate Collection》[FLAC] 簡介: 專輯介紹: 驚豔全球美聲天後 出道至今最動聽和撫慰人心之精選!五張英國古典專輯榜冠軍、連續兩屆英國古典音樂獎最佳專輯紀錄保持人,極品典藏大碟!凱瑟琳·詹金斯(Katherine Jenkins)前一張《Believe》專輯剛從前十的榜單中下來,而這張新專輯再次登榜(本周UK專輯榜#9),《The Ultimate Collection》爲凱瑟琳·詹金斯已發行的五張專輯的精選,或者說是她
"Katherine Jenkins -《The Ultimate Collection》[FLAC]"介紹

驚豔全球美聲天後 出道至今最動聽和撫慰人心之精選!五張英國古典專輯榜冠軍、連續兩屆英國古典音樂獎最佳專輯紀錄保持人,極品典藏大碟!凱瑟琳·詹金斯(Katherine Jenkins)前一張《Believe》專輯剛從前十的榜單中下來,而這張新專輯再次登榜(本周UK專輯榜#9),《The Ultimate Collection》爲凱瑟琳·詹金斯已發行的五張專輯的精選,或者說是她對以往與環球古典的片約曆程的一次回顧和總結。她在現階段,能清醒地認識自己,汲取過往成功的經驗和改進不足的地方,令人期許。
The world's favourite mezzo-soprano finally receives the best-of treatment with this collection of her most cherished recordings. From the crossovers of Cohen's 'Hallelujah' to the straight operatic conventions of Puccini's 'O Mio Babbino Caro', Jenkins proves that she is nothing if not versatile. Her lengthy career has also seen such highlights as a version of 'Time To Say Goodbye' (originally made famous by AndreaBocelli and Sarah Brightman) and Andrew Lloyd Webber's 'Music Of The Night', from his 'Phantom Of The Opera' musical. Throughout this collection, it is Jenkins' maturity beyond her years that impresses most in performance

I've Dreamed Of You

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