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《人體/動物解剖圖譜》(Atlas of Human Anatomy for th
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發布時間 2017/7/18
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《人體/動物解剖圖譜》(Atlas of Human Anatomy for th 簡介:   導讀: 簡介: Product DescriptionTo the standard material on bone and muscle has been added a section dealing with the types of human physique: a section on anatomy from birth to old age, and on death;
"《人體/動物解剖圖譜》(Atlas of Human Anatomy for th"介紹
  導讀: 簡介: Product DescriptionTo the standard material on bone and muscle has been added a section dealing with the types of human physique: a section on anatomy from birth to old age, and on death; an orien 簡介:

Product Description
To the standard material on bone and muscle has been added a section dealing with the types of human physique: a section on anatomy from birth to old age, and on death; an orientation on racial anatomy; and an analysis of facial expression.


(美國原版)Atlas of Human Anatomy for the Artist解剖圖譜
(美國原版)An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists

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