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《程序員應該知道的97件事》(97 Things Every Progra
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資源類別 計算機與網絡
發布時間 2017/7/14
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《程序員應該知道的97件事》(97 Things Every Progra 簡介:   導讀: 簡介: 內容簡介:Get 97 short and extremely useful tips from some of the most experienced and respected practitioners in the industry, including Uncle Bob Martin, Scott Meyers, Dan North, Linda Rising
"《程序員應該知道的97件事》(97 Things Every Progra"介紹
  導讀: 簡介: 內容簡介:Get 97 short and extremely useful tips from some of the most experienced and respected practitioners in the industry, including Uncle Bob Martin, Scott Meyers, Dan North, Linda Rising, Udi Da 簡介:

Get 97 short and extremely useful tips from some of the most experienced and respected practitioners in the industry, including Uncle Bob Martin, Scott Meyers, Dan North, Linda Rising, Udi Dahan, Neal Ford, and many more. They encourage you to stretch yourself by learning new languages, looking at problems in new ways, following specific practices, taking responsibility for your work, and becoming as good at the entire craft of programming as you possibly can.


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