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《系統缺陷/問題跟蹤》(TrackStudio Enterprise )v4.0.18 x86|x64|WAR [壓縮包]
下載分級 软件资源
資源類別 系統工具
發布時間 2017/7/11
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《系統缺陷/問題跟蹤》(TrackStudio Enterprise )v4.0.18 x86|x64|WAR [壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 系統缺陷/問題跟蹤 英文名 : TrackStudio Enterprise 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v4.0.18 x86|x64|WAR 發行時間 : 2013年 制作發行 : TrackStudio Ltd. 語言 : 英文 簡介 : TrackStudio是一種超配置的缺陷/問題跟蹤
"《系統缺陷/問題跟蹤》(TrackStudio Enterprise )v4.0.18 x86|x64|WAR [壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 系統缺陷/問題跟蹤
英文名: TrackStudio Enterprise
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v4.0.18 x86|x64|WAR
發行時間: 2013年
制作發行: TrackStudio Ltd.
語言: 英文



TrackStudio is an ultra-configurable bug/issue tracking system, workflow engine and document management system that can be used to track the progress of any kind of task such as issue resolution, requirements gathering, desktop support handling, project monitoring, hardware deployment and staff hiring.
Fully configurable workflows - any number of states and transitions means that you can create any number of workflows that mirror your business practices and that the application's use is only constrained by your imagination.
Hierarchical task tree - many tasks naturally comprise subtasks. TrackStudio allows any unlimited depth in the work breakdown structure (WBS) and can be configured to allow users to add and progress their own to-do items.
Multi-role support - in many companies different individuals have different roles depending on the project with which they are involved. TrackStudio supports working in a matrix managed environment.
Sophisticated permissions model - highly granular control over who can see and do what means that tasks can be shared with customers, contractors and third parties without compromising commercial or personal data.
High usability - the use of the same application for many different purposes within your organisation means that administrative and training costs are reduced as well as allowing users a consolidated view of the tasks assigned to them irrespective of the work area to which they relate.
Fast and scaleable design - tested and responsive with in-excess of 1 million tasks and 10,000 users the application is a genuine enterprise-wide solution.
Database and O/S independence - deploy on your platform of choice rather than be constrained by the requirements of the software.
Infinite number of up to 10 types of custom fields - meaning that you can associate with any task whatever types of data you want to have in a structured and queryable form.
Integration and extension capabilities - inbound and outgoing e-mail together with SOAP make the application one that can easily be linked to other systems.
System Requirements
System requirements for TrackStudio Enterprise
Full version of system includes all the necessary components. Installation of additional software is not required.
System Requirements for TrackStudio Enterprise are listed below:Component Requirements
Server Configuration Minimum Configuration:
Pentium 4 or equivalent, 1 GHz or more, 1 GB RAM; 1 GB of free disk space
Recommended configuration:
Core 2 Duo or equivalent, 1.5 GHz or more, 2 GB RAM; 2 GB of free disk space
Server Operating System Any of the following:
Microsoft Windows NT/2000/2003/XP
Oracle Solaris
DBMS Any of the following:
MS SQL Server 2000 SP3, 2005, 2008
Firebird 2.0 (Download)
PostgreSQL 8.4, 9 (Download)
HSQLDB[Supplied with TrackStudio Enterprise]
MySQL 4.1
Warning: MySQL 5.x is not supported. Recovery of corrupt MySQL 5.x databases may be done on payment basis. Prices are mentioned in the section Custom Development
Application Server / Web-server Any of the following:
Tomcat 6.x, 7.x (Download)
Jetty 6.x [Supplied with TrackStudio Enterprise]
JDK Sun JDK 1.6.x [Supplied with TrackStudio Enterprise]
Browser Any of the following:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0+
Firefox 3.5+
Google Chrome
Opera 9+
(SCM) Source Code Management Systems
[Optional] Any of the following:
CVS 1.1
Subversion 1.6

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²ß² Üß° members of the release scene. This isnt something °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° to share with your school mates and not for sale. ° Þ² Üß °Û
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° ßÜ ²Ý ° TrackStudio is an ultra-configurable issue tracking ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° system, workflow engine and document management ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° system that can be used to track the progress of ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± any kind of task such as issue resolution, ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° requirements gathering, desktop support handling, °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² project monitoring, hardware deployment and staff ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß hiring. ß²² ß²²Û²ß
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²Ü °²±²Ü ° 2. Use keymaker (java -jar ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
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° ßÜ ²Ý ° Currently, we have open positions to fill: ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° - You are a advanced cracker, and you are ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± interested to work on challenging software ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° protections, including retail (non public) °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² supplies, and/or iso utils. ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° You are familar with the common crypto °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° algorithms, or you are able to defeat commercial ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° software protection systems, such as Armadillo, ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° ASProtect, FlexLM, etc. ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° - You work at a software distribution place, °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² electronic store, software magazine, or any other ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß place where you are able to get fresh, unreleased ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° copies of applications, be it the mainstream, or °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° the more special stuff. Or if you have access in ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° any other way to registered user areas or such to ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° obtain retail software, which you are able to give ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± as a supply - be it for internal use only, or for ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° release usage. °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß - You work at a ISP, University or any other company ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° with at least 50mbit up/down and are able to °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° provide/share this connection for our usage. ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° People with an upstream below 50mbit do not need ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° to apply. ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° - You are able to provide hardware for our internal °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² usage. ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° - You are useful in any other way. °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° If one of the above fits your qualifications, do ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° not hesitate to contact us by mail/msn at: ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° [email protected] °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
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²Û²²ß ²²ß when contacting via MSN, please make sure to have ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° OTR (http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/) installed, °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
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° (( nFO layout by ixlover / buddha ))


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