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《磁盤整理優化工具》(Paragon Total Defrag 2009 retail)
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《磁盤整理優化工具》(Paragon Total Defrag 2009 retail) 簡介: 中文名 : 磁盤整理優化工具 英文名 : Paragon Total Defrag 2009 retail 發行時間 : 2008年 制作發行 : Paragon 地區 : 美國 簡介 : 下載鏈接來自shAreTHeFilEs,未經過安全檢測與安裝測試,使用者後果自負與本論壇無關。 資源版權歸作者及其公司所有,如果你喜歡,請購買正版。 語言:英語 網址:http:
"《磁盤整理優化工具》(Paragon Total Defrag 2009 retail)"介紹
中文名: 磁盤整理優化工具
英文名: Paragon Total Defrag 2009 retail
發行時間: 2008年
制作發行: Paragon
地區: 美國


Paragon Total Defrag 2009,有效提升磁碟和系統效能
Paragon Total Defrag 是著名的 Paragon 系列磁盤工具中最新的一款產品,它是可以用於對文件系統進行優化和整理的工具,程序提供的 Smart Defragmentation 磁盤整理技術,九種通用文件系統的優化方案和多種專有技術,可以幫助你將磁盤的性能提升到最大,磁盤碎片降低到零,讓你的電腦運行速度更快。支持最新的 vista 操作系統。
Paragon Total Defrag 2009 is a new comprehensive product for total file system defragmentation and optimization. Built on original Paragon technologies, it performs complete low-level defragmentation that provides almost zero fragmentation level. Due to its monopoly access to the file system on a hard drive, Paragon Total Defrag 2007 allows you to speed up and optimize all critical system files and metadata including MFT (Master File Table), directories, paging files, registry hives and others.
• Smart Defragmentation to maximize File System performance. Paragon Total Defrag performs safe boot-time defragmentation of MFT and paging files, online Directory Consolidation. Moreover, it defragments and moves critical system files and frequently accessed files together on the external (fast) cylinders of the hard disk to increase your system’s performance. Enhanced data access speeds mean faster virus scans, back-ups, and file searches.
• 9 File System Optimization Strategies to meet the individual needs of every system. Total Defrag enables you to use any of 9 optimization strategies on partitions of any size or number, whether your hard drives are IDE, SATA or SCSI. Paragon Total Defrag is fast, simple and secure way to get systems running Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 or new Windows Vista at the peak of its ability.
• Innovative Technologies to bring you fast and the most comprehensive defragmentation. Usage of original Paragon technologies allows to overcome limitations of build-in Windows Defrag (note that many commercial defragmenters use Windows defragmentation APIs, only interfaces differ). Thus, unlike other defragmenters, Paragon Total Defrag works at low-level, can sort and move files to external (fast) cylinders and requires less than 1% of free space on the hard drive to operate.
• Bootable CD/DVD to run Paragon Total Defrag without installation. One of the Paragon Total Defrag components is self-burning WindowsPE-based CD image you can use to create bootable CD or DVD. It allows to boot system and defragment all the available disks directly from bootable CD/DVD.
Paragon Total Defrag features:
• Online/Offline defragmentation of any disks/volumes including RAID systems
• Unique low-level file system defragmentation and optimization algorithms
• 9 different defragmentation strategies
• Boot-time defragmentation of critical system files
• Ability to speed up launch of applications
• Ability to maximize file system performance
• Complete file system optimization including directory consolidation, paging files, Master File Table (MFT), metadata, registry hives etc.
• Low free space defragmentation (less than 1% of free space on the hard drive required)
• Bootable CD image with “run-from-CD” edition included


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²²²   
² F.O.S.I. - P R E S E N T S
²° ±°
±² RLS DATE ..............: 02-Aug-2008 °
± RLS SiZE ..............: 04 * 5,00 MB ± ±²
²  RLS NAME ..............: fo-ptd9.zip ² °±
² °  ° ²
² ° ± PROTECTiON ............: N/A  ±° °
²²² ²° REQUiREMENTS ..........: Windows OS °² ²²±
 ± ² ± ±±² 
   ° ²± 
 ²° ±  ± 
°     
² ²  ° ±° ² ± ²
°²±±    DESCRiPTiON N' iNSTALLATiON     
If somebody asks you which part of your computer is the most
important, you’ll undoubtedly answer – a hard disk. You can change
many things in your PC but a hard disk needs a special treatment
because it keeps the most valuable – your information. As any
important thing a hard disk requires your care. Giving some
consideration to it you are able to increase efficiency of your
So, how can you optimize the disk system? A common problem that
often decreases the disk efficiency is non-optimal allocation of
files, the so-called file fragmentation is a process of storing
files on a hard disk, when file fragments are located so non
-optimally, that it leads to slow down read/write operations.
Usually it happens while updating files, when adjacent sectors are
occupied and the system writes updated fragments to farther
sectors. In this case the operating system spends more and more
time on search file fragments in different sectors of the disk
what causes problems decreasing the disk performance.. Under some
inevitable circumstances the system keeps fragments of a file in
different places of the disk, what significantly slows down
reading operations. To defragment files, it is sometimes necessary
to re-write them more compactly. It resembles threading beads –
file fragments are gathering one by one, after that the system
will spend less time on reading the file.
There are many solutions for the file fragmentation problem. Total
Defrag™ is one of them. It is a reliable tool, which provides 27
defragmentation is a process of re-writing file fragments on a
hard disk in an optimal way, when they are locating so compactly
that the operating system spends less time on searching separated
fragments. The defragmentation procedure resolves the file
fragmentation problem. strategies and uses unique low-level
optimization algorithms. Despite the complicity of tasks Total
Defrag has an easy-to-use interface. Moreover the present manual
will help you to find the answers to many of the technical
questions, which might arise while using the program.

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