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《系統維護工具》(TechTool Pro)v6.0.4[光盤鏡像]
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發布時間 2017/7/15
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《系統維護工具》(TechTool Pro)v6.0.4[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 資料介紹 語言:英語 網址:http://www.micromat.com/techtoolpro 類別:系統維護工具 TechTool Pro 是為 Mac OS X
"《系統維護工具》(TechTool Pro)v6.0.4[光盤鏡像]"介紹


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TechTool Pro 是為 Mac OS X 重新設計的全新工具程序,不但保留舊版原有的硬件偵測功能,還可檢查系統上其他重要功能,如:網絡連接,區域網絡等。隨時監控和保護您的電腦,並可預設定期檢查電腦狀況,如發現任何問題時,能自動發出電子郵件通知用戶。完全在 Cocoa 下發展,來確保強大功能和 Mac OS X 的完全兼容。同時也具有全新、易學易用的 aqua 操作接口與便於導覽的流暢窗口等優點。

TechTool Pro 具備整套 S.M.A.R.T (Self Monitoring Analysis And Reporting Technology)測試程序,通過對軟硬件作預先診斷和分析,用戶可在硬盤損壞前預先知道,同時能自動監察這些重要數據資料,如發現有可能損壞數據資料的情況,會向用戶作出警告,讓你在災難發生前備份重要數據資料。用戶甚至於可以將一個整體的 Mac OS X 啟動硬盤安裝在 iPod 上。這個工具不僅可以解除硬盤問題,也可以用於修復資料、重新分區硬盤、使用不同的 Mac OS 版本開機等。

● 保護電腦和數據
● 創建緊急修復分區
● 優化你的驅動器
● 從損壞的驅動器內恢復數據
● 在你的電腦上做日常的維護
● 測試新的技術
● 讓你的電腦運行的更快捷

● 全自動方式檢查電腦
● 測試驅動器,文件等等
● 表現選項,提高電腦的表現
● 工具套裝,包括很多非常有用的系統工具
● 安全工作,全方位的保護你的電腦

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Using TechTool Pro, you don’t need to be an expert, everything is easily accessible from a single interface. One-click diagnostics will scan critical CPU, memory, video hardware and more to identify impending problems to help you prevent costly repairs. So while it’s easy to use, TechTool Pro provides comprehensive testing that also delivers for the Mac professional.

Comprehensive testing and repair from a single, easy to understand intereface.
Create an emergency startup partition on the active system volume, no DVD is required.
Perform a SMART test on your internal drives to detect changes in reliability or failure.
Repair corrupt or damaged drive volumes, including newer solid-state devices (SSD’s).
Create exact duplicates of your volumes for trouble-free archiving.
Identify bad blocks on your hard drive to help restore the corrupted files located there.
Easily repair disk permissions to prevent problems accessing applications or files.
Recover trash deleted files and lost data.
Monitor device configuration to better manage the security of your Local Area Network.
Get continuous protection by monitoring your system, and receive alerts when aberrant behavior is detected to help you maintain top performance for your Mac every day.


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