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《計算機防毒軟件+網絡安全軟件》(avast! Pro Antivirus+Internet Security)v5.0.545 Final (ML, 32-64 bit) + Crack (Till 2024)[壓縮包]
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資源類別 安全相關軟件
發布時間 2017/7/13
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《計算機防毒軟件+網絡安全軟件》(avast! Pro Antivirus+Internet Security)v5.0.545 Final (ML, 32-64 bit) + Crack (Till 2024)[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 計算機防毒軟件+網絡安全軟件 英文名 : avast! Pro Antivirus+Internet Security 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v5.0.545 Final (ML, 32-64 bit) + Crack (Till 2024) 發行時間 : 2010年 制作發行 : AVAST Software a.s. 地區 : 捷克 語言 : 英文,
"《計算機防毒軟件+網絡安全軟件》(avast! Pro Antivirus+Internet Security)v5.0.545 Final (ML, 32-64 bit) + Crack (Till 2024)[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 計算機防毒軟件+網絡安全軟件
英文名: avast! Pro Antivirus+Internet Security
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v5.0.545 Final (ML, 32-64 bit) + Crack (Till 2024)
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: AVAST Software a.s.
地區: 捷克
語言: 英文,多語言

avast! Pro Antivirus
采用 avast! Sandbox 和 avast! AutoSandboxing 技術
獨創的開機掃描器,在 Windows 啟動之前便可掃清病毒

avast! Pro Antivirus 采用全虛擬化技術,為您提供更強的防護能力。 所有應用程序均可在虛擬的 Sandbox 環境中運行,因此可以將攻擊者阻擋在您的計算機之外。 此外,avast! SafeZone™ 還可為您打造一個獨立的桌面堡壘,為您的敏感操作保駕護航。防止中斷
我們的 Script Shield 可對所有訪問網頁、下載文件和 java 腳本進行掃描,檢測藏匿在網頁中的惡意腳本並阻止其劫持和破壞您的計算機。
在 Windows 啟動之前清除計算機中的病毒
在 Windows 操作系統開始激活任何隱藏的病毒或惡意軟件之前,我們獨特的開機掃描器便可清除計算機中的病毒(現在也適用於 64 位 Windows 7 和 Windows Vista 操作系統)。
avast! 超快的掃描速度再次得到證明。 反惡意軟件測試實驗室 (Anti-Malware Test Labs) 共測試了 16 款防病毒軟件,avast! 榮獲最高榮譽 - 鉑金表現獎 (Platinum Performance Award)。 選用 avast!,加速您的計算機!
要運行 avast! Pro Antivirus,您的計算機必須滿足以下條件。
Windows 7
Windows Vista(任何版本,不包括 Starter Edition)
Windows XP Service Pack 2 或更高版本
Pentium 3 處理器
128 MB RAM
100 MB 可用硬盤空間
請注意:avast! Pro Antivirus 僅可在安裝有 Windows XP 及更高版本的計算機上運行。不支持早期 Windows 操作系統 (Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000)。
另請注意,如果您的計算機上已安裝有其他防病毒軟件,avast! 將無法正常運行。
avast! Internet Security
采用全新的 avast! SafeZone™ 技術,為您提供最大防護
為您在社交網絡(例如 Facebook 等)上或使用即時消息聊天時提供安全保障

avast! Internet Security 提供全面的防病毒、反間諜、反垃圾郵件和防火牆防護功能,現在又增加了全新的 avast! SafeZone™ 技術。 它可以創建一個隔離的虛擬桌面,供您安全地進行網上購物和網上銀行操作,而任何黑客均無法察覺這一桌面。絕對隱私的網上購物和網上銀行操作
avast! SafeZone™ 可打開一個新的(干淨的)桌面,其他程序不會偵測到您當前的操作,並且在此桌面關閉後不會留下任何歷史記錄。
我們獲認證和屢獲好評的一流防病毒軟件引擎和防護功能甚至可以阻擋先前未知的威脅 – 讓您在聊天或使用社交網站(如 Facebook、Twitter 等)時無後顧之憂。
Internet Security 的反垃圾郵件功能可阻止垃圾郵件以及狡猾的釣魚軟件,避免您點擊會令您蒙受損失的“無惡意”鏈接。
要運行 avast! Internet Security,您的計算機必須滿足以下條件。
Windows 7
Windows Vista(任何版本,不包括 Starter Edition)
Windows XP Service Pack 2 或更高版本
Pentium 3 處理器
256 MB RAM
370 MB 可用硬盤空間
請注意:avast! Internet Security 僅可在安裝有 Windows XP 及更高版本的計算機上運行。不支持早期 Windows 操作系統 (Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000)。
另請注意,如果您的計算機上已安裝有其他防病毒軟件,avast! 將無法正常運行。
實時 rootkit 防護
防止在計算機操作系統加載時常規病毒掃描器無法檢測到的隱秘惡意軟件 (Rootkit)。
全面的垃圾郵件和網絡釣魚過濾器,作為 MS Outlook 插件以及其他電子郵件客戶端的常規 POP3/IMAP4 代理運行。
avast! WebRep
avast! CommunityIQ
我們的技術通過使用全球探測器網絡,以匿名方式采集提供授權的 avast! 用戶群的實際網絡浏覽體驗。 此信息隨後將與最新的病毒和感染網站信息一起用於保護 avast! 用戶。
通過 avast! CommunityIQ,avast! 在過去 30 天中已發現 77 155 個感染網站,並為 127 032 552 個用戶提供防護,使他們避免訪問這些網站。
在操作系統開始激活任何隱藏的病毒之前,掃描計算機中的病毒(現在也適用於 Windows 7 和 Windows Vista 操作系統)。
avast! SafeZone™
打開新的(干淨的)桌面,其他應用程序不會偵測到當前動作,並且在關閉後不會留下任何痕跡 - 特別適合網上銀行操作、安全訂購/網上購物。
提示用戶在虛擬 Sandbox 環境下運行可疑應用程序。
avast! Sandbox
Windows XP SP2+ 32 位
Windows Server 2003、Windows Vista、Windows 7(32 位和 64 位),僅支持 RTM 版(目前也支持 Windows 7 SP1 RC)
Windows 2000
Windows XP 64 位(安裝有任何 SP)
Windows Server 2003 64 位
Intelligent Scanner
根據安全可靠的應用程序白名單,將需要掃描文件的數量最多減少 80%。不會重新掃描被視為安全的文件,除非對該文件進行了更改。
avast! 實時防護 - 全天候防護
掃描所有傳入/傳出電子郵件是否攜帶惡意軟件(對於 MS Outlook,使用特殊插件)。
掃描所有訪問過的網頁、下載的文件和 java 腳本。由於有了智能數據流掃描功能,網頁防護不會降低網頁浏覽速度。
P2P 防護/即時消息防護
檢查通過 P2P 程序和即時消息或“聊天”程序時下載的文件。
通過兩大組件阻止網絡病毒:擁有阻擋惡意 URL 的 URL 阻止程序和輕型入侵檢測系統。
64 位支持
支持 Windows 7 和 Windows Vista 的 64 位架構平台。
病毒庫文件的新格式可實現更快速地更新,並且能夠減少對 CPU/內存的需求,避免干擾計算機的使用。
允許在兩個內核之間拆分較大的文件,進而加速全新多核 CPU 掃描進程,使 avast! 運行速度更快。

[安全相關]Avast! Pro Antivirus & Internet Security 6.0.100

.____ ___. ___. .__ ._ _. ___.
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| /_/ / _ \| __ \| __ \| | '_ \/ __ \| _ |/ _ \ / _ \ / __ |
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| | \_\____/|___ /___ /__|_| |\___ /|_| |_|\____/ \____/\____ |
\/Warez-4-Sharez\/ \/Presentz/____/ Thnx-to-the-united-Scene\/
.-._______ _______.-.
-( )_)______) avast! Pro AV + IS 5.0.545 Final + Crack (Till 2024) (______(_( )-
( ()___) (___() )
()__) (__()
(___()_) (_()___)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ALWIL Support Website for all ALWIL Products & all ALWIL Cracks:
NOTE: Please do not forget to leave behind as much information as possible
about where the product is from and about your personal identification data.
You'll then be contacted as soon as possible by the ALWIL Support Team!
Thank you for choosing ALWIL,
The ALWIL Support Team
avast! Pro AV + IS 5.0.545 Final (ML, 32-64 bit) + Crack (Till 2024)
Release date avast 5.0.545: May 06, 2010
Release date avast 5.0.545 crack: May 10, 2010
- avast! Internet Security 5.0.545 (Multilingual, 32-64 bit, Incl. firewall)
- avast! Pro Antivirus 5.0.545 (Multilingual, 32-64 bit, No firewall incl.)
- Avast_5.0.545 crack
- Install notes!.txt
- Readme!.txt
What does the crack do?:
The crack converts a downloaded avast 30 days trial license into a regular license,
valid till 19-04-2024.
The crack is only for:
- avast! Internet Security 5.0.545 (Multilingual, 32-64 bit, Incl. firewall)
- avast! Pro Antivirus 5.0.545 (Multilingual, 32-64 bit, No firewall incl.)
Installation notes:

01. Disconnect internet during installation.
02. Install avast! 5.0.545 (avast AV or avast IS) in trial mode.
03. It's recommended to uncheck "Participate in the avast! community".
(Such info is used to add crack signatures etc to the virus database.)
04. After installation do NOT reboot, and run avast.
05. At Settings -> Troubleshooting: Uncheck "Enable avast! self-defense module".
If avast! self-defense module can't be disabled before rebooting then reboot,
and disable avast! self-defense module.
06. Close avast! (stop AvastUI.exe and AvastSvc.exe through Windows Task Manager).
07. Copy the included cracked ashBase.dll from the crack folder into the install
directory of avast (to have it replaced with the original ashBase.dll file).
Default install path avast -> C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5
08. Reboot the computer, and run avast.
09. Activate avast by clicking on "Activate" to download a trial license.
(Or go to Maintenance -> Subscription -> Activate trial period.
10. The "avast! self-defense module" can now be enabled again.
Important notes:
- Update ONLY the engine and virus definitions. Do NOT update the program.
To disable Update Program: Settings-> Updates-> PROGRAM: Select "Manual update".
Description: avast! Internet Security 5.0.545 (ML, 32-64 bit, Incl. firewall)
Avast! Internet Security - is a suite of applications designed to protect
your computer from potential viruses and other threats from malicious software.
Proposed enhanced version 5.0 Premium also includes a number of additional
functions, including display module virtualization scenarios and processes,
and the package avast! Internet Security 5.0 includes antivirus engine, anti-
rootkit protection, anti-spyware protection, script shield, process virtualization,
command line scanner, anti-spam filter, and built-in firewall.
Avast Internet security includes all the features of the free Avast anti virus
and Firewall, and antispam. Once installed, avast runs silently in the background
to protect your computer against all known forms of malware with a real time virus
protection. Avast Internet Security also fully integrated antispam filter to
detect unwanted email.
Avast Internet Security provides complete computer security. It is designed for
people that shop and bank via the internet or store sensitive data on their
computers. Internet Security provides three new security features not in the Free
Antivirus that work together to ensure that your banking, financial, and sensitive
data is protected from hackers.
The Silent Firewall provides nearly automatic control of inbound and outbound
traffic with a white list of over 50,000 applications, digital signatures from
renowned vendors, and coordinated operation with avast protective shields.
The new antispam filter makes keeping the spam out easy with its single control
interface. It identifies more than 98 percent of spam with near-zero false
"Sandbox" process virtualization creates a virtual computer to test suspect files
and insulate the real computer from any damage caused by active malware.
Key features and benefits of avast! Internet Security 5:
- Lets you safely browse suspicious websites or run unknown applications
- Continuous protection against viruses and spyware
- Ensures all mails sent and received are clean
- Keeps you protected from "chat" infections
- Compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7
- Stops attacks from hijacked websites
- Allows safe and uninterrupted gaming
- New user interface
Key technologies of avast! Internet Security 5:
- Antivirus and anti-spyware engine
- avast! Sandbox
- Silent Firewall
- Antispam
- Behavior Shield
- avast! Intelligent Scanner
- Silent/Gaming Mode
- Real time anti-rootkit protection
- avast! Community IQ
- Behavioral Honeypots
- Smart virus updates
- Green computing
- avast! iTrack
- File System / Mail Shield
- Web Shield
- IM / P2P Shield
- Network Shield
- Script Shield
Description: avast! Antivirus Pro 5.0.545 (ML, 32-64 bit, No firewall incl.)
Avast Pro Antivirus 5.0 is for people and companies that want a customized
computer security package. Antivirus and internet protection components in Avast
Pro Antivirus are built for easy integration with existing firewalls in users'
home or work computers. Pro Antivirus has two major additions to the core
protection elements in Avast Free Antivirus: the Script Engine and the Sandbox.
avast! antivirus software provides complete virus protection for your computer.
Antivirus engine is complemented by anti-spyware, firewall and antispam modules
to protect you against phishing schemes, identity theft and internet-distributed
web viruses. Automatic updates for greater user convenience and safety. Top user
ratings among free antivirus software. The new avast! Free Antivirus 5.0 includes
a spyware detection engine. To protect you from identity theft as well as viruses.
avast! Pro Antivirus - better protection during web surfing.
Full-featured antivirus software. Better than our free antivirus, especially for
web surfing, but without the firewall and antispam included in avast! Internet
Security. Also if you wish to customize your security, this is the recommended
Key features and benefits of avast! Pro Antivirus 5:
- Lets you safely browse suspicious websites or run unknown applications
- Continuous protection against viruses and spyware
- Ensures all mails sent and received are clean
- Keeps you protected from "chat" infections
- Compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7
- Stops attacks from hijacked websites
- Allows safe and uninterrupted gaming
- New user interface
Key technologies avast! of Pro Antivirus 5:
- Antivirus and anti-spyware engine
- Real time anti-rootkit protection
- avast! Intelligent Scanner
- File System / Mail Shield
- Silent/Gaming Mode
- Behavioral Honeypots
- Behavior Shield
- Smart virus updates
- avast! Community IQ
- avast! Sandbox
- Green computing
- IM / P2P Shield
- Network Shield
- Script Shield
- avast! iTrack
- Web Shield
Changes in avast! avast! Pro Antivirus + Internet Security 5.0.545:
- Right-to-left support
- Improved detection of droppers
- Added Croatian and Arabic language packs
- Compatibility improvements in the Web Shield
- Various fixes in the Outlook antispam add-in
- Solved a bug related to submission of false positives
- Setup program of the Pro AV now also accepts v4.x license keys
- Improvements in the Behavior Shield (realtime antirootkit part)
- Sandbox: many functional, stability and performance improvements
- Finally works with major screen readers (avast is now blind-friendly)
- Firewall: VPN compatibility fixes (should now work even in Public zone etc)
- Firewall: solved an issue related to hang or crash of the afwServ.exe process
System Requirements avast! Internet Security 5:
- Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 (32/64 bit)
- Processor Pentium 3
- 128 MB RAM
- 100 MB of free hard disk space
System Requirements avast! Pro Antivirus 5:
- Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 (32/64 bit)
- Processor Pentium 3
- 128 MB RAM
- 100 MB of free hard disk space
More info:
>>>When using TPB please read these important notes:
01- AV software may warn about keygens, patches, cracks etc because of their
capabilities and signatures (generating codes, etc). Sometimes also they're
added to the virus/spyware database and will be detected as malware. If not
trusting keygens, patches, cracks etc don't use them.
02- To avoid AV software removing/blocking clean cracks etc: exclude the crack
or folder from being auto-protected & auto-scanned by the AV software.
03- If AV software removed a clean crack usually it can be restored
(if it's not in Quarantaine then look at History or something similar).
04- To avoid risks when using cracks also Sandboxie can be used to test them:
05- Before running .exe-files, keygens, patches, cracks etc always check first
if they can be unpacked. Often some thirth party added a virus to the
original file, repacked it, and uploaded it again.
06- Letting AV software software sending scan results to their companies
can cause keygens, patches, cracks etc being added to their virus-database.
07- Firewalls which are set to automatically decide for connections will allow
connections for lots of apps & MALWARE!. To avoid so firewalls should be set
to decide yourself which connection to allow or not.
08- Clicking on unknown links can coz malware being silently installed on a pc!
09- Usually (new) torrents with extreme many downloads & seeders in a short time
are very suspicious! Torrents with a SKULL-logo are trusted.
10- Some (frustrated) people use multiple accounts and post lots of FAKE comments
and/or files trying to spread confusion. Usually they NEVER seriously reply
on comments and don't have any torrent, or to look reliable just a few.
11- In general often there are more fake & negative comments than reliable &
positive comments.
12- In some countries uploading/downloading copyright-protected material is
forbidden, but showing some appreciation to reliable uploaders is not.
13- Posting FAKE comments & uploads on TPB can result in getting banned from TPB!
For reporting bad or suspicious torrents:
For visiting "TPB's Most Ridiculous Comments":
For visiting my account:
This torrent is scanned with:
1- Norton Internet Security
2- Avira AntiVir Premium
3- avast! Pro Antivirus
4- Kaspersky Antivirus
Also scanned with most well known antispyware. Reported malware detected
by other anti-malware software probably are false positives!
To the "United Reliable The Pirate Bay Users",
Nowadays a lot of TPB members abuse their TPB membership by intenionally posting
fake comments & files. Their meaning is just to spread confusion and try to
frustrate TPB and it's users. And less downloaders = less seeders = less
downloadspeed etc etc.
It's in the benefit of TPB and all reliable users to warn each other about people
who intenionally keep posting fake comments & files. It's an easy answer against
those who intenionally keep posting fake comments & files, which is a never
ending issue.
When reporting errors or false positives just keep in mind that what goes up for
one does not always goes up for another. That's for both the working of an app
and about false positives! Remember: whatever is said, say it constructive!
Let's just try to help each other and TPB by thinking about what's said & posted.
Things are all up to you, the "United Reliable The Pirate Bay Users"!
Enjoy The Pirate Bay

* Status torrent at May 11, 2010 - 20.15 CET: clean, tested & working.



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