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《吉他打譜軟件》(Arobas Guitar Pro)v6.0.7.9063/含注冊機[壓縮包]
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發布時間 2017/7/11
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《吉他打譜軟件》(Arobas Guitar Pro)v6.0.7.9063/含注冊機[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 吉他打譜軟件 英文名 : Arobas Guitar Pro 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v6.0.7.9063/含注冊機 發行時間 : 2010年 制作發行 : Copyright © 1997-2010 Arobas Music 地區 : 法國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : INSTALL NOTES: 1. Install the Applic
"《吉他打譜軟件》(Arobas Guitar Pro)v6.0.7.9063/含注冊機[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 吉他打譜軟件
英文名: Arobas Guitar Pro
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v6.0.7.9063/含注冊機
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Copyright © 1997-2010 Arobas Music
地區: 法國
語言: 英文

1. Install the Application
2. Enter anything for Username and Key ID, use as much data as it can fit
3. Choose offline activation
4. Use keygen to generate Activation Key
Optionally apply the disable-updates.reg or use the application to disable automatic updates.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
問題反饋: http://www.guitar-pro.com/en/index.php?pg=support
網站鏈接: http://www.guitar-pro.com/en/index.php
Guitar Pro 6.0 震撼發布,全新吉他音色,堪比真琴效果!
等了四年了!Guitar Pro 6 終於發布了,試用了下,太爽了!
這是自帶的演示曲 all of them witches 裡,節奏吉他使用的三塊效果器,過載、失真、均衡,每塊的音色都非常好。個人認為,失真的音色,可以達到 Guitar Rig 4的效果。
用過載激勵後,音色更有勁了。 還帶有前級設置!!!
Guitar Pro 6,能帶給兩種人非常大的好處:
一是自己玩琴,需要伴奏的人。Guitar Pro 6的音色,在自娛自樂方面已經完全勝任了。如果自己有了一段動機,即時把伴奏寫出來,跟著彈,那是非常爽的,也非常利於創作。而且, Guitar Pro 6 的編輯和修改,更方便,十分鐘不到,一段帶鼓、吉他、貝斯、鍵盤的16小節伴奏就出來了,方便音色又好。這就是 Guitar Pro 最吸引人的地方之一。
如果用 cubase 配合各種專業音源,那得累死,那比較適合出正式小樣。
說實話,一般往網上發自己的錄音,用 Guitar Pro 6 的音色,是綽綽有余了!
二是經常看譜,需要 Guitar Pro 來示范演奏的。看譜的體驗增加了多標簽,很方便。示范演奏配合著高質量的音色,讓你一聽就知道一些細節是怎麼彈得,更加的還原。
Guitar Pro 6 跟 5 一樣,分為主程序和音色庫兩部分,主程序可以獨立安裝。主程序幾十兆左右,音色庫則有 1.7G!大小就是音色的保證啊!大家自己來嘗鮮吧。
再說一下兼容性,GTP6 對以往格式兼容很好,打開後,直接用 GTP6 的音色庫播放,真是爽極了。

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| Arobas Guitar Pro v6.0.7.9063 |
| (c) Arobas Music |
| date : 25 Dec, 2o1o size : 07 disks/5.00 MB |
| os : WinAll language : English |
| type : Music |
| protection : RSA512 |
|_____________________________________________________________. |
: | .' :
._ | |__________________________________________________. | _.
|/ | | \|

\ | | /
\ | Guitar Pro is first and foremost a program designed to edit | /
\| tablatures for guitar, bass, and other fretted instruments |/
` from 4 to 8 strings. '
. .
: Its great ease of use and the success of its specific file :
| format have made it a program used by guitarists worldwide. |
| |
| It now includes editing support for many other instruments |
| like the piano or the drums, a realistic audio engine, and |
| interactive tools to support every musician's practice. |
| |
| Interface |
| An optimal display of your score, together with all the |
| tools you need for editing, sound-setting, and playing your |
| instrument. |
| |
| Choose your display options from the screen or page mode, |
| horizontal or vertical scrolling, monotrack, multitrack, |
| and full-screen mode, and 25-800% zooming. |
| |
| Editing |
| All of the tools you need to create and edit scores, right |
| at hand. Quickly and easily capture the notes with the |
| keyboard and its many shortcuts, with the mouse, or yet |
| again with a MIDI instrument. |
| |
| All of the symbols and effects |
| With Guitar Pro, add all of the common musical symbols to |
| your score, most notable those that are specific to the |
| guitar and other fretted instruments. |
| |
| Customize your score New |
| Based on the classic or jazz styles, you can set 70 |
| different parameters, configure the outlook of your scores |
| exactly as you wish, and get professional-level paper |
| printouts. |
| |
| Audio |
| Guitar Pro is also a powerful score player, which |
| facilitates composing or learning a piece. |
| |
| The RSE: realistic audio playback |
| The RSE (Realistic Sound Engine) technology includes the |
| realistic studio recordings of instruments, as well as some |
| effect modelisations that are the result of years of |
| research. |
| You'll get access to over a hundred soundbanks, and over |
| fifty effects pedals and amps. We provide many presets for |
| all styles, and you can also configure your own effect |
| chains. You can apply a mastering to the final result, with |
| a compressor-limiter, a reverb, and a 10-track equalizer. |
| You can also listen to your scores in MIDI sound. |
| |
| Optimized playback options |
| During playback, the score automatically scrolls on and a |
| highlighted cursor lets you know which note is being |
| played. You can adjust tempo, and play all or part of a |
| piece in loops. The Speed Trainer will then let you play |
| any section of the score in loops with progressive |
| accelerations. This is very useful to practice a solo or a |
| complex guitar riff! |
| All of the effects specific to the guitar (e.g., bend, |
| slide, ghost notes, etc.) are rendered into the playback, |
| as well as the various possible playing styles - |
| pickstroking, fingerpicking or slapping, for instance. |
| |
| Tools |
| Guitar Pro is a true workshop for guitarists: chord and |
| scale libraries, tuner, metronom, virtual fretboard and |
| keyboard. |
| All of those tools work with fretted instruments from 4 to |
| 8 strings. |
| |
| Diagram generator |
| Request any chord in any tuning, and Guitar pro will |
| display all possible finger positions for you. Draw a |
| diagram by clicking on the grid, and Guitar Pro will |
| suggest all possible names for that chord. |
| |
| Scale engine |
| The scale engine presents a large directory of scales, from |
| the most common to the most exotic, for you to look at and |
| listen to. Whichever scale you select can be shown on the |
| fretboard or keyboard to work as support for you to write |
| your score. The search function also allows you to quickly |
| find out what scale is being used in all or part of the |
| score. |
| |
| MIDI and digital tuners |
| The digital tuner allows you to tune your guitar by |
| plugging it into the soundcard, or via a microphone. You |
| can also simply tune your guitar by ear, string by string, |
| with the MIDI tuner. |
| Those work for all possible tunings. |
| |
| Virtual fretboard and keyboard |
| The virtual fretboard and keyboard are here to help you see |
| the notes from the score, or capture them into it. They can |
| show you the notes of the current beat, as well as the |
| notes of the next beat, of the whole bar or yet again of |
| the scale you have selected. Those are indispensable tools |
| if you are beginning or is you wish to capture notes with |
| the mouse. |
| |
| Share |
| Since the Guitar Pro format has become a true standard on |
| the Internet, the software will let you enjoy thousands of |
| scores that are already available over many websites (files |
| in *.gp3, *.gp4, *.gp5 and *.gpx formats) |
| |
| |
| 1. Install the Application |
| 2. Enter anything for Username and Key ID, use as much data |
| as it can fit |
| 3. Choose offline activation |
| 4. Use keygen to generate Activation Key |
| |
| Optionally apply the disable-updates.reg or use the |
| application to disable automatic updates. |
| |
| Merry Christmas to everyone! |
| |
| Thanks to our friends in AiR for helping with this great |
| app! |
| __|__ __
|_ E n j o y . . . /\ \\ `
|_|_____________________________________________________ __/ \____\\
)/\ \ / /
:::::::::::::::: [ g r o u p . i n f o ] ::::::::::: " \_\/____/
_ ____________________________________________________ _ / /\
|_| /____/ \
| It is 2010, and we are still here, almost 10 years `" \ /
| old. We strive to bring you quality above all else, .____\/
| and hope to inspire other groups to do the same. |
| |
| Let us set an example, and motivate future generations |
| to learn reverse engineering, and join the scene. |
__ __|__ |
' // /\ We hope that, with your help, we can continue to |
//____/ \__ tackle every protection. |
\ \ / / |
\____\/_/ Contact information: [email protected] |
/\ \ . |
/ \____\ E M B R A C E .:: |
\ / "' established in October 2000 . .: .:::: |
\/____. _ _______________________ ______________________________|
__/ /_
[ g r e e |_ __/ i n g s ]
i.___________________________/ /_______________________________.i
| |
| |
. .
. ... and to all our old members: may you one day find .
' | your way back to us! ... | `
i | | i
__| |_ From the sky we will rise and conquer like we did so _| |___
/\ __ many times before, we will show the spirit of .. __ /\
/ \__/\ ....... /\__/ \
\ / \ `:::' .. / \ /
\/_ \ :::::: ::. ` .:: :::::: `: :: :::::: / _\/
/ \___ _ : ...: : `:' : : ...:. : : : _ ___/ \
\ / :..... : :. .: : :.....: : :....: \ /
\ / `:' \ /
\ / :. .: E M B R A C E ! \ /
\/__ _ `:' _ __\/



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