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《PC Tools 反間諜軟件》(PC Tools Spyware Doctor™)v8.0.0.63[壓縮包]
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《PC Tools 反間諜軟件》(PC Tools Spyware Doctor™)v8.0.0.63[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : PC Tools 反間諜軟件 英文名 : PC Tools Spyware Doctor™ 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v8.0.0.63 發行時間 : 2011年 制作發行 : PC Tools. 語言 : 英文 簡介 : PC Tools Spyware Doctor™ 贏得大獎的反間諜程序軟件,保護您電腦免受隱私及追蹤威脅的困擾。 Spywar
"《PC Tools 反間諜軟件》(PC Tools Spyware Doctor™)v8.0.0.63[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: PC Tools 反間諜軟件
英文名: PC Tools Spyware Doctor™
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v8.0.0.63
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: PC Tools.
語言: 英文

PC Tools Spyware Doctor™
Spyware Doctor 可實現完善的間諜軟件防御,對計算機的影響微乎其微。

30 天全額退款保證。.
Smart Updates 在後台提供頻繁的自動更新,持續保護您的系統。
PC Tools Spyware Doctor 防間諜軟件下載量累計已超過 1.6 億次,並以每周數百萬次的下載量增長。全球各地的用戶使用 Spyware Doctor 保護他們的計算機不受間諜軟件、廣告軟件、木馬、鍵盤記錄程序、網絡釣魚攻擊及其他惡意在線安全威脅的侵害。Spyware Doctor 采用多種技術(包括主動、被動和自動防護)在每個入口點阻止安全威脅,從而保護您的計算機免受惡意軟件攻擊。
Spyware Doctor 曾多次榮獲由世界各地(包括美國、英國、瑞典、德國和澳大利亞)領先的 PC 雜志和測試實驗室評選的“編輯選擇”獎。此外,Spyware Doctor 在 2005 年以免費間諜軟件掃描而領先市場,於當年年底及 2006 年兩度榮獲著名的“年度最佳”獎。 之後 Spyware Doctor 又榮膺多家世界頂級 PC 出版刊物(如 PC World、PCMagazine、PC Pro、PC Plus、PC Authority、PC Utilities、PC Advisor、PC Choice、Microdatorn、Computer Bild 和 PC Answers Magazine)評選的最高獎項。
注:如果您選擇使用防間諜軟件,請務必選擇經過一家或多家世界領先研究實驗室(如 PC Magazine、PC World、CNET、PC Pro Magazine、PC Authority、PC Answers 及其他可信賴實驗室)驗證且獲頒其獎項的軟件。更重要的是,不要采信源於無名防間諜軟件評論網站的評級,因為這些網站通常意圖誤導您購買附屬、劣質或虛假的產品。
您是否知道,對比 Spyware Doctor 測試的大量免費防間諜軟件程序只檢測到了很少一部分的間諜軟件,而完全刪除的間諜軟件數量則更少?此外,大多數對比測試的產品無法有效地實時從源頭阻止間諜軟件安裝到用戶的計算機上。
Spyware Doctor 防間諜軟件可保證您安全地連接到互聯網。與傳統簽名方式相比,ThreatFire™ 行為智能保護功能可以更迅速地阻止安全威脅。IntelliGuard™ 保護功能可監控各種惡意活動,包括間諜軟件、跟蹤 cookie、可疑的 ActiveX® 對象、浏覽器劫持、鍵盤記錄程序、木馬等等。
Spyware Doctor 具有最先進的更新功能,可以每日持續提高其防間諜軟件的能力。隨著間諜軟件為逃避防間諜軟件程序的檢測而變得日益復雜,Spyware Doctor 也不斷采用新技術,始終領先一步。通過多層浏覽保護,Spyware Doctor 可防御基於 Web 的攻擊,包括網絡釣魚、恐嚇戰術和隱蔽式自動惡意下載,使您可以安全連接互聯網。
Spyware Doctor 采用先進的惡意軟件刪除技術,可涵蓋必要的保護范圍,而不會以令人迷惑的功能影響您的工作速度。“狀態察覺模式”能夠直觀地檢測您使用計算機的方式,並據此做出適當調整,盡可能降低對計算機性能的影響Spyware Doctor 防間諜軟件特別面向普通用戶而不只是專家而設計,因此安裝和使用都非常簡單。此款一流的防間諜軟件自動設置為提供最佳防護。
Spyware Doctor 采用先進的 IntelliGuard 技術,僅在檢測到真正的間諜軟件時才會警示用戶。也就是說,您不會在每次安裝軟件、向收藏夾添加站點或更改您計算機的設置時,都被奇怪的問題所打斷。這種問題信息可能令人感到迷惑,並導致不希望發生的後果,例如程序無法運行、收藏夾丟失,甚至允許間諜軟件安裝在系統上。我們負責一切調查,您無需費心!
先進的 rootkit 檢測技術可識別並刪除隱藏在您計算機中的安全威脅。
新!提供多層浏覽保護以抵御基於 Web 的攻擊,包括網絡釣魚、恐嚇戰術和隱蔽式自動下載。
Site Guard 可阻止您訪問可能不安全的網站或網絡釣魚網站,並阻止您通過浏覽器、即時通信軟件或電子郵件下載安全威脅。
Cookie Guard 可自動刪除潛在的惡意跟蹤 cookie 和廣告 cookie。
Browser Guard 可阻止從被感染的網站或惡意網站自動下載虛假防病毒軟件和惡意文件。
IntelliGuard™ 實時持續保護功能可監控各種惡意活動,包括間諜軟件、跟蹤 cookie、可疑的 ActiveX 對象、浏覽器劫持、鍵盤記錄程序、木馬等等。
IntelliGuard™ 技術可阻止潛在的安全威脅感染您的計算機。
Intelli-Scan™ 可快速搜尋並消除活躍的間諜軟件威脅 - 通過 spider scanning 技術(正申請專利)迅速識別並刪除這些威脅。
ThreatFire™ 智能行為保護功能采用的技術與傳統簽名方式相比,能夠更迅速地阻止新出現的安全威脅。
Behavior Guard 基於 ThreatFire 的 ActiveDefense 技術(正申請專利)構建,可通過智能方式掃描並分析計算機進程,從而精確地檢測並阻止任何惡意活動,只需添加該插件即可。
Smart Updates 提供頻繁的自動更新,通過無提示地安裝產品更新和升級,在不影響您在線活動的情況下提供持續保護,從而防御最新的惡意軟件。
改進! 初始下載文件更小,可以更快速地安裝並開始保護您的計算機。
微調每個 IntelliGuard™ 的高級設置、歷史日志等等。
新!使用保護報告卡,您可以查看在過去 30 天內 PC Tools 是如何保護您的計算機的。
AOSS Rescue CD 現已推出。
Spyware Doctor 有 28 種語言版本。
所防護的間諜軟件: 間諜軟件(Spyware)、廣告病毒 (Adware)、木馬間諜軟件(Spyware Trojans) 、按鍵記錄器(Keyloggers)、身份竊取 (Identity Theft)、 劫持者(Hijackers)、記錄威脅軟件 (Tracking Threats) 、虛假反間諜軟件(Rogue Anti-Spyware)、多余軟件 (Unwanted Software) 、網絡釣魚(Phishing)、彈出窗口(Popups)及惡意網站(Bad Websites)。


Current Version:
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 (32bit, 64bit), Windows Vista SP1+ (32bit, 64bit), Windows XP SP2+ (32bit)
Release Date: August 31, 2010
Protection Against: Spyware, Adware, Spyware Trojans, Keyloggers, Identity Theft, Hijackers, Tracking Threats, Rogue Anti-Spyware, Unwanted Software, Phishing, Popups and Bad Websites.
Powerful antispyware protection to suit any need
IMPROVED! Detection, blocking and removal of threats awarded top ratings by independent testing labs and recommended by reviewers worldwide.
* Advanced rootkit detection technology identifies and removes hidden threats from your PC.
* NEW! Memory Scanner helps eradicate threats lurking on your PC.
NEW! Multi-layered browsing protection against web-based attacks including phishing attempts, scare tactics and silent automatic downloads.
* NEW! Download Guard checks your downloads against a cloud-based network
* Uses a combination of reactive blacklists and proactive content analysis.
* Site Guard blocks you from visiting potentially unsafe or phishing websites and from downloading threats through your browser, IM or email.
* Cookie Guard automatically removes potentially malicious tracking and advertising cookies.
* Browser Guard stops automatic downloads, fake AV and malicious files from compromised or exploit websites.
Constant real-time IntelliGuard™ protection monitors for malicious activity involving spyware, tracking cookies, suspicious ActiveX objects, browser hijackers, keyloggers, Trojans and more.
* IntelliGuard™ technology stops potential threats before they infect your PC.
Intelli-Scan™ swiftly hunts and kills active spyware threats – utilizes patent-pending spider scanning technology to quickly identify and remove threats.
Securely connecting you to your online world
ThreatFire™ Behavioral Intelligence features technology to block new threats faster than traditional signature methods.
Behavior Guard, built on ThreatFire’s patent-pending ActiveDefense technology, intelligently scans and analyzes computer processes to accurately detect and block any malicious activity when you simply add the plug-in.
Smart Updates provide frequent automatic updates to combat the newest malware by silently installing product updates and upgrades that keep you protected without interrupting your online activity.
24/7 Global Malware Research Center constantly tackles the latest threats and implements new technology to quickly combat cybercrime, keeping your online network safe.
Stay protected without the slow down
Provides essential coverage without being slowed down by confusing features.
Install, set and forget with our default settings that are automatically set to optimize protection.
IMPROVED! Smaller initial download size installs faster and begins protecting your PC quickly.
State Awareness Modes intuitively detect how you are using your PC and adjust to minimize performance impact and reduce interruptions.
* Game Mode automatically detects your PC switching into full-screen mode for games, movies or presentations and ensures an uninterrupted experience.
* Power Saving Mode postpones power-intensive tasks until your laptop is plugged in, extending battery life.
IMPROVED! More scan control to optimize PC performance and get the essential coverage you need without the features you don’t.
* NEW! The ability to disable idle scan for optimal PC performance.
* Tweak advanced settings for each IntelliGuard™, history logs and more.
Additional spyware blocking features
NEW! Protection report card to keep you informed of how PC Tools has protected your PC over the last 30 days.
AOSS Rescue CD available.
Spyware Doctor is available in 28 languages.


Current Version:
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 (32bit, 64bit), Windows Vista SP1+ (32bit, 64bit), Windows XP SP2+ (32bit)
Protection Against: Spyware, Adware, Spyware Trojans, Keyloggers, Identity Theft, Hijackers, Tracking Threats, Rogue Anti-Spyware, Unwanted Software, Phishing, Popups and Bad Websites.
Add-ons: Optional plug-ins are available for Spyware Doctor including Site Guard, Email Guard and Behavior Guard


Spyware Doctor™ provides three-way spyware protection for your PC through real-time threat blocking, advanced system scanning and immunization against known browser infections. Spyware Doctor is a multi-award winning spyware removal utility that detects, removes and protects your PC from thousands of potential spyware, adware, Trojans, keyloggers, spybots and tracking threats. Protect your privacy and computing habits from prying eyes and virtual trespassers with the help of Spyware Doctor.
Spyware Doctor - a program to protect your PC from spyware infiltration and adware, trojans, keyloggers, unwanted software, phishing, pop-up advertising windows, malicious sites, rootkits, etc. Spyware Doctor monitors the activity in the browser, the work of ICQ and other programs that you use the Internet. Detects, removes and blocks all types of threats from spyware and adware. In the case of malicious software in the system of Spyware Doctor will easily get rid of them. It has a friendly interface and easy to use.
Detects, removes and blocks all types of spyware.
Did you know that numerous programs tested against the application Spyware Doctor, detected only small fraction of Spyware and completely removed an even smaller amount? In addition, most of them failed in the first place Best of the computer spyware in real time.
Spyware Doctor has the most advanced update feature that continually improves its ability to combat spyware on a daily basis. As Spyware gets more complex to avoid detection AntiSpyware programs, Spyware Doctor responds with new technology to stay one step ahead.
Easy to use.
Enhanced Spyware Doctor specially designed for ordinary users, rather than professional experts. This is one reason why she was awarded the "People's Choice Award in 2005, 2006 and 2007. It is automatically configured with a minimum number of requests to ensure optimal protection. That is, immediately after the installation and ongoing protection.
Enhanced Spyware Doctor's OnGuard only alerts users about the fact of detection of spyware. And this is significant because you should not be interrupted by cryptic questions every time you install software, add the site to your favorites or change your PC settings. Such messages can be confusing and lead to undesirable consequences, such as inoperable programs, lost favorites or run-in spyware. We've done the research, and this is no longer necessary.
"A comprehensive protection from malicious programs
"Real-time protection in real time
"Advanced Detection and Removal Technology
»Zero-Day Protection - protection against new and unknown threats before their discovery
"An improved method for detecting rootkits sets
"Background mode, low CPU
"Automatic updates using the technology of Smart Update
New features and enhancements:
"Better protection, better scanner, less consumption of system resources
"Password protection to prevent unauthorized access
"No messages in full screen mode


Current Version:
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 (32bit, 64bit), Windows Vista SP1+ (32bit, 64bit), Windows XP SP2+ (32bit)
Release Date: August 31, 2010
Protection Against: Spyware, Adware, Spyware Trojans, Keyloggers, Identity Theft, Hijackers, Tracking Threats, Rogue Anti-Spyware, Unwanted Software, Phishing, Popups and Bad Websites.
IMPROVED! Detection, blocking and removal of threats awarded top ratings by independent testing labs and recommended by reviewers worldwide.
Advanced rootkit detection technology identifies and removes hidden threats from your PC.
NEW! Memory Scanner helps eradicate threats lurking on your PC.
NEW! Multi-layered browsing protection against web-based attacks including phishing attempts, scare tactics and silent automatic downloads.
NEW! Download Guard checks your downloads against a cloud-based network
Uses a combination of reactive blacklists and proactive content analysis.
Site Guard blocks you from visiting potentially unsafe or phishing websites and from downloading threats through your browser, IM or email.
Cookie Guard automatically removes potentially malicious tracking and advertising cookies.
Browser Guard stops automatic downloads, fake AV and malicious files from compromised or exploit websites.
Constant real-time IntelliGuard™ protection monitors for malicious activity involving spyware, tracking cookies, suspicious ActiveX objects, browser hijackers, keyloggers, Trojans and more.
IntelliGuard™ technology stops potential threats before they infect your PC.
Intelli-Scan™ swiftly hunts and kills active spyware threats – utilizes patent-pending spider scanning technology to quickly identify and remove threats.
Securely connecting you to your online world
ThreatFire™ Behavioral Intelligence features technology to block new threats faster than traditional signature methods.
Behavior Guard, built on ThreatFire’s patent-pending ActiveDefense technology, intelligently scans and analyzes computer processes to accurately detect and block any malicious activity when you simply add the plug-in.
Smart Updates provide frequent automatic updates to combat the newest malware by silently installing product updates and upgrades that keep you protected without interrupting your online activity.
24/7 Global Malware Research Center constantly tackles the latest threats and implements new technology to quickly combat cybercrime, keeping your online network safe.
Stay protected without the slow down
Provides essential coverage without being slowed down by confusing features.
Install, set and forget with our default settings that are automatically set to optimize protection.
IMPROVED! Smaller initial download size installs faster and begins protecting your PC quickly.
State Awareness Modes intuitively detect how you are using your PC and adjust to minimize performance impact and reduce interruptions.
Game Mode automatically detects your PC switching into full-screen mode for games, movies or presentations and ensures an uninterrupted experience.
Power Saving Mode postpones power-intensive tasks until your laptop is plugged in, extending battery life.
IMPROVED! More scan control to optimize PC performance and get the essential coverage you need without the features you don’t.
NEW! The ability to disable idle scan for optimal PC performance.
Tweak advanced settings for each IntelliGuard™, history logs and more.



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