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《開源圖形處理器 MIAOW》(Open Source GPGPU MIAOW)[壓縮包]
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《開源圖形處理器 MIAOW》(Open Source GPGPU MIAOW)[壓縮包] 簡介: 簡 介 中文名 : 開源圖形處理器 MIAOW 英文名 : Open Source GPGPU MIAOW 資源格式 : 壓縮包 發行時間 : 2015年09月07日 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 開源硬件已經在CPU上得到了很好的實現,而現在,威斯康辛-麥迪遜大學的垂直研發組又宣布了世界上第一款開源的GPGPU——“MI
"《開源圖形處理器 MIAOW》(Open Source GPGPU MIAOW)[壓縮包]"介紹
  • 簡 介
  • 中文名: 開源圖形處理器 MIAOW
    英文名: Open Source GPGPU MIAOW
    資源格式: 壓縮包
    發行時間: 2015年09月07日
    地區: 美國
    語言: 英文

    這個名字代表“Many-core Integrated Accelerator Of the Waterdeep”,是基於AMD Southern Islands Radeon HD 6000系列顯卡開源指令集架構的電阻-晶體管邏輯實現。
    領導這一研究的計算機學家Karu Sankaralingham指出,MIAOW的任務是延續摩爾定律的發展,而開源硬件代表著新的未來。他相信,再過5-10年,大家就會非常依賴開源硬件,就像現在對待開源軟件那樣。
    盡管如此,Karu Sankaralingham認為這個項目最大的意義就在於,他證明一個智慧的團隊就可以打造出能與高端商業產品競爭的硬件,為完全不依賴於已有商業產品去創建全新設計奠定了基礎。

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    MIAOW (pronounced "me-ow") [Many-core Integrated Accelerator Of Waterdeep/Wisconsin] is an open source GPU created by the Vertical Research Group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison led by Professor Karu Sankaralingam. Based off of the publicly released Southern Islands ISA by AMD, MIAOW implements a compute unit suitable for performing architecture analysis and experimentation with GPGPU workloads. In addition to the Verilog HDL composing the compute unit, MIAOW also includes a suite of unit tests and benchmarks for regression testing.
    A primary motivator for MIAOW's creation is the belief that software simulators of hardware such as CPUs and GPUs often miss many subtle aspects that can skew the performance, power, and other quantitative results that they produce. As an actual implementation of a GPU's logic, the Vertical Research Group believes that MIAOW can be a useful tool in producing not only more accurate quantitative results when benchmarking GPGPU workloads but also provide context for the architectural complexities of actually implementing newly proposed algorithms and designs that are intended to improve performance or other desired characteristics.
    It must be emphasized that MIAOW represents a GPU's compute unit. It does not possess the auxiliary logic required to produce actual graphical output nor does it have logic to connect it to a specific memory interface or system bus. These extensions can be developed and we would welcome outside contributors for such efforts, but as MIAOW was created as a research tool their presence was not an absolute necessity in running benchmarks and experiments.
    MIAOW is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license
    MIAOW is being released in phases as we complete the necessary preparation and packaging. Be sure to check this section to see what has been made available and what we hope to make available in the near future.
    RTL implementation of MIAOW compute unit
    Testbench for verification
    Benchmarks (instruction and data traces) that are known to run on MIAOW (derived from AMD APP SDK)
    FPGA bootstrapping framework
    Synthesis scripts for area and power analysis
    Verilog for hardware dispatcher for controlling multiple CUs
    Patch for multi2sim simulator to generate reference instruction traces
    Case Studies Documentation
    Workload development.



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