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《英國VISI-Series.CAD-CAM模具軟件》(Vero VISI)v17-19.0 MULTiLANGUAGE[光盤鏡像]
下載分級 软件资源
資源類別 行業軟件
發布時間 2017/7/11
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《英國VISI-Series.CAD-CAM模具軟件》(Vero VISI)v17-19.0 MULTiLANGUAGE[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : 英國VISI-Series.CAD-CAM模具軟件 英文名 : Vero VISI 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 版本 : v17-19.0 MULTiLANGUAGE 發行時間 : 2009年 制作發行 : Vero Software 語言 : 英文 簡介 : Vero Software 是一家專為工業領域提供輔助設計與制造解決方案的自主開發並銷售的軟件廠商。范
"《英國VISI-Series.CAD-CAM模具軟件》(Vero VISI)v17-19.0 MULTiLANGUAGE[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: 英國VISI-Series.CAD-CAM模具軟件
英文名: Vero VISI
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: v17-19.0 MULTiLANGUAGE
發行時間: 2009年
制作發行: Vero Software
語言: 英文

Vero Software 是一家專為工業領域提供輔助設計與制造解決方案的自主開發並銷售的軟件廠商。范圍涉及注塑模、冷沖模、級進模和鞋模的設計與制造,以及拆電極、多軸鐳射切割和線切割等。被廣泛應用於諸如汽車制造、電子工業、醫療器械、白色家電和航空航天業等大部分制造領域。
至今Vero Software 的辦事處遍及意大利、英國、日本、法國、加拿大、美國與中國等多個國家,在超過40個國家與地區擁有20,000多家客戶。
整合造型、設計、加工和模流分析的完美解決方案 - VISI
2-4 軸線切割和 2-6 軸鐳射切割的專家級系統 - PEPS
汽車钣金沖壓模具的完整解決方案 - SMIRT
SMIRT 為汽車钣金沖壓模具制造業,提供最經濟的全程透明化、自動化、信息化的革命性管理模式。
車間專用加工系統- Machining STRATEGIST
Machining STRATEGIST是一款強大的3D CAM產品,對由所有主流3D建模系統中轉入的復雜圖形生成最佳的的CNC刀具路徑。
Vero Software, 工業領域最先端的 CAD/CAM/CAE 解決方案的一流的軟件服務商,將正式發布她最新版的旗艦產品 VISI 19。VISI 19 持續聚焦模具設計和制造,包含一系列的產品增強,如:核心的 3D CAM 開發,支持 64Bit,JT Open,以及進一步整合 PEPS 的功能至 VISI 平台等。
VISI Modelling 是所有 VISI 產品的基本平台。V19 在 CAD 方面的增強包括:改善的交互式 GUI,新倒圓角功能,支持被廣泛應用的 JT Open 格式,改善有著圖形 & 曲面公差的 3D 注記,進階的輪廓偏移和圖形化紋理映射。
VISI Mould 的增強包含:一種新的裝配管理員處理多層次模具結構,並對部分 BOM 清單提供產生特殊的樹層次結構。VISI Flow 的開發包含了一個新的制品品質工具,該工具能夠對每個問題提供可能的處理建議,並改善了填充分析和流動平衡。
針對钣金模具,VISI Progress 的增強包括:三種新的基於 CMM 機床的專用工具處理復雜回彈,3rd party FEA 系統和折彎截面圖形。每個工具包含了消減功能以減少混亂的點,並允許操作者為回彈變形定義額外的補償百分比。
CAM 增強聚焦於新的 CAM 算法,提升運算時間,支援 64Bit,以及增強特征識別和後處理等整體使用性。新的切削模式包括:
深腔加工 - 一種針對加工深腔的智能的自動化的 CAM 策略。通常,使用最長刀具加工整個型腔將要求使用較小的切削深度和減少的進給速度。深腔加工能夠基於工件與刀具/刀柄間的干涉檢查分割型腔成多個深度。操作者能夠對相同工程定義不同的刀具長度,提供更大的剛性,減少震動和延長刀具壽命。通過自動分割 Z 層,能夠為每個 Z 范圍定義不同的切深和切寬參數。
公模粗加工 - 一種針對公模外形零件的新的粗加工算法已經被開發。新的刀具路徑將顯著減少提刀,允許使用刀具的 50% 作為切寬並提升計算時間。產生的路徑是流暢的,機床能夠以可能的最大值運作。
HM 等高線細加工 - 此刀具路徑非常類似於淺灘 & 峭壁加工,並整合了有著平坦區域高精度的 3D 凹槽路徑的傳統等高線細加工的所有優點。這種新的 CAM 算法對中間的平坦區域使用一種 2D 凹槽投影替代真實的 3D 等距,節省大量的運算時間。
筋位加工 - 這種新的策略被專門用於處理那些非常單薄的筋位的加工問題。當筋位遭受高頻率地震動和微微地彎曲時,使用常規的進刀模式可能需要冒著損壞工件的危險。
VISI PEPS-Wire 的開發將繼續移植 PEPS 的功能至 VISI 平台中。包括:直壁和錐度特征的特征識別、CT Expert 整合、VDM 文件輸入和有著精修容許量的凹槽加工,一種新的路徑讓使用者能夠通過指定切割要保留的余量的方式局部加工凹槽間隙。通過保持最小化的空切,這種方式顯著提高切割線的利用率。

Vero Software, a leading provider of CAD/CAM/CAE solutions for the tooling industry, are please to announce the imminent release of its flagship product VISI 19. Due for a Summer release, VISI 19 represents another substantial release with many new features in all areas of the product including core 3D CAM development and a continued focus on tool design and manufacture.
VISI Modeling is the base platform for all products and enhancements include an updated GUI with improved user interaction, new blending capabilities, improved annotation, advanced profile offset, graphical texture mapping and support for the increasingly prominent JT Open file format.
VISI Mould enhancements include an a new Assembly Tool Manager to handle multi-level tool structures, and provide the ability to generate specific tree hierarchy structures for the creation of partial BOM lists. VISI Flow development include a new part quality tool with potential remedy suggestions for each problem area and improved filling analyses and flow balancing due to the fine tuning of melt compressibility at end of the filling phase.
For sheet metal stamping, VISI Progress enhancements include three new dedicated routines to manage complex springback based on results from CMM machines, 3rd party FEA systems and bend section geometry. Each routine includes skimming capabilities to reduce point clutter and allows the operator to define an additional percentage to over compensate for the springback deformation.
VISI 19 represents a release where significant resource was allocated to major CAM development. A number of new machining algorithms have been introduced that will greatly benefit both Vero customers and OEM partners. New CAM routines include 'HM Rib Cutting' for the machining of very thin walls, 'Deep Cavity Machining' for the automated splitting of roughing and finishing toolpaths into separate Z ranges based on collision checking between the piece and tool / holder, providing greater rigidity, reduced vibration & increase tool life.
A new 'Core Roughing' strategy has been developed which generates an improved toolpath shape when working from outside a component. The result is a flowing toolpath that allows the machine to run near to its maximum potential when machining core components. A new 'HM Constant Z' toolpath has been introduced to complement the existing steep & shallow toolpath. This combined finishing routine replaces highly sophisticated 3D pocketing calculations with 2D projection calculations for shallow areas and can dramatically reduce calculation times. Finally a 64Bit engine will boost performance and allow users to benefit from maximum RAM usage.
VISI PEPS-Wire development has continued with new technology added and further migration of historic PEPS capabilities to the new VISI platform. These include slug retention, feature recognition for land and taper features, CT Expert integration, VDM file import and pocketing with finishing allowance, a new routine that allows the user to partially pocket an aperture by specifying the remaining stock left to cut. This dramatically improves wire usage by keeping fresh air cutting to a minimum.

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█ █ █ . C Y G N U S - i S O D i V i S O N . ▓▓▒▒░ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▓▓▒░▄ ▓▓▒▒░ ▓▓▒░
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█ ▓ █ Supplier ..... : Team CYGiSO Release-Date .... : 2009-10-05
█ ▓ █ Cracker ...... : Team CYGiSO Program-Rating .. : 10/10
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█ ▒ █ Price ........ : >56.050,- Euro Image Format .... : ISO
█ ▒ █ ProgramType .. : CAD/CAM Program used .... : CDRWin
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█ ░ █ Url .......... : http://www.vero-software.com
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▄▄▄▄█ Datatracks Audiotracks Files Size
DVD 1: 1 - 45 2141 MB
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█ ░ █ --───────────────── ■ Release informations ■ ────────────────-- █ ░ █
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Vero VISI v17.0 *MULTiLANGUAGE* (c) Vero Software Plc
VISI is acknowledged as one of the world's leading PC based CAD / CAM
solutions for the Mould & Die industries. It offers a unique
combination of applications, fully integrated wireframe, surface and
solid modelling, comprehensive 2D, 3D and 5 axis machining strategies
with dedicated high speed routines. Industry specific applications for
plastic injection tool design including material flow analysis and
progressive die design with step-by-step unfolding provide the
toolmaker with unsurpassed levels of productivity.
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▒ ▄▄█ --───────────────────── ■ Requirements ■ ──────────────────────-- █▄▄ ▒
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• Microsoft Windows XP or Vista
• 700 MHz Pentium class or compatible
• 512 MB system RAM
• 2 GB free hard disk space
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█▀▀▀▀ --───────────────────── ■ Install-Notes ■ ─────────────────────-- ▀▀▀▀█
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• Unrar the files
• Burn or mount the Image with your favorite Tool
• Start Setup and install
• Follow instructions from /CYGiSO/readme.txt
• Done
... Enjoy another fine CYGiSO release!
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█▀▀▀▀ --─────────────────────── ■ Team-News ■ ───────────────────────-- ▀▀▀▀█
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Dedicated util supplier
Experienced cracker
US/CDN/EU 100Mbit Affiliates
If you think CYGNUS is the group for you dont hesitate to contact us!
[email protected]
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▓ ░ █ --───────────── ■ Last .NFO update : 15.APR.2004 ■ ────────────-- █ ░ ▓
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█ █ █ . C Y G N U S – i S O D i V i S O N . ▓▓▒▒░ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▓▓▒░▄ ▓▓▒▒░ ▓▓▒░
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█ ▓ █ Supplier ..... : Team CYGiSO Release–Date .... : 2011–10–20
█ ▓ █ Cracker ...... : Team CYGiSO Program–Rating .. : 10/10
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█ ▒ █ Price ........ : >20.000,– Euro Image Format .... : ISO
█ ▒ █ ProgramType .. : CAD/CAM Program used .... : CDRWin
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█ ░ █ Url .......... : http://www.vero–software.com
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▄▄▄▄█ Datatracks Audiotracks Files Size
DVD 1: 1 – 37 1736 MB
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█ ░ █ ––───────────────── ■ Release informations ■ ────────────────–– █ ░ █
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Vero VISI v19.0 *MULTiLANGUAGE* (c) Vero Software Limited
VISI is acknowledged as one of the world's leading PC based CAD / CAM
solutions for the Mould & Die industries. It offers a unique
combination of applications, fully integrated wireframe, surface and
solid modelling, comprehensive 2D, 3D and 5 axis machining strategies
with dedicated high speed routines. Industry specific applications for
plastic injection tool design including material flow analysis and
progressive die design with step–by–step unfolding provide the
toolmaker with unsurpassed levels of productivity.
Vero Software offers dedicated solutions that eliminate the links
between varying software suppliers and the solid–to–surface
or CAD / CAM geometry conversions required by traditional systems.
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▒ ▄▄█ ––───────────────────── ■ Requirements ■ ──────────────────────–– █▄▄ ▒
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Microsoft Windows XP, Vista or 7
Intel Core Duo 1.8 GHz
3 GB free hard disk space
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█▀▀▀▀ ––───────────────────── ■ Install–Notes ■ ─────────────────────–– ▀▀▀▀█
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▒ ▄▄█ █▄▄ ▒
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Unrar the files
Burn or mount the Image with your favorite Tool
Start Setup and install
Follow instructions from \CYGiSO\readme.txt
... Enjoy another fine CYGiSO release!
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█▀▀▀▀ ––─────────────────────── ■ Team–News ■ ───────────────────────–– ▀▀▀▀█
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Dedicated util supplier
Experienced cracker
US/CDN/EU 100Mbit Affiliates
If you think CYGNUS is the group for you dont hesitate to contact us!
[email protected]
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▓ ░ █ ––───────────── ■ Last .NFO update : 15.APR.2004 ■ ────────────–– █ ░ ▓
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