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《地表數據可視化軟件》(RockWare RockWorks v2009.2.5)[壓縮包],行業軟件、資源下載
下載分級 软件资源
資源類別 行業軟件
發布時間 2017/7/12
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《地表數據可視化軟件》(RockWare RockWorks v2009.2.5)[壓縮包],行業軟件、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: 地表數據可視化軟件英文名: RockWare RockWorks v2009.2.5別名: 地質建模軟件,石油化工巖土工程采礦業的可視化分析工具資源格式: 壓縮包發行時間: 2009年制作發行: RockWare地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介: 語言:英語 網址:http://www.rockware.com/ 類別:行業軟件 RockWorks 是RockWare公司的旗艦
"《地表數據可視化軟件》(RockWare RockWorks v2009.2.5)[壓縮包],行業軟件、資源下載"介紹
中文名: 地表數據可視化軟件英文名: RockWare RockWorks v2009.2.5別名: 地質建模軟件,石油化工巖土工程采礦業的可視化分析工具資源格式: 壓縮包發行時間: 2009年制作發行: RockWare地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:
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RockWorks 是RockWare公司的旗艦軟件,RockWorks能創建鑽探記錄,橫截面,柵欄圖,可靠模型(羽毛,礦體,儲油器),地層學模型和表面,等高線地圖和地形模型,立體圖,玫瑰圖,三重圖表等等。
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注冊機內含,使用任意數字注冊得到installation number,再通過注冊機得到注冊碼。
引用  Unzip, unrar and install the application. ² 
  Enter any registration number and copy your ² 
²  installation number into the keymaker to get your  ²
 unlocking code.
代碼 
²²²²²²  ²²
 ²²     ²
     sCr! ²    ²
   
    It goes AGAiN, AGAiN...   
 ²    
²²  RockWorks v2009.2.5  ² 
²²²²²² c RockWare  ²²
 ² ²²²²²²
  Cracker... AGAiN 2009 ² 
  Supplier.. AGAiN 2009  
  Packager.. AGAiN 2009  
 Tester.... AGAiN 2009  
  ²
²  ²
±  OS.......... Windows 
°  Language.... English  
 Protection.. Serial  
  Size........ 10 x 4.77mb  
²  Date........ 24/02/2009  
    
    ² 
 ² R e l e a s e I n f o 
²   
²   
 RockWare, Inc is pleased to announce RockWorks2004, 
 the latest version of our flagship software program! 
  RockWorks has long been the standard in the petroleum, ² 
²  environmental, geotechnical and mining industry for ² 
 subsurface data visualization because of popular tools  ²
 ² such as maps, logs, cross sections, fence diagrams, 
²  solid models and volumetrics. ² 
²   
 RockWorks gives you numerous options for analyzing 
 your subsurface data, and accepts many different data 
  types, such as stratigraphy, lithology, downhole data, ² 
²  fracture data and hydrology and aquifer data. ² 
  ²
 ² In addition to it s already impressive collection of 
²  existing capabilities, the latest RockWorks version ² 
²  has numerous new features  
 
²   ²²²²²    
² I n s t a l l I n f o   ²²²    
      
 Unzip, unrar and install the application. ² 
  Enter any registration number and copy your ² 
²  installation number into the keymaker to get your  ²
 unlocking code. 
 ² ² 
²  Enjoy.  
²  
       ²²   ² 
     ² 
²    - G r o u p ! -  ²
  
 ² ² 
²  There's the phoenix, immortality born with the flames,  
²  strength rised from the ashes, mythical magnificence 
 resurrected from the sky - soul of the spiritual 
 being, intense excitement, cosmic fire the world began ² 
  and will end in, death and rebirth regenerated. ² 
²   ²
 Things fade. Things die. He has been born again, he 
 ² lives again. WE LIVE AGAiN. Deathless inspiration. ² 
²   
²  [email protected] 
   
 ² G r e e t i n g s ² 
²   
²  SSG - LND - SAC 
 ²²²
   sCr/strick9!  
    ² 
Ascii Header    
and layout by Scour/SAC 2003.  
Ascii footer by Scour and Strick9.    ²
  

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