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《批量列印文檔的工具》(Traction Software Batch & Print Pro)v5.00專業版/含注冊機[壓縮包]
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發布時間 2017/7/11
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《批量列印文檔的工具》(Traction Software Batch & Print Pro)v5.00專業版/含注冊機[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 批量列印文檔的工具 英文名 : Traction Software Batch & Print Pro 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v5.00專業版/含注冊機 發行時間 : 2011年 制作發行 : traction software 地區 : 英國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : INSTALL NOTES: Unpack, Install. Us
"《批量列印文檔的工具》(Traction Software Batch & Print Pro)v5.00專業版/含注冊機[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 批量列印文檔的工具
英文名: Traction Software Batch & Print Pro
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v5.00專業版/含注冊機
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: traction software
地區: 英國
語言: 英文

Unpack, Install.
Use the keygen to register with.
Special Notes:
This program is using several anti-piracy techniques such as:
1) Do NOT run the keygen while running the program.
2) Do not have any other window/s open with any warez related captions
such as: dissassemble, w32dasm, softice, keygen, serials & keys, crackz,
crackdb, 0day, 0-day keymaker, keym4ker, warez, appz...Any other warez
related captions.
3) You can only make one faulty attempt to register in an hour.
4) Do NOT use Copy&Paste, Write the key manually.
This keygen was tested and is 100% working, If you did try all the above
and still didn't manage to register, Please wait 1 hour, Restart your
computer, Have a CLEAN desktop, Write the generated key from the keygen to
notepad, Close the keygen, Run the application and write the key manually
in order to register.
操作系統:Supports Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, Windows 2000, XP , 2003, Vista, 2008 & Windows 7
問題反饋: http://www.traction-software.co.uk/contact.asp?PID=BatchPrintPro
網站鏈接: http://www.traction-software.co.uk/batchprint/
Batch & Print Pro能自動列印對您所選擇的文件,隻要能列印的,都能支援, 比如:PDF格式,
Batch & Print Pro軟體監視列印隊列,無縫的與系統銜接來處理你的列印任務,該軟體的其他
功能包括:目錄監測,列印調度,印表機負載平衡,PDF轉到PostScript的預處理,還支援印表機固有的PS,PCL,PRN格式, 另外,還有日誌,報告,郵件通知,以及以系統服務方式運行等功能.
Batch & Print Pro is for batching documents as retainable lists which can be automatically printed in document sequence of your choice, All associated shell printable documents are supported, e.g. PDF, MS Word, HTML, Text Files, Image formats, Excel Spreadsheets, PowerPoint Presentations and many more.

Celebrating our History... Heritage 2011
Batch and Print Pro v5.00
(c) Traction Software
SUPPLiER: │ HERiTAGE │ TYPE: │ Utility
PACKAGER: │ HERiTAGE │ # OF DiSKS: │ 2 x 5.00 MB
PROTECTiON: │ Gone │ RELEASE DATE: │ 12.12.2011
CRACKER: │ HERiTAGE │ RATiNG: │ Rate it yourself
Unpack, Install.
Use the keygen to register with.
Special Notes:
This program is using several anti-piracy techniques such as:
1) Do NOT run the keygen while running the program.
2) Do not have any other window/s open with any warez related captions
such as: dissassemble, w32dasm, softice, keygen, serials & keys, crackz,
crackdb, 0day, 0-day keymaker, keym4ker, warez, appz...Any other warez
related captions.
3) You can only make one faulty attempt to register in an hour.
4) Do NOT use Copy&Paste, Write the key manually.
This keygen was tested and is 100% working, If you did try all the above
and still didn't manage to register, Please wait 1 hour, Restart your
computer, Have a CLEAN desktop, Write the generated key from the keygen to
notepad, Close the keygen, Run the application and write the key manually
in order to register.
If you don't want to enter the serial manually, feel free to use the
"Auto registration" button. It'll also reset the 1 hour limit incase you
entered an invalid serial.


免責聲明:本網站內容收集於互聯網,本站不承擔任何由於內容的合法性及健康性所引起的爭議和法律責任。如果侵犯了你的權益,請通知我們,我們會及時刪除相關內容,謝謝合作! 聯系信箱:[email protected]

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