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《CBT Nuggets The SQL語言職業培訓教程》(CBT Nuggets The SQL Language On the Job Training)[光盤鏡像]
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《CBT Nuggets The SQL語言職業培訓教程》(CBT Nuggets The SQL Language On the Job Training)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 數據庫
"《CBT Nuggets The SQL語言職業培訓教程》(CBT Nuggets The SQL Language On the Job Training)[光盤鏡像]"介紹


  • 數據庫SQL Server/Oracle/MySQL/DB2教程
  • 計算機資料

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CBT Nuggets 推出的 The SQL Language On the Job Training. 關於SQL語句職業考試認證視頻教程.

不管你使用的數據庫平台 - Oracle、SQL服務器、MySQL、SQLite的、PostgreSQL和更多 - 學習行業標准的SQL查詢語法會給你一個真正的數據庫的努力推動。這堂訓練瓊斯告訴您如何編寫行業標准的SQL語法簡單和復雜的查詢,適應語法供應商特定的SQL變體,抵御像SQL注入攻擊,理解和優化數據庫設計,甚至有助於通過索引優化查詢性能。
每CBT的掘金系列 - 無論是認證跟蹤或類似這樣的,單靠在職培訓 - 為您提供了動手技能,你需要成為一個更有效的IT專業人士。


Regardless of which database platform you use -- Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, and more -- learning industry-standard SQL query syntax will give your database efforts a real boost. This Don Jones training shows you how to write simple and complex queries in industry-standard SQL syntax, adapt syntax to vendor-specific SQL variants, defend against attacks like SQL injection, understand and optimize database designs, and even help optimize query performance through indexing.
Every CBT Nuggets series -- whether it's certification track or, like this one, solely on-the-job training -- gives you the hands-on skills you need to be a more effective IT professional.

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