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《HTML5與CSS3構建iOS移動應用》(Lynda.com iOS 4 Web Applications with HTML5 and CSS3)更新完畢[光盤鏡像]
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發布時間 2017/7/14
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《HTML5與CSS3構建iOS移動應用》(Lynda.com iOS 4 Web Applications with HTML5 and CSS3)更新完畢[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 網頁設
"《HTML5與CSS3構建iOS移動應用》(Lynda.com iOS 4 Web Applications with HTML5 and CSS3)更新完畢[光盤鏡像]"介紹


  • 網頁設計教程/視頻教程/軟件
  • 計算機資料

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iOS 4 Web Applications with HTML5 and CSS3 with Ray Villalobos teaches web developers how to leverage their existing CSS and HTML knowledge to create content that displays on iOS devices. The course covers creating animation to produce powerful interactive content, including a photo gallery and a video player. Cutting edge HTML5 and CSS3 techniques for formatting type, creating list driven menus, toggle buttons, and more are also included. The resulting web content will be tailored for viewing on the iPhone and the iPad, but will also work on websites viewed with browsers on other platforms as well. Exercise files are included with the course.

Ray Villalobos
Ray Villalobos is a full-time author and teacher at lynda.com. He is also a speaker and author of the book, Exploring Multimedia for Designers. He has more than 20 years experience in developing and programming multimedia projects. Previously at Entravision Communications, he designed and developed a network of radio station and TV web sites. As a senior producer for Tribune Interactive, he was responsible for designing orlandosentinel.com and for creating immersive multimedia projects and Flash games for the site.

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