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《10倍速影像閱讀法》(Photoreading, 3rd Edition)掃描版
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資源類別 教育科技
發布時間 2017/7/18
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《10倍速影像閱讀法》(Photoreading, 3rd Edition)掃描版 簡介:   導讀: 簡介: 內容簡介:When you learn Photoreading you will experience what might sound impossible. You will PhotoRead the written page at rates exceeding a page per second, directing information into the e
"《10倍速影像閱讀法》(Photoreading, 3rd Edition)掃描版"介紹
  導讀: 簡介: 內容簡介:When you learn Photoreading you will experience what might sound impossible. You will PhotoRead the written page at rates exceeding a page per second, directing information into the expanded 簡介:

When you learn Photoreading you will experience what might sound impossible. You will PhotoRead the written page at rates exceeding a page per second, directing information into the expanded processing capabilities of your brain. There the information connects with your prior knowledge and becomes useful to accomplishing your purpose. You get your reading done in the time you have available, at a level of comprehension you need.
Paul R. Scheele is a recognized authority in three leading edge technologies or human development: Accelerated Learning, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Preconscious Processing. His unique expertise allows him to develop the process of mentally photographing printed material at rates exceeding 25,000 words a minute.
保羅·席利(Paul R.Scheelel是美國學習策略公司的創辦人之一,影像閱讀法的研發者,是神經語言程序及加速學習領域的世界級權威,致力於讓學習在短時間內突飛猛進的課程研究,備受各界人士贊譽。他有著豐富的演講資歷,同時承擔多個國家企業或政府的顧問咨詢工作。


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