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《Maya 2011新特點介紹 》(Maya 2011 New Features )基礎教程 George Maestri主講[光盤鏡像]
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《Maya 2011新特點介紹 》(Maya 2011 New Features )基礎教程 George Maestri主講[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : Maya 2011新特點介紹 英文名 : Maya 2011 New Features 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 版本 : 基礎教程 George Maestri主講 發行日期 : 2010年 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : Lynda Com 出品的Maya 2011新特點介紹 主講:George Maestri 時長
"《Maya 2011新特點介紹 》(Maya 2011 New Features )基礎教程 George Maestri主講[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: Maya 2011新特點介紹
英文名: Maya 2011 New Features
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: 基礎教程 George Maestri主講
發行日期: 2010年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

Lynda Com 出品的Maya 2011新特點介紹
主講:George Maestri
時長 (hr:min):01:22
發行時間: 5/13/2010
適用平台:Mac and Windows
作者George Maestri講解了Maya 2011中重要的及更加完善的功能。這部教程包括了用於NURBS建模的貝茲曲線,用於多邊形建模的Spin Edge工具等,角色動畫的rigging工具,增強的渲染及特效模塊等等。本教程包括了工程文件,方便學習!
Maya 2011主要新特性
- 重新設計的用戶界面:基於諾基亞跨平台應用程序和用戶界面框架Qt(2008年初收購自Trolltech),定制更簡單,具備可停靠界面元素,並改進了編輯器。
- 高性能核心:全面重新設計的圖形流水線,復雜場景的性能達到全新水准,並改善了視圖區反饋質量。
- Mac OS X 64位原生支持:可在64位蘋果系統架構上訪問更多內存,可以更快地處理更龐大、更復雜的場景。
- 加速的3D Editorial
- 增強的蒙皮工作流
- 改進的Maya合成
Author George Maestri explores the significant and robust feature set in Maya 2011 that add functionality for its 3D workflows in Maya 2011 New Features. This course covers the addition of Bezier curves for NURBS modelers, the Connect Component and Spin Edge tools in the polygonal modeling mode, and rigging tools for character animation. Enhancements to rendering and special effects are also reviewed. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
Choosing colors with the Color Picker
Using the new Shelf Editor
Adjusting skin weights with color feedback with Paint Skin Weights
Connecting characters to skeletons with Interactive Skin Bind
Making object-level soft selections
Constraining objects to polys
Using the camera sequencer
Exploring the Hypershade window improvements
System Requirements
To enjoy videos at lynda.com, you will need a minimum screen resolution of 1024X768 and the following software installed on your computer:
Internet Explorer 7.0 or above, Firefox 3.0 or above, or Safari 2.0 or above.
(Users of 64-bit Internet Explorer 7, please try a different browser)
JavaScript and Cookies must also be enabled.
Apple QuickTime 7.5 or above. (Mac Safari users please download QuickTime 7.5.5 or newer to avoid problems with captioning)
Microsoft Windows XP SP2, Microsoft Windows Vista, Macintosh OS X or Linux.
Windows Media Player version 10 or higher.

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: Lynda.com - Maya 2011 New Features


Author George Maestri explores the significant and robust feature
set in Maya 2011 that add functionality for its 3D workflows in Maya
2011 New Features. This course covers the addition of Bezier curves for
NURBS modelers, the Connect Component and Spin Edge tools in the
polygonal modeling mode, and rigging tools for character animation.
Enhancements to rendering and special effects are also reviewed.
Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
* Choosing colors with the Color Picker
* Using the new Shelf Editor
* Adjusting skin weights with color feedback with Paint Skin Weights
* Connecting characters to skeletons with Interactive Skin Bind
* Making object-level soft selections
* Constraining objects to polys
* Using the camera sequencer
* Exploring the Hypershade window improvements
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8 b. Mount/Burn 8
8 c. Play & Learn 8
8 8
8 8
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