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《摩登舞從入門到冠軍》(William Pino & Alessandra Bucciarelli: From Beginners to Champions)[DVDRip]
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資源類別 藝術體育
發布時間 2017/7/13
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《摩登舞從入門到冠軍》(William Pino & Alessandra Bucciarelli: From Beginners to Champions)[DVDRip] 簡介: 中文名 : 摩登舞從入門到冠軍 英文名 : William Pino & Alessandra Bucciarelli: From Beginners to Champions 資源格式 : DVDRip 發行日期 : 2004年 地區 : 日本 對白語言 : 英語 簡介 : William Pino Alessandra Bucciarelli兩位來自意大利的著名摩登舞
"《摩登舞從入門到冠軍》(William Pino & Alessandra Bucciarelli: From Beginners to Champions)[DVDRip]"介紹
中文名: 摩登舞從入門到冠軍
英文名: William Pino & Alessandra Bucciarelli: From Beginners to Champions
資源格式: DVDRip
發行日期: 2004年
地區: 日本
對白語言: 英語

William Pino Alessandra Bucciarelli兩位來自意大利的著名摩登舞大師制作的教程. 這部教程將從一些簡單的套路開始,逐步加入變化,以生成一些高級的舞步(比如重復某些舞步,變換節拍,以及增加一些花哨舞步等等).
This set of videos recorded by William Pino and Alessandra Bucciarelli, former Amateur Ballroom World Champions, now Grand finalists in all major Professional Championships is an excellent study of how one can develop ballroom choreography. The development happens by taking a simple routine and developing it into a more advanced routine by changing various aspects of it, such as:
•Repeating certain actions
•Changing the timing
•Enhancing shapes of the top line
•Adding lady's swivels and kicks to static steps
•Acceleration and Deceleration
•Playing with the Timing
•Sharp vs. soft approach to line steps
•Introducing surprise steps
In each volume William and Alessandra take 4 basic routines and develop them into 4 advanced routines by applying various elements from the above list. Every simple and advanced routine is shown a number of times (at different angles) concentrating on the following aspects:
•Leg and Feet action
•Shapes in the top line
•Timing with music
•Characterization of each dance


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