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《尼克·宏比《極度狂熱》》(Fever Pitch)(尼克·宏比)影印版[PDF]
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《尼克·宏比《極度狂熱》》(Fever Pitch)(尼克·宏比)影印版[PDF] 簡介: 中文名 : 尼克·宏比《極度狂熱》 原名 : Fever Pitch 別名 : 愛球如命,足球熱 作者 : 尼克·宏比 譯者 : 無 資源格式 : PDF 版本 : 影印版 出版社 : victor gollancz 書號 : ISBN0575400153 發行時間 : 1992年 地區 : 英國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : Book Description "
"《尼克·宏比《極度狂熱》》(Fever Pitch)(尼克·宏比)影印版[PDF]"介紹
中文名: 尼克·宏比《極度狂熱》
原名: Fever Pitch
別名: 愛球如命,足球熱
作者: 尼克·宏比
譯者: 無
資源格式: PDF
版本: 影印版
出版社: victor gollancz
書號: ISBN0575400153
發行時間: 1992年
地區: 英國
語言: 英文

Book Description
"I fell in love with football as I was later to fall in love with women: suddenly, inexplicably, uncritically, giving no thought to the pain or disruption it would bring..."
For many people watching football is mere entertainment; to some it's more like a ritual; but to others, its highs and lows provide a narrative to life itself. For Nick Hornby, his devotion to the game has provided one of the few constants in a life where the meaningful things - like growing up, leaving home and forming relationships, both parental and romantic - have rarely been as simple or as uncomplicated as his love for Arsenal.
Brimming with wit and honesty. Fever Pitch catches perfectly what it really means to be a football fan - and in doing so, what it means to be a man.
Nick Hornby was born in 1957. He is the author of four novels, High Fidelity, About a Boy, How to be Good and A Long Way Down; three works of non-fiction, Fever Pitch (winner of the William Hill Sports Book of the Year Award), 31 Songs (shortlisted for the National Book Critics Circle Award), and The Polysyllabic Spree; and a Pocket Penguin book of short stories, Otherwise Pandemonium. He has also edited two anthologies, My Favourite Year and Speaking with the Angel. In 1999 he was awarded the E.M.Forster Award by the American Academy of Arts and Letters. In 2002 he won the W.H.Smith Award for Fiction, and in 2003 he was honoured with the Writers' Writer Award at the Orange Word International Writers Festival. Nick Hornby lives and works in Highbury, North London.
  英國知名小說家莎娣史密斯(Zadie Smith)是這麼說尼克宏比的:「宏比笃信很棒的歌曲、很棒的書,還有,是的,很棒的足球比賽,都是巨大的能量。他是這麼熱衷於美好事物,說他是歐洲親善大使也不為過。」
  現年四十九歲的他,畢業於劍橋大學,成長並居住於北倫敦,曾經是教師與記者,他的作家生涯從電視劇本開始,後來因為覺得「散文寫太爛,干脆寫對白試試看」而寫了小說,話雖如此,他第一本暢銷書《足球熱》(Fever Pitch)卻意外的成為當年最叫好叫座的散文輯,獲得「威廉希爾年度運動好書」(William Hill Sporting Book of The Year)。
  一九九五年的《失戀排行榜》(High Fidelity),一九九八年的《非關男孩》(About A Boy)更讓他成為英國最受歡迎的小說家。緊接著是極為成功的小說家人生,數部作品改拍成好萊塢電影。你手上的《三十一首歌》在二○○二年跨越大西洋,入圍了「美國國家圖書獎」(National Book Critics Circle Award)。
  宏比的最愛除了寫作閱讀,就是兵工廠足球隊與流行音樂。最近的作品是專欄結集《The Complete Polysyllabic Spree》,內容是宏比所喜愛的各種讀物與文章,以及相關。

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