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發布時間 2017/7/18
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《撞擊王》(Clash)[DVDRip] 簡介: ◎譯 名 撞擊王 ◎片 名 Clash ◎年 代 2006 ◎國 家 美國 ◎類 別 動作/劇情 ◎語 言 英語 ◎字 幕 無字幕 ◎IMDB評分 awaiting 5 votes. ◎IMDB鏈接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0478317 ◎文件格式 XviD + MP3 ◎視頻尺寸 512*368 ◎文件大小 1CD 49 x 15MB ◎片 長 87

◎譯 名 撞擊王
◎片 名 Clash
◎年 代 2006
◎國 家 美國
◎類 別 動作/劇情
◎語 言 英語
◎字 幕 無字幕
◎IMDB評分 awaiting 5 votes.
◎IMDB鏈接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0478317
◎文件格式 XviD + MP3
◎視頻尺寸 512*368
◎文件大小 1CD 49 x 15MB
◎片 長 87 Min
◎導 演 Daniel Zirilli
◎主 演 Alex A. Quinn .... Officer Boltz
Daniel Venegas .... Hector
Nubia Bolanos .... Luppi
Damon Whitaker .... Detective Derose
Raul Julia-Levy .... Detective Marin (as Raul Julia Jr.)
Tim Elwell .... Prosecuting attorney
Jeremy Gilchrist .... White boy
Ann Rittenhouse .... Judge
Sergio Dieguelez .... District attorney
Rayne Aspengren .... Dancer
Emily Shellogg .... Court stenographer
Angel Duarte .... Lowrider gang banger
Gregg Stotesbery .... Pharmacist
Saye Yabandeh .... Coctail waitress
Mario Orozco .... Drug Dealer/Hector's Homie
◎簡 介
Disabled drug dealer Hector Pinero (Danny Venegas) attempts to murder the detective who killed his father. Hector winds up in prison for his efforts, but his eventual release poses a crucial question: should he seek revenge or try to leave his criminal past behind him?
殘疾毒品販子Hector Pinero 試圖謀殺殺害了他親生父親的偵探,結果意圖敗露,被捕入獄。但是,難道他最終刑滿出獄以後就會放棄複仇的想法嗎?

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