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Chloë Agnew 克蘿伊 -《漫步雲端》(Walking In The Air)[OGG]
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Chloë Agnew 克蘿伊 -《漫步雲端》(Walking In The Air)[OGG] 簡介: 音樂風格: Vocal, Celtic 專輯介紹: 《漫步雲端》(Waking In The Air),是Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)的第二張專輯(美聲作品)! 本唱片在知名制作人 David Downes(大衛·唐恩)與 Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)父親——雙簧管演奏家 David Agnew 的共同監制下,爲正值豆蔻年華的 Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)量身打造的全新天籁
"Chloë Agnew 克蘿伊 -《漫步雲端》(Walking In The Air)[OGG]"介紹

音樂風格: Vocal, Celtic
《漫步雲端》(Waking In The Air),是Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)的第二張專輯(美聲作品)!
本唱片在知名制作人 David Downes(大衛·唐恩)與 Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)父親——雙簧管演奏家 David Agnew 的共同監制下,爲正值豆蔻年華的 Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)量身打造的全新天籁風格。Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)在專輯中诠釋了12首著名民歌,廣泛涉獵諸多層次的聲音領域。
詩人艾彌利·狄更斯說:“希望,是長著翅膀的東西”。在這個紛擾的世間,你有多久沒聽到完全純淨的嗓音,象是羽毛附張於耳,帶領你飛翔於天堂的無垠邊際。繼夏綠蒂之後以幼齡美聲炫風席卷全球之後,很多樂評皆表遺憾再也沒有象夏綠蒂如此嗓音的新生代美少女了。然而就在2003年,樂壇悄悄地誕生了一顆璀璨的小明星——年僅十三歲的Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊),得天獨厚地擁有幹淨而清亮的嗓音,但是最令人驚豔的是,年紀輕輕的Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊),感受度卻出奇敏銳,诠釋歌曲的方式竟是如此真摯、細膩,清新甜美的歌聲在起承轉合之中流露出豐富的情感,聽到她嗓音,象是聽到希望般,令人感到一股溫柔的力量,將聆聽者的心逐漸融化,真的很難想象是出自一位區區八年級的幼齡美少女的聲音。
推薦歌曲當屬 Waking In The Air(漫步雲端),這是 Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)聞名全球的作品!後面並附中英文歌詞。Waking In The Air(漫步雲端)讓 Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)以她獨特的嗓音诠釋此首輕柔、甘甜的歌曲,能讓人自然而然的從內心深處湧起一股溫暖的懷舊感。如此純品天籁,如同天堂裏才會有的天使之音,純淨而毫無瑕疵,聆之,感覺象是音符長了翅膀,令人忘卻塵囂,溫馨飛入心神向往已久的神秘花園。
Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)生於愛爾蘭音樂世家,母親 Adele King 與父親 David Agnew 都是樂壇的名人(David Agnew是雙簧管演奏家);精通鋼琴和吉它;六歲時就已展露其驚人的歌唱實力以及天賦秉異的音樂細胞。
1998年,九歲的Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)代表愛爾蘭參加在埃及開羅舉行的“第一屆國際兒童歌唱大賽”(International Children's Song Competition) ,以“The Friendship Tree”一曲勇奪 Grand Price 大獎。
十一歲那年Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)幸會了David Downes(大衛·唐恩)——Celtic Woman(美麗人聲)制作人、原Riverdance《大河之舞》音樂總監,兩人合作了首爲阿富汗兒童募款的單曲。次年她的首張個人同名專輯問世(有譯作《夏日最後的玫瑰》)。並以跨界音樂之姿登上玫瑰唱片等西洋流行榜冠軍!
十三歲即推出美聲之作《漫步雲端》(Walking in the air),令許多人都不敢相信如此感性嗓音是由區區八年級的妙齡美少女所唱。Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)輕而易舉地以幹淨而甜美的嗓音迅速征服衆多挑剔的耳朵。
稍後在法國坎城 Midem 唱片大展得到全場注目,當時Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)年僅十四歲。
Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)小小年紀便走紅全愛爾蘭,大家知道愛爾蘭是一個音樂文化底蘊極其深厚、同時又是對音樂極其挑剔的國度,獲得這樣成功的人真可謂非比尋常了。所以Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)繼夏綠蒂之後,被譽爲新生代少女美聲的接班人!
Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)是跨界音樂組合(團體)Celtic Woman(美麗人聲)中一位相當出色的歌手。2004年,她的第二張專輯《漫步雲端》(Waking In The Air)(美聲作品)上市後不久,便應邀加盟 Celtic Woman(美麗人聲)團體。
Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)、Méav Ní Mhaolchatha(梅芙)和Hayley Westenra(海莉)等在加入Celtic Woman(美麗人聲)之前就已有極高的知名度和影響。
近年來最完美和成功的跨界音樂組合(團體)Celtic Woman(美麗人聲),由 Riverdance《大河之舞》音樂總監 David Downes(大衛·唐恩)所打造,結合劇作風格演出與恩雅式愛爾蘭系美聲的五人女子組合,包括四名女聲與一名小提琴手,創下 Billboard 告示牌世界音樂榜40周冠軍紀錄,CD在全美銷售已突破金唱片(500,000張),是爲2005-06跨界音樂銷售最佳的全新組合。
“Celtic Woman(美麗人聲)”是由身兼音樂總監、指揮、作曲及編曲者四項身份的 David Downes(大衛·唐恩),四位愛爾蘭歌手Chloë Agnew(克蘿伊)、Lisa Kelly(莉莎)、Méav Ní Mhaolchatha(梅芙)、Órlagh Fallon(歐拉)和技巧高超、活力四射的小提琴手Máiréad Nesbitt(瑪莉),以及06年加入的新西蘭籍巨星Hayley Westenra(海莉)組成的民歌、古典跨界的音樂超級團體。
“Celtic Woman(美麗人聲)”融合了莎拉·布萊曼、美聲男伶、恩雅、凱爾特男高音、易希等人的特色,結合了新世紀、古典、傳統凱爾特樂風與愛爾蘭一派如 Riverdance(大河之舞)、Lord of the Dance(舞王)及 Feet of Flames(火焰之舞)等的音樂戲劇式演出風格,打破了普羅大衆對於歌曲诠釋的刻闆印象,爲全球樂迷創造了視聽雙效的全新選擇。
來自Celtic Woman官網的介紹:
If 16-year old singer Chloe Agnew ever writes a book she says that she’ll call it ‘From Carnegie Hall to Lunch Duty’. “That’s the way that my life turns anyway,” she laughs. “I played Carnegie Hall in New York one week with ‘Celtic Woman’ and the following week I was back at school on lunch duty, cleaning off tables and mopping the floor. But that’s life. I’m so fortunate to have this wonderful opportunity and I love every minute of it.”
Chloe may be young but she is already a musical veteran. Both of her parents, Adéle (“Twink”) King and David Agnew are successful performers and Chloe made her stage debut at 4 weeks old and sang on her mother’s TV show at the age of 6. In 1998, she won the Grand Prix at the First International Children's Song Competition in Cairo, Egypt, representing Ireland with a song called "The Friendship Tree." Her big break came at the age of 11 when she approached Musical Director David Downes with the idea of recording a single for charity.
“It was shortly after September 11th and I saw an ad on TV for the children of Afghanistan and for the children in America who had lost their families,” she remembers. “It really affected me and I remember thinking about it for weeks, just being moved and changed by it. I sat down with a friend to decide what we could do to help; you know do we have a sale or a lemonade stand? I knew that singing was the strongest thing I could do so I asked David if I could record a single with the profits going to charity. He took me into his studio and we recorded “This Holy Christmas Night”, then Celtic Collections released it and I went on Ireland’s biggest TV show and we raised over 20,000 pounds.”
Not one to rest on her achievements, Chloe was signed to Celtic Collections and recorded her first album at 12 and her second at 14 and, in addition to singing, studies piano, guitar and recorder. Most recently, she’s been touring as a soloist in ‘Celtic Woman’. “The show has opened up a huge new door for me,” she says. “I’ve gotten to do things I just never dreamed I could do; traveling the States and meeting so many people. What has been the best though is working with the other girls. They’re the most beautiful talented woman I’ve ever met and it’s been a great experience.”
When you’re meant to be in school, life on the road does have some disadvantages. Chloe has a personal tutor when she tours to ensure that she keeps up with her studies and she credits her friends and teachers for the success of the process. “I said to one teacher ‘thank you very much for being supportive of my having to make guest appearances at school’,” she recounts. “And she said ‘well, it’s not every day that one of our students spends 32 weeks at number one in the world music charts.’ She was just very proud and knowing that you have that kind of support behind you makes so much of a difference.”
Chloe’s system seems to be working as she’s earned honors at school and she would love to get a degree in child psychology. Although even she admits that her music career might be more pressing for a while. “The music has taken off so much I’ll have to see where I go from here on in,” she says. “My mom is such a role model to me, she’s an inspiration. She toured when she was the same age as me and she got her education in with honors so I’ve always said that if she could do it, I could do it. I’m really stubborn, I’d never let anything get the better of me.”
When she isn’t performing, Chloe says that she’s a typical teenage “bouncing along to anything that’s playing on the radio,” and admits “I’m a huge fan of Green Day. So many people say ‘here are you with this angelic voice singing ‘Ave Maria’’ and I’m backstage rocking to Green Day but that’s the teenage side of me. There is a huge different side to me that people haven’t seen yet. I think I want to explore that more before I decide that’s what I’d want to do. Right now the classical songs suit me for who I am right now. I don’t want to rush ahead into things that will burn me out in three years time; I want to make the most of what I have now and then see what happens as my voice changes and progresses.”
Her angelic singing voice has earned Chloe a very active fan-base, something else that she’s grateful for. “The fans have been fantastic,” she says. “Particularly in America, they’re so open to something new. It’s great to see that you can develop this new show and people will grasp onto it and give it a chance. I also love meeting people. When you get up on stage and know that at least one person who likes the show is there, you have someone to play to. “
Not surprisingly, many of Chloe’s fans are children. “I got one letter from a girl who had a very rough childhood and hadn’t spoken in four years. She wrote that she heard my album and had recently joined the choir. Her mom told me that I’d changed her life. That’s when the hard work and blood, sweat and tears don’t matter. When you know that you’ve done that for one person’s life, it brings you to tears.”
More information about Chloë Agnew can be found on her website
背景資料參考了大陸、港澳和台灣等地的相關傳媒資訊,以及海外的部分資料,尤其引用了Celtic Woman(美麗人聲)官方網站的英文介紹,和台灣“藍色雷斯裏的陰暗地下室”blog的精彩介紹,在此一並鳴謝!
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