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《The Pragmatic Bookshelf開發叢書-雲端代碼:利用Google AppEngine編程》(Code in the Cloud: Programming Google AppEngine)更新源代碼[PDF]
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《The Pragmatic Bookshelf開發叢書-雲端代碼:利用Google AppEngine編程》(Code in the Cloud: Programming Google AppEngine)更新源代碼[PDF] 簡介: 中文名 : The Pragmatic Bookshelf開發叢書-雲端代碼:利用Google AppEngine編程 原名 : Code in the Cloud: Programming Google AppEngine 作者 : Mark C. Chu-Carroll 圖書分類 : 軟件 資源格式 : PDF 版本 : 更新源代碼 出版社 : The Pragmatic
"《The Pragmatic Bookshelf開發叢書-雲端代碼:利用Google AppEngine編程》(Code in the Cloud: Programming Google AppEngine)更新源代碼[PDF]"介紹
中文名: The Pragmatic Bookshelf開發叢書-雲端代碼:利用Google AppEngine編程
原名: Code in the Cloud: Programming Google AppEngine
作者: Mark C. Chu-Carroll
圖書分類: 軟件
資源格式: PDF
版本: 更新源代碼
出版社: The Pragmatic Bookshelf
書號: 978-1-93435-663-0
發行時間: 2011年4月14日
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

Join the next wave of Web 2.0 software development in the cloud! Cloud applications are the next big shift in application development: instead of building single-user applications to run on a personal computer, new applications are being built as multi-user services that run in data centers around the world. One of the most exciting new environments for building services in the cloud is Google’s AppEngine. AppEngine is a powerful, easy-to-use framework for developing cloud-based services. This book will teach you what you need to make the shift to cloud development using AppEngine.
Mark Chu-Carroll is a software engineer at Google. He’s been working on programming languages and software development tools for close to 20 years. In his free time, he’s the administrator/developer of Scientopia.org, where writes the blog Good Math/Bad Math. You can visit his blog at http://scientopia.org/blogs/goodmath.

Getting Started with AppEngine
Getting Started
Programming AppEngine with Python
A First Real Cloud Application
Managing Data in the Cloud excerpt
Using AppEngine Services for Login Authentication
Organizing AppEngine Code: Separating UI and Logic
Making the UI Pretty: Templates and CSS
Getting Interactive
Programming AppEngine with Java
AppEngine and Java excerpt
Managing Server-Side Data in AppEngine
Building User Interfaces in Java
Advanced AppEngine
Advanced Datastore
AppEngine Services
Computing in the Cloud
Security in AppEngine Services
Wrapping Up 

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