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《系統維護工具盤》(Hirens BootCD)v15.1[壓縮包]
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《系統維護工具盤》(Hirens BootCD)v15.1[壓縮包] 簡介: 資料介紹 Hiren's BootCD 是老外 做的一款常用Windows、DOS系統工具大全集啟動光盤,非常的出名。 Hiren's BootCD 包括從分
"《系統維護工具盤》(Hirens BootCD)v15.1[壓縮包]"介紹


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Hiren's BootCD 是老外 做的一款常用Windows、DOS系統工具大全集啟動光盤,非常的出名。

Hiren's BootCD 包括從分區、克隆、殺毒、數據拯救、硬件檢測到硬盤維護、DOS和 Windows應用軟件方方面面的一張啟動光盤,讓你一盤在手搞定各種電腦。v8.6之後的版本還加入了Keyboard Patch(鍵盤補丁),Hiren's BootCD 刻錄成一張小光盤是非常有用的。

Hiren's BootCD - an indispensable tool used by many computer technicians and system administrators. At one bootable CD assembled dozens of the most popular programs and utilities for running DOS. This is a utility for working with hard drive, its recovery and diagnostic tools diagnosis of all the computer nodes, file managers, utilities for the network, as well as many others. Hiren's BootCD eliminates the need to keep on hand dozens and dozens of disks required in daily work.



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