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《FastReport》(FastReport VCL)EnterPrise 4.7[壓縮包],編程開發、資源下載
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《FastReport》(FastReport VCL)EnterPrise 4.7[壓縮包],編程開發、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: FastReport英文名: FastReport VCL資源格式: 壓縮包版本: EnterPrise 4.7發行時間: 2009年08月06日制作發行: Fast Report Inc http://fast-report.com/en/地區: 俄羅斯語言: 簡體中文簡介: FastReport VCL的Enterprise版本最新控件,包含完整源碼,多語言支持,搞過D
"《FastReport》(FastReport VCL)EnterPrise 4.7[壓縮包],編程開發、資源下載"介紹
中文名: FastReport英文名: FastReport VCL資源格式: 壓縮包版本: EnterPrise 4.7發行時間: 2009年08月06日制作發行: Fast Report Inc
http://fast-report.com/en/地區: 俄羅斯語言: 簡體中文簡介:
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FastReport VCL的Enterprise版本最新控件,包含完整源碼,多語言支持,搞過Delphi的應該都知道。
FASTREPORT® 4.7 VCL - report generator for Delphi
FastReport®4 VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport® provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. It can be used in the CodeGear (exBorland) Delphi 4-2009, CodeGear C++Builder 6-2009 and CodeGear RAD Studio environments.
Build: 4.7.181
Current version
- fixed bug with Mirror Mrgins in RTF, HTML, XLS, XML, OpenOffice exports
- fixed bug when cross tab cut the text in corner, when corner height greater than column height
+ added TfrxDBDataset.BCDToCurrency property
+ added TfrxReportOptions.HiddenPassword property to set password silently from code
+ added TfrxADOConnection.OnAfterDisconnect event
+ added TfrxDesigner.MemoParentFont property
+ added new TfrxDesignerRestriction: drDontEditReportScript and drDontEditInternalDatasets
+ adedd checksum calculating for 2 5 interleaved barcode
+ added TfrxGroupHeader.ShowChildIfDrillDown property
+ added TfrxMailExport.OnSendMail event
- improved WatchForm TListBox changet to TCheckListBox
- improved AddFrom method - copy outline
- Improved functional of vertical bands, shows memos placed on H-band which doesn't across VBand, also calculate expression inside it and call events (like in FR2)
- Improved unsorted mode in crosstab(join same columns correctly)
- Improved converter from Report Builder
- Improved TfrxDesigner.OnInsertObject, should call when drag drop field from data tree
- improved DrillDownd mechanism, should work correct with master-detail-subtetail nesting
- fixed bug with DownThenAcross in Cross Tab
- fixed several bugs under CodeGear RAD Studio (Delphi/C++Builder) 2009
- fixed bug with emf in ODT export
- fixed bug with outline when build several composite reports in double pass mode
- fixed bug when group doesn't fit on the whole page
- fixed Page and Line variables inside vertical bands
- fixed bug with using KeepHeader in some cases
- fixed bug with displacement of subreport when use PrintOnParent property in some cases
- fixed small memory leak in subreports
- fixed problem with PageFooter and ReportSymmary when use PrintOnPreviousPage property
- fixed bug when designer shows commented functions in object inspector
- fixed bug when designer place function in commented text block
- fixed bug when Engine try to split non-stretcheable view and gone to endless loop
- fixed bug with HTML tags in memo when use shot text and WordWrap
- [enterprise] fixed bug with variables lost on refresh/export
+ [enterprise] added Windows Authentification mode
* [enterprise] improved CGI for IIS/Apache server
+ added confirmation reading for TfrxMailExport
+ added TimeOut field to TfrxMailExport form
- fixed bug whih PDF,ODT export in Delphi4 and CBuilder4
- fixed bug with some codepage which use two bytes for special symbols (Japanese ans Chinese codepages)
- fixed bug when engine delete first space from text in split Memo
+ added ability to use keeping(KeepTogether/KeepChild/KeepHeader) in multi-column report
- fixed bug in multi-column page when band overlap stretched PageHeader
- fixed bug with using ReprintOnNewPage
+ added ability to split big bands(biggest than page height) by default
[安全檢測] 瑞星殺毒
[安裝測試] 經過安裝測試 Delphi CBuilder 12安裝成功,使用者後果自負與本論壇無關。

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