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《JAVA IDE開發平台》(JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA)v10.5.Ultimate.Edition[壓縮包]
下載分級 软件资源
資源類別 編程開發
發布時間 2017/7/12
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《JAVA IDE開發平台》(JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA)v10.5.Ultimate.Edition[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : JAVA IDE開發平台 英文名 : JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v10.5.Ultimate.Edition 發行時間 : 2011年 制作發行 : JetBrains. 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 軟件類型:軟件>編程開發 軟件性質:破解軟件 操作系統:Windows 應用平台:Windows 問
"《JAVA IDE開發平台》(JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA)v10.5.Ultimate.Edition[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: JAVA IDE開發平台
英文名: JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v10.5.Ultimate.Edition
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: JetBrains.
語言: 英文

問題反饋: http://www.jetbrains.com/support/index.html
網站鏈接: http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/
IntelliJ IDEA 是一種商業化銷售的Java集成開發環境(Integrated Development Environment,IDE)工具軟件,由捷克軟件公司JetBrains在2001年1 月時推出最初版。
IntelliJ IDEA 被認為是當前Java開發效率最快的IDE工具。它整合了開發過程中實用的眾多功能,幾乎可以不用鼠標可以方便的完成你要做的任何事情,最大程度的加快開發的速度。簡單而又功能強大。與其他的一些繁冗而復雜的IDE工具有鮮明的對比。
IntelliJ IDEA 特色:
1. 智能的選取。在很多時候我們要選取某個方法,或某個循環或想一步一步從一個變量到整個類慢慢擴充著選取,IDEA就提供這種基於語法的選擇,在默認設置中Ctrl+w,可以實現選取范圍的不斷擴充,這種方式在重構的時候尤其顯得方便。
2. 豐富的導航模式。IDEA提供了豐富的導航查看模式,例如ctrl+e顯示最近打開過的文件,ctrl+n 顯示你希望顯示的類名查找框(該框同樣有智能補充功能,當你輸入字母後IDEA將顯示所有候選類名)。在最基本的project試圖中,你還可以選擇多種的試圖方式。
3. 歷史記錄功能。不用通過版本管理服務器,單純的IDEA就可以查看任何工程中文件的歷史記錄,但版本恢復時你可以很容易的將其恢復。
4. JUnit的完美支持。
5. 對重構的優越支持。IDEA是所有IDE中最早支持重構的,其優秀的重構能力一直是其主要賣點之一。
6. 編碼輔助。java規范中提倡的tostring(),hashcode(),equals(),以及所有的get/set方法,你可以不用進行任何的輸入就可以實現代碼的自動生成,從而把你從無聊的基本方法編碼中解放出來。
7. 靈活的排版功能。基本所有的IDE都有重排版功能,但僅有IDEA的是人性的,因為她支持排版模式的定制,你可以根據不同的項目要求采用不同的排版方式。
8. XML的完美支持。
9. 簡潔易用的GUI界面。
10. 與文件系統自動同步。當你最小化IDEA,直接對文件進行編輯之後,重新打開IDEA後IDEA將自動的完成文件的更新,而不用重新導入工程或刷新工程。
11. 自定義的快捷鍵。強大的快捷鍵設置,基本可以讓程序員離開鼠標工作。
12. 動態語法檢測。任何不符合java規范,自己預定義的規范,累贅都將在頁面中加亮顯示。
13. 代碼檢查。對代碼進行自動分析,檢測不符合規范的,存在風險的代碼,並加亮顯示。
14. 對JSP的完全支持。不需要任何的插件,完全支持JSP。
15. 智能編輯。代碼輸入過程中,自動補充方法或類。
16. EJB支持。不需要任何插件完全支持EJB(6.0 支持ejb3.0)
17. 列編輯模式。用過UtralEdit的肯定對其的列編輯模式贊賞不已,因為她減少了很多很多的無聊重復工作,而IDEA完全支持該模式,從而更加提高了編碼效率。
18. 智能模板。預置模板可以讓你把經常用到的方法編輯進模板,使用時你只用輸入簡單的幾個字母就可以完成全部代碼的編寫。例如使用比較高的public static void main(String[] args){}你可以在模板中預設pm為該方法,輸入時你只要輸入pm再按代碼輔助鍵,IDEA將完成代碼的自動輸入。
19. 完美的自動代碼完成。智能檢查類中方法,當發現方法名只有一個時自動完成代碼輸入,從而減少剩下代碼的編寫工作。
20. Ant 支持。不需要任何的第三方插件。
21. 不使用代碼檢查。自動檢查代碼中不使用的代碼,並給出提示,從而使代碼更高效。
22. 智能代碼。自動檢查代碼,發現與預置規范有出入的代碼給出提示,若程序員同意修改自動完成修改。例如代碼:String str = "Hello Intellij " + "IDEA"; IDEA將給出優化提示,若程序員同意修改IDEA將自動將代碼修改為:String str = "Hello Intellij IDEA";
23. 正則表達的查找和替換功能。查找替代支持正則表達,從而提高效率。
24. JavaDoc預覽支持。支持JavaDoc的預覽功能,在JavaDoc代碼中ctrl+q顯示JavaDoc的結果,從而提高 doc文檔的質量。
25. 程序員意圖支持。當程序員編碼時IDEA時時檢測你的意圖,或提供建議,或直接幫你完成代碼。
IntelliJ IDEA — The Most Intelligent Java IDE
IntelliJ IDEA is a code-centric IDE focused on developer productivity. The editor deeply understands your code and knows its way around the codebase, makes great suggestions right when you need them, and is always ready to help you shape your code.
Blazing Fast and Smart Code Completion
IntelliJ IDEA offers smart, type-aware code completion. It knows when you may want to cast to a type and is also aware of the run-time type checks that you made, after which you can perform cast and method invocation in a single action!
New in IntelliJ IDEA 10 — code completion auto-invoked instantly as you type.
Code faster with instant autocompletion
Easier Multilanguage Editing
IntelliJ IDEA easily recognizes one language inside another — language injections, such as SQL inside a Java, HTML inside JavaScript, etc. For injections the editor provides appropriate coding assistance inline and a dedicated injection fragment editor.
These are just 2 things out of dozens that make IntelliJ IDEA different.

. '
` ::
: `:
' `.
/ \
.' `.
. -- . . . -- .
. `. _ _ .' .
`._ _.' \( . )/ `._ _.'
/ `_ . _' \
:: \ : / ::
:::: `. . . | . . . .' ::::
::: :::: ```` |\ _ __.i| S!._ /| '''' :::: :::
:::... | \__________. .__________/ | ...:::
:::::: | | | | ::::::
:: _. | | | | ._ ::
. _ __\| | _______.' `._______ | |/__ _ .
._________ |_ |____. . . .____| _| _________.
_| \| | | |/ |_
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. _.i(\ \ ' | | ' / /)i._ .
"""______|\ ' ` . /|______"""
| "|_\ E M B R A C E . /_|" |
___| ____ _ _ ____________ i |___
' | | |/ "| | `
! ! ._____________ ' !
_____________ ______ _______________/ /________________ __________
_______// | _______ /_______ /_____ ______/ _______/
/ . |/ _| _/_ _/ _/ _ | /
_____/ /| " . \_ | \ ' | `.__ _____/
_______________/ |____/|_____| |____|\____________________//_____________
. ___ /_____________________| . . .
| \ / . ' | .___.' |
. ___|_ \/ |__________.| _ __| `S! _|___ .
|/ ._ `.______________. `. \|
/ |___ _ . \
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/_|____________ .______..-' _|_\
|____________|____________ ____________|____________|
| | | |
. |
. .
: |
| _i|
_ |_____..i|_||
`'-. "``-.!
` '
P r o u d l y . P r e s e n t s . .
. _
_________________________|( \.-.___________`-.___ _ ___________
| |
| JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA v10.0.3 Ultimate Edition |
| (c) JetBrains |
| date : 15 Apr, 2o11 size : 33 disks/5.00 MB |
| os : WinAll language : English |
| type : Util |
| protection : Serial |
|_____________________________________________________________. |
: | .' :
._ | |__________________________________________________. | _.
|/ | | \|

\ | | /
\ | IntelliJ IDEA is a code-centric IDE focused on developer | /
\| productivity. The editor deeply understands your code and |/
` knows its way around the codebase, makes great suggestions '
. right when you need them, and is always ready to help you .
: shape your code. :
| |
| * Blazing Fast and Smart Code Completion |
| |
| IntelliJ IDEA offers smart, type-aware code completion. It |
| knows when you may want to cast to a type and is also aware |
| of the run-time type checks that you made, after which you |
| can perform cast and method invocation in a single action! |
| New in IntelliJ IDEA 10 - code completion auto-invoked |
| instantly as you type. |
| |
| * Easier Multilanguage Editing |
| |
| IntelliJ IDEA easily recognizes one language inside another |
| - language injections, such as SQL inside a Java, HTML |
| inside JavaScript, etc. For injections the editor provides |
| appropriate coding assistance inline and a dedicated |
| injection fragment editor. |
| |
| * Ultimate - Exclusive Out-of-the-Box Feature Set |
| |
| IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is the full-featured commercial IDE |
| - with a complete set of tools and integrations with the |
| most important modern technologies and frameworks, such as |
| Spring and Hibernate - a must-have for effective Web and |
| Java EE development. |
| |
| * Enterprise technologies support including Java EE, |
| Spring, GWT, Struts, Hibernate, Google App Engine, OSGi and |
| others. |
| |
| * Simplified web development with intelligent editors for |
| HTML, JavaScript, CSS, integration for templating engines. |
| |
| * Full array of supported languages, with refactoring |
| capabilities: ActionScript, PHP, Groovy, Scala, |
| Python/Jython, Ruby/JRuby, Clojure. |
| |
| * Deployment and debugging with any of the following |
| application servers: Tomcat, GlassFish, JBoss, Weblogic, |
| WebSphere, Geronimo, Resin. |
| |
| * Commercial version control systems support: Perforce, |
| ClearCase, Team Foundation Server, Visual SourceSafe. |
| |
| * Tools for working with large scale Java codebases: |
| dependency analysis and validation, UML class diagrams. |
| |
| * Unique structural search and replace facility based on |
| regular expressions describing structural Java elements. |
| |
| * Easily spot and fix duplicate code fragments. Measure the |
| code coverage for your unit tests. |
| |
| |
| Use the included keymaker to register ... |
| __|__ __
|_ E n j o y . . . /\ \\ `
|_|_____________________________________________________ __/ \____\\
)/\ \ / /
:::::::::::::::: [ g r o u p . i n f o ] ::::::::::: " \_\/____/
_ ____________________________________________________ _ / /\
|_| /____/ \
| It is 2010, and we are still here, almost 10 years `" \ /
| old. We strive to bring you quality above all else, .____\/
| and hope to inspire other groups to do the same. |
| |
| Let us set an example, and motivate future generations |
| to learn reverse engineering, and join the scene. |
__ __|__ |
' // /\ We hope that, with your help, we can continue to |
//____/ \__ tackle every protection. |
\ \ / / |
\____\/_/ Contact information: [email protected] |
/\ \ . |
/ \____\ E M B R A C E .:: |
\ / "' established in October 2000 . .: .:::: |
\/____. _ _______________________ ______________________________|
__/ /_
[ g r e e |_ __/ i n g s ]
i.___________________________/ /_______________________________.i
| |
| |
. .
. ... and to all our old members: may you one day find .
' | your way back to us! ... | `
i | | i
__| |_ From the sky we will rise and conquer like we did so _| |___
/\ __ many times before, we will show the spirit of .. __ /\
/ \__/\ ....... /\__/ \
\ / \ `:::' .. / \ /
\/_ \ :::::: ::. ` .:: :::::: `: :: :::::: / _\/
/ \___ _ : ...: : `:' : : ...:. : : : _ ___/ \
\ / :..... : :. .: : :.....: : :....: \ /
\ / `:' \ /
\ / :. .: E M B R A C E ! \ /
\/__ _ `:' _ __\/


. '
` ::
: `:
' `.
/ \
.' `.
. -- . . . -- .
. `. _ _ .' .
`._ _.' \( . )/ `._ _.'
/ `_ . _' \
:: \ : / ::
:::: `. . . | . . . .' ::::
::: :::: ```` |\ _ __.i| S!._ /| '''' :::: :::
:::... | \__________. .__________/ | ...:::
:::::: | | | | ::::::
:: _. | | | | ._ ::
. _ __\| | _______.' `._______ | |/__ _ .
._________ |_ |____. . . .____| _| _________.
_| \| | | |/ |_
. \| " | | " |/ .
. _.i(\ \ ' | | ' / /)i._ .
"""______|\ ' ` . /|______"""
| "|_\ E M B R A C E . /_|" |
___| ____ _ _ ____________ i |___
' | | |/ "| | `
! ! ._____________ ' !
_____________ ______ _______________/ /________________ __________
_______// | _______ /_______ /_____ ______/ _______/
/ . |/ _| _/_ _/ _/ _ | /
_____/ /| " . \_ | \ ' | `.__ _____/
_______________/ |____/|_____| |____|\____________________//_____________
. ___ /_____________________| . . .
| \ / . ' | .___.' |
. ___|_ \/ |__________.| _ __| `S! _|___ .
|/ ._ `.______________. `. \|
/ |___ _ . \
/. : .\
/_|____________ .______..-' _|_\
|____________|____________ ____________|____________|
| | | |
. |
. .
: |
| _i|
_ |_____..i|_||
`'-. "``-.!
` '
P r o u d l y . P r e s e n t s . .
. _
_________________________|( \.-.___________`-.___ _ ___________
| |
| JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA v10.5 Ultimate Edition |
| (c) JetBrains |
| date : 17 May, 2o11 size : 34 disks/5.00 MB |
| os : WinAll language : English |
| type : Util |
| protection : Serial |
|_____________________________________________________________. |
: | .' :
._ | |__________________________________________________. | _.
|/ | | \|

\ | | /
\ | IntelliJ IDEA is a code-centric IDE focused on developer | /
\| productivity. The editor deeply understands your code and |/
` knows its way around the codebase, makes great suggestions '
. right when you need them, and is always ready to help you .
: shape your code. :
| |
| * Blazing Fast and Smart Code Completion |
| |
| IntelliJ IDEA offers smart, type-aware code completion. It |
| knows when you may want to cast to a type and is also aware |
| of the run-time type checks that you made, after which you |
| can perform cast and method invocation in a single action! |
| New in IntelliJ IDEA 10 - code completion auto-invoked |
| instantly as you type. |
| |
| * Easier Multilanguage Editing |
| |
| IntelliJ IDEA easily recognizes one language inside another |
| - language injections, such as SQL inside a Java, HTML |
| inside JavaScript, etc. For injections the editor provides |
| appropriate coding assistance inline and a dedicated |
| injection fragment editor. |
| |
| * Ultimate - Exclusive Out-of-the-Box Feature Set |
| |
| IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is the full-featured commercial IDE |
| - with a complete set of tools and integrations with the |
| most important modern technologies and frameworks, such as |
| Spring and Hibernate - a must-have for effective Web and |
| Java EE development. |
| |
| * Enterprise technologies support including Java EE, |
| Spring, GWT, Struts, Hibernate, Google App Engine, OSGi and |
| others. |
| |
| * Simplified web development with intelligent editors for |
| HTML, JavaScript, CSS, integration for templating engines. |
| |
| * Full array of supported languages, with refactoring |
| capabilities: ActionScript, PHP, Groovy, Scala, |
| Python/Jython, Ruby/JRuby, Clojure. |
| |
| * Deployment and debugging with any of the following |
| application servers: Tomcat, GlassFish, JBoss, Weblogic, |
| WebSphere, Geronimo, Resin. |
| |
| * Commercial version control systems support: Perforce, |
| ClearCase, Team Foundation Server, Visual SourceSafe. |
| |
| * Tools for working with large scale Java codebases: |
| dependency analysis and validation, UML class diagrams. |
| |
| * Unique structural search and replace facility based on |
| regular expressions describing structural Java elements. |
| |
| * Easily spot and fix duplicate code fragments. Measure the |
| code coverage for your unit tests. |
| |
| |
| Use the included keymaker to register ... |
| __|__ __
|_ E n j o y . . . /\ \\ `
|_|_____________________________________________________ __/ \____\\
)/\ \ / /
:::::::::::::::: [ g r o u p . i n f o ] ::::::::::: " \_\/____/
_ ____________________________________________________ _ / /\
|_| /____/ \
| It is 2010, and we are still here, almost 10 years `" \ /
| old. We strive to bring you quality above all else, .____\/
| and hope to inspire other groups to do the same. |
| |
| Let us set an example, and motivate future generations |
| to learn reverse engineering, and join the scene. |
__ __|__ |
' // /\ We hope that, with your help, we can continue to |
//____/ \__ tackle every protection. |
\ \ / / |
\____\/_/ Contact information: [email protected] |
/\ \ . |
/ \____\ E M B R A C E .:: |
\ / "' established in October 2000 . .: .:::: |
\/____. _ _______________________ ______________________________|
__/ /_
[ g r e e |_ __/ i n g s ]
i.___________________________/ /_______________________________.i
| |
| |
. .
. ... and to all our old members: may you one day find .
' | your way back to us! ... | `
i | | i
__| |_ From the sky we will rise and conquer like we did so _| |___
/\ __ many times before, we will show the spirit of .. __ /\
/ \__/\ ....... /\__/ \
\ / \ `:::' .. / \ /
\/_ \ :::::: ::. ` .:: :::::: `: :: :::::: / _\/
/ \___ _ : ...: : `:' : : ...:. : : : _ ___/ \
\ / :..... : :. .: : :.....: : :....: \ /
\ / `:' \ /
\ / :. .: E M B R A C E ! \ /
\/__ _ `:' _ __\/



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