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發布時間 2017/7/11
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《專業數據庫軟件》(FileMaker.Pror.Advanced.&.FileMaker.Server.Advanced)v11.0.1.95[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 專業數據庫軟件 英文名 : FileMaker.Pror.Advanced.&.FileMaker.Server.Advanced 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v11.0.1.95 發行時間 : 2010年 制作發行 : FileMaker 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 語言:英語 網址:http://www.filemaker.com/p
中文名: 專業數據庫軟件
英文名: FileMaker.Pror.Advanced.&.FileMaker.Server.Advanced
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v11.0.1.95
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: FileMaker
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

(from http://www.filemaker.com.cn/products/fmp/index.html)
FileMaker Pro 是可在 Windows 及 Mac OS 上運行的專業數據庫軟件,它能幫助您以最簡便的途徑管理人員、項目、資產等其他更多內容。
FileMaker Pro 的便捷性體現在產品的各個方面,長期以來在專業領域屢獲大獎,並受到數百萬用戶及業內專家的稱贊。
FileMaker Pro 的安裝及設置在幾分鐘內即可完成。幾次點擊便可將數據信息從 Microsoft Excel 工作表或其他格式的文件中轉入 FileMaker 數據庫,輕松實現查找、分類、打印、形成報告等多項功能。
通過友好直觀的用戶界面,您可以自定義數據庫解決方案並能方便地共享數據。從簡單的聯系方式查詢到復雜的多重任務跟進, FileMaker Pro 都能協助您處理——比以往任何時候都更加方便和快捷!
(from net)
上周 FileMaker 宣布 FileMaker Pro 9 正式上市,這是一流的 Windows 及 Mac OS 數據庫軟件的全新版本。
FileMaker 公司稱這款軟件的上市為"這幾年來最戲劇性的新產品上市"。可使用的版本包括了 FileMaker Pro 9,FileMaker Pro 9 Advanced,FileMaker Server 9 及 FileMaker Server 9 Advanced。新版的改進方面主要集中針對終端用戶以及FileMaker開發者的需求上,同時也把焦點放在數據庫共享、報道以及自動化操作上。對於新用戶來說,全新的 Quick Start 屏幕設計可以幫助他們快速地控制應用程序。Conditional Formatting 新功能將會強調用戶分配的參數數據;它也允許用戶將電子郵件的鏈接發送給另一個用戶,這樣他們可以立即進入數據庫。
這個新版本還為 SQL 服務器、MySQL 及 Oracle 數據可提供了易於使用的工具,從這些數據庫中導出來的數據是以 FileMaker 數據格式存在。FileMaker Server 9 目前以現代化的 Admin Console 而自豪,它可以促進軟件的配置和施行更簡單化。
"FileMaker在易於使用的數據庫軟件方面是公認的領導者," FileMaker 總裁 Dominique Goupil 說, "隨著 FileMaker 9 的上市,我們向前邁了一步。在生產及創新方式上,開發者及用戶使用這款軟件能比以往更簡單地管理信息。舉個例子,我們的目標是使 FileMaker Server 9 變得更簡單化,以至於 FileMaker Pro 用戶可以在 20 分鐘以內安裝完畢,並且快速地共享數據庫資源,"
FileMaker 官方表示:" FileMaker Server 9 和 FileMaker Server 9 Advanced 通過使用 PHP 就可以和網絡整合在一起,基本安裝時間在 20 分鐘之內,並且可以重新設計服務器界面。這些改進方面意味著用戶使用 FileMaker 數據編寫代碼時,僅僅幾分鐘就可以產生完整的 PHP 網站。"
FileMaker Pro 9其它特征包括PHP Custom Web Publishing,它可以創建動態的數據驅動網站;可以從外部SQL資源中共享數據。

²²²²²²  ²²
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     sCr! ²  
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  ²²²² ²²² ² ²² ²² ²²
²² ²²²² ²² ²²²² ²² ²²
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²²  ²² ²²²²² ²² ²²
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   ²² ²²     
  ²²     
  ²²      
 ²²   
²    ²
   
    It goes AGAiN, AGAiN...   
 ²    
²²  FileMaker Server Advanced v11.0.1.95  ² 
²²²²²² ©  ²²
 ² ²²²²²²
  Cracker...: AGAiN ² 
  Supplier..: AGAiN  
  Packager..: AGAiN  
 Tester....: AGAiN  
  ²
²  ²
±  OS..........: Windows 
°  Language....: English  
 Protection..: Serial  
  Size........: 40 x 4.77mb  
²  Date........: 23/03/2010  
    
    ² 
 ²   
    
     ²²  
         
      
²  ²²²    
   
 ² R e l e a s e I n f o 
²   
²   
 
 FileMaker Server 11 Advanced includes all the features 
  in FileMaker Server 11 plus more sharing and ² 
²  connectivity options. Add FileMaker Server 11 Advanced ² 
 to FileMaker Pro and maximize your database sharing  ²
 ² capabilities 
²  ² 
²  Setup & Administration :  
 Install FileMaker Server 11 in just 20 minutes or 
 less. Manage your databases remotely and automate 
  administrative tasks. ² 
²  ² 
 Reliability & Availability :  ²
 ² Get anytime access to your data with 24/7 
²  availability. Protect your data with scheduled live ² 
²  back-ups.  
 
 Security : 
  Manage user access through external authentication via ² 
²  Active Directory/Open Directory. Use SSL encryption ² 
 for secure data transfer.  ²
 ² 
²  Web Publishing : Create custom, data-driven websites ² 
²  using PHP or XML/XSLT. Use the PHP Site Assistant for  
 step-by-step help in creating PHP websites. 
 
  Sharing : NEW! FileMaker Server 11 Advanced does not ² 
²  limit the number of FileMaker Pro clients. Connections ² 
 are limited only by your hardware and operating  ²
 ² system. 
²  ² 
²  Administrator Groups : NEW! Create Administrator  
 Groups and assign specific server access privileges 
 while retaining exclusive control of your databases. 
  ² 
²  ² 
  ²
 ² 
²  ² 
²   
 
 
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     ²  
²   ²²²²²    
² I n s t a l l I n f o   ²²²    
      
 ² 
  Unzip and unrar release, install it. When asked use ² 
²  our keymaker to generate your registration data.  ²
 
 ² ² 
²   
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 
 ² ² 
²    
²    
       ²²²² 
       ²²   ² 
     ² 
²    - G r o u p ! -  ²
  
 ² ² 
²  There's the phoenix, immortality born with the flames,  
²  strength rised from the ashes, mythical magnificence 
 resurrected from the sky - soul of the spiritual 
 being, intense excitement, cosmic fire the world began ² 
  and will end in, death and rebirth regenerated. ² 
²   ²
 Things fade. Things die. He has been born again, he 
 ² lives again. WE LIVE AGAiN. Deathless inspiration. ² 
²   
²  [email protected] 
   
       ² 
      ² 
²        ²
    
 ² G r e e t i n g s ² 
²   
²  SSG - LND - SAC 
² ²
    ²²
     ² 
      
    

  
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 ²²²
   sCr/strick9!  
    ²²²² 
      
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       
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Ascii Header    
and layout by Scour/SAC 2003.  
Ascii footer by Scour and Strick9.    ²
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     sCr! ²  
     ²²² 
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    ²² 
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 ²² ² ²  ²²²
  ²²²² ²²² ² ²² ²² ²²
²² ²²²² ²² ²²²² ²² ²²
²²² ²²² ²² ²² ²²² ²² ²²
²²  ²² ²²²²² ²² ²²
²²  ²² ² ² 
   ²² ²²     
  ²²     
  ²²      
 ²²   
²    ²
   
    It goes AGAiN, AGAiN...   
 ²    
²²  FileMaker Pro Advanced v11.0.1.96  ² 
²²²²²² © FileMaker, Inc.  ²²
 ² ²²²²²²
  Cracker...: AGAiN ² 
  Supplier..: AGAiN  
  Packager..: AGAiN  
 Tester....: AGAiN  
  ²
²  ²
±  OS..........: Windows 
°  Language....: English  
 Protection..: Serial  
  Size........: 63 x 4.77mb  
²  Date........: 23/03/2010  
    
    ² 
 ²   
    
     ²²  
         
      
²  ²²²    
   
 ² R e l e a s e I n f o 
²   
²   
 
 FileMaker Pro 11 Advanced includes all the features of 
  FileMaker Pro 11 plus a suite of advanced development ² 
²  and customization tools. ² 
  ²
 ² If you design databases for yourself or your group and 
²  want to build more powerful and more flexible database ² 
²  applications, then FileMaker Pro 11 Advanced is for  
 you. 
 
  -Develop and design databases faster : ² 
²  Customize your database applications even more by ² 
 creating and modifying menu and toolbar items with  ²
 ² Custom Menus (+). 
²  Create standalone, runtime solutions that don’t ² 
²  require users to have FileMaker Pro.  
 
 -Monitor more efficiently : 
  Pinpoint problem areas by reviewing scripts ² 
²  step-by-step in the Script Debugger (+). ² 
 Monitor fields, variables, expressions, and even test  ²
 ² calculation formulas with the Data Viewer (+). 
²  ² 
²  -Modify and maintain with ease :  
 Update databases faster by importing multiple tables 
 or by copying and pasting fields, tables, and scripts. 
  Get comprehensive information on all elements of your ² 
²  database schema with the Database Design Report (+). ² 
  ²
 ² 
²  ² 
²   
 
 
 ² 
     ²  
²   ²²²²²    
² I n s t a l l I n f o   ²²²    
      
 ² 
  Unzip and unrar release, install it. When asked use ² 
²  our keymaker to generate your registration data.  ²
 
 ² This is retail .exe with keygen (not cracked demo) ² 
²   
²  
 
 ² ² 
²    
²    
       ²²²² 
       ²²   ² 
     ² 
²    - G r o u p ! -  ²
  
 ² ² 
²  There's the phoenix, immortality born with the flames,  
²  strength rised from the ashes, mythical magnificence 
 resurrected from the sky - soul of the spiritual 
 being, intense excitement, cosmic fire the world began ² 
  and will end in, death and rebirth regenerated. ² 
²   ²
 Things fade. Things die. He has been born again, he 
 ² lives again. WE LIVE AGAiN. Deathless inspiration. ² 
²   
²  [email protected] 
   
       ² 
      ² 
²        ²
    
 ² G r e e t i n g s ² 
²   
²  SSG - LND - SAC 
² ²
    ²²
     ² 
      
    

  
 ² 
 ²²²
   sCr/strick9!  
    ²²²² 
      
         
           
          
       
       
      
    ² 
Ascii Header    
and layout by Scour/SAC 2003.  
Ascii footer by Scour and Strick9.    ²
  



免責聲明:本網站內容收集於互聯網,本站不承擔任何由於內容的合法性及健康性所引起的爭議和法律責任。如果侵犯了你的權益,請通知我們,我們會及時刪除相關內容,謝謝合作! 聯系信箱:[email protected]

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