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《光盤自動播放制作工具》(IndigoRose.AutoPlay.Media.Studio)7.5.1008.0[壓縮包] 簡介: 資料介紹 現在你也可以輕松創建非常眩目自動播放的光盤了 AutoPlay Media Studio 具備所有見機所得操作環境的光盤自動播放制作工具,預置應用廣泛的的可重用模板,可以


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AutoPlay Media Studio 具備所有見機所得操作環境的光盤自動播放制作工具,預置應用廣泛的的可重用模板,可以隨心所欲的加入圖片、文字和音樂,以及特效等。大大增強的制作環境,支持 MEPG 播放,支持 Flash ,無限次的 Undo/Redo ,透明窗口。

AutoPlay Media Studio是一款可以制作包括Web浏覽器、多媒體播放器、產品目錄冊、Vcards、相冊、商業軟件、推銷材料、自動運行菜單等多種項目的多媒體工具軟件。 可以隨心所欲的加入各種圖片、文本、視頻、Flash,制作出令人驚奇的項目,它內置了大量的模版,可以幫助我們快速的完成作品。

引用 
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 °° °²°° ² ±²  ²² ° °±²
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± °±±±±±±±±±±°° °±²²²²²²²²²²²²²±±±±±±±±² 
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 ±±±±±±±±²±  ²²²² 
  ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²  <LNK/CPS>
 ±±±±±±± ²±±±±±±±±±±±±±±²²±±±±±±±  
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²²²²²²² ²²²²      ²²²²²
²²²   
² F.O.S.I. - P R E S E N T S


²° ±°
±² RLS DATE ..............: 26-Jun-2009 °
± RLS SiZE ..............: 08 * 5,00 MB ± ±²
²  RLS NAME ..............: fo-a756.zip ² °±
² °  ° ²
² ° ± PROTECTiON ............: s/n  ±° °
²²² ²° REQUiREMENTS ..........: Windows OS °² ²²±
 ± ² ± ±±² 
   ° ²± 
 ²° ±  ± 
°     
² ²  ° ±° ² ± ²
°²±±    DESCRiPTiON N' iNSTALLATiON     

AutoPlay Media Studio 7 makes it easy to create your own
interactive multimedia software. Even if you’re not a
"programmer", you'll be creating professional projects in no time.
It’s all done in a completely visual, drag-and-drop design
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and web content, you simply move things into place using your
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library of more than 640 easy to use actions.

Whether you're a complete novice or a seasoned programmer used to
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Use the following serial number when asked:

²± °²
±  ± NFO LAST UPDATED ²° ² ±
± ±± ° ± 06-11-2004 ±  ° ²
²   -----   ²
 ±± °²° <LNK/CPS> °²²° ° 
± ±  ± °°
²²± ± ²° ±²
± ± ± ²² ° ±
° ° ² ± ° ²
± ²   ± ±
°±  ± ² ² ² ² ±
 ²  ° ±° ±
°± ±± ² ± °² ±²±°
² ° ±    ±
±   ±
° ± ²
 ²
° 
 
 ²
 
² 


引用 
 ²
²² ²²  
°±²²²°  ²²  F4CG - since 1983! ²
±²² ²²    ‏  ‏
±²²   ² ‏ ²  ² ² 
±±²²² ²²    ²    ²²
°±±² ² ±²²² ²² ²²² ²²±
°±² °²²±²²²²  ²²°² ±² ²² ² ²² ²±
 ±²²  ² °²² ² ² ²²²  ² ²²± ²²±
±²² ±² ²²²  ² ² ²²²   ²²± ²²±
°±² ±²²² ² ² ±² ² ² ²±° ²²±°
 °±²² °±²² ²²² ²²²  ²²° 
² °±²²² ²²²²  ²²²±cpN²
±²²²²²²  ²²²²²±° ±²²²±
²²²² ° ²² ²  ² ²²²± ²²
²² ² ²²  ²² presents ² ²± ²
²²² ²²   ²  ²
²² ²   ²²²
²²² ² AutoPlay Media Studio v7.5.1008.0 ² ²²²
²² ±²²² © Indigo Rose Corporation ²²²± ²²
²² ±² ²± ²²
²² ²²
²² Cracker ....: Team F4CG Release Date ....: 12-23-2009 ²²
²² Supplier ...: Team F4CG OS Type .........: Windows ²²
²² Packer .....: GiftWrap Number Of Disks .: [xx/09] ²²
²²² Protection .: Custom Program Type ....: Application ²²²
±²²   ²²±
°±²²² ²²²±°
°± ²²²±±°° ° °° °°°°°°°°°°° °° ° °°±±²²² ±°
° ° ²² ²² ° °
°±²² ²²±°
°±²² SITE: http://www.indigorose.com ²²±°
±²²²² ²²²²±
²² ²² ²² ²²
²² ²²² ²²² ²²
²² ²²²±   ±²²² ²²
²² ² ² ² ² ²²
²²   ²²
²²² RELEASE NOTES: ²²²
²² ²²
²² AutoPlay Media Studio 7.5 is the software development ²²
²² tool of choice for professional software developers ²²
²² wanting to create reliable autorun CD / DVDs and autoplay ²²
²² menu systems. It`s used by thousands of programmers to ²²
²² build a wide variety of multimedia software development ²²
²² projects. AutoPlay Media Studio is ideally suited to ²²
²² creating visual programming projects like intereactive ²²
²² training applications, video players, software demos and ²²
²² other extreme programming, database programming, business ²²
²² application development and agile software development ²²
²² projects. ²²
²² ²²
²² Simply combine images, music, video, flash etc – and drag ²²
²² n` drop your way to fully interactive software ²²
²² applications. To help you get started quickly we provide ²²
²² extra resources including video training, professional ²²
²² content add-ons, an online user forum, and much more! ²²
²² ²²
²² ²²
²² ²²
²² 1. Unzip, unrar and install the program. ²²
²² 2. Copy patch in to proper directory and use it. ²²
²² 3. Enjoy ! ²²
²² ²²
²² ²²
²² ²²
²² GROUP NEWS: ²²
²² ²²
²² No group news available at this moment ... ²²
²² ²²
²² ²²
²² ²²
²²   ²²
²²²² _/|/_ ²²²²
±²²² ²²²±
°°± ²² IF YOU LIKE THIS PROGGIE, BUY IT! ²² ±°°
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° ° ²²±   ±²² ° °
°° ±²² ² ² ²²± °°
°°±   ±°°
°±²² F4CG GREETINGS: ²²±°
±² ²±
²² All current and past F4CG members wherever you are. ²²
²² All hard-working/secure groups in the real scene. ²²
²² ²²
²²² ²²²
²²²   ²²²
²² ²² ² ² ²² ²²
²²±²² ±² ²± ²²±²²
±²²²±²²   ²²±²²²±
² ²² ²²   ²² ²² ²
 ²² ² UPDATE [03-01-2006] ² ²² 
² ²²²² ² ²²²² ²
²  ²
²² ascii by cpN of cRo in 2oo5 ²²

Razor 73 . King6420 - THE FORCE


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