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《二維/三維制圖和設計軟件》(MicroStation PowerDraft )v8i[光盤鏡像]
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《二維/三維制圖和設計軟件》(MicroStation PowerDraft )v8i[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: CAD
"《二維/三維制圖和設計軟件》(MicroStation PowerDraft )v8i[光盤鏡像]"介紹


  • CAD輔助設計軟件工具

IPB Image


MicroStation PowerDraft 是一個專業級應用程序,用於二維/三維制圖和詳細設計。PowerDraft 為以 DGN 或 DWG 格式創建、編輯和處理工程圖及模型提供了一個直觀界面,並可與所有 Bentley 解決方案完全集成。

PowerDraft 和 MicroStation 基於相同的代碼庫,因此具有許多相同的特性和功能,包括 MicroStation 的全套參照、尺寸標注、文本和繪圖工具。

PowerDraft 可最大限度地提升您的制圖能力:

數據互用性 - 對 DGN 和 DWG 文件的原生支持使您能夠專注於創建和使用設計數據,而不光只是專注於可交付的文件格式、數據交換和文件轉換。

變更管理 - 使用 PowerDraft 強大的設計歷史記錄功能可跟蹤每個 DGN 文件發生的變化。與數字版權和數字簽名相結合,您可以監控進度並增強項目的安全性和責任關系。

工作流支持 - PowerDraft 與您的組織流程無縫集成,是對現有 MicroStation 工作流的完美補充。

可擴展性 - 靈活的編程支持使 PowerDraft 能夠貼合您的業務需求。

Operating System
Windows Vista
Windows Vista x64
Windows XP Professional (SP2 or later)
Windows XP Professional x64
Windows XP Home Edition (SP2 or later)
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
Windows 2000 Professional (SP3 or later)
Windows 2000 Server
Windows Server 2003 (SP1 or later)
Windows Server 2003 x64
(Windows NT, Windows 9x series are not supported)

Microsoft Internet Explorer v6.0 or later with 128-bit cipher strength

Language English

IPB Image

引用 Released: 2012-09-28 Number of disks: xx/45
Supplied by: REMEDY Protection: SelectLM:

MicroStation PowerDraft is a professional-level application used
for production 2D/3D drafting and detailing. PowerDraft provides an
intuitive interface for creating, editing, and manipulating
drawings and models in DGN or DWG format and is completely
integrated with all Bentley solutions

Because PowerDraft and MicroStation are based on the same code
base, they share many of the same features and functions, including
MicroStation's full suite of referencing, dimensioning, text, and
drawing tools:

a. Unpack
b. Burn or mount the software
c. Install
d. Copy the contents from /Crack to install dir and overwrite
e. Enjoy this fine release:

* Supplier of unreleased applications, you can get access to
applications that aren't freely available to download on the web

* Coding tools in C/C++/ASM. Have a in-depth knowledge of the
Win32-API. Having knowledge about .NET/JAVA is a plus

* Crackers who love to break protections based on license schemes
dongles, cd-checks or online-based authentication methods

* Coding dynamic/generic intros and installers. Samples of your
previous work is required




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