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《高動態光照渲染技術教程》(xTrain High Dynamic Range (HDR) Mastery)[ISO]
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《高動態光照渲染技術教程》(xTrain High Dynamic Range (HDR) Mastery)[ISO] 簡介: 中文名 : 高動態光照渲染技術教程 英文名 : xTrain High Dynamic Range (HDR) Mastery 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 發行日期 : 2008年 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 簡介 : xTrain High Dynamic Range Mastery 語言:英語 網址:http://training.xtrain.com/s
"《高動態光照渲染技術教程》(xTrain High Dynamic Range (HDR) Mastery)[ISO]"介紹
中文名: 高動態光照渲染技術教程
英文名: xTrain High Dynamic Range (HDR) Mastery
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行日期: 2008年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語

xTrain High Dynamic Range Mastery
xTrain - High Dynamic Range (HDR) Mastery,高動態光照渲染技術教程。Photoshop 大師 Ben Willmore 將透過本教程,逐步講解如何掌握高動態光照渲染技術 (HDR)。
高動態光照渲染 (High-Dynamic Range,簡稱 HDR),是電腦圖形學中的渲染方法之一,可令立體場景更加逼真,大幅提升場景的真實感。
但是電腦是死物,唯有靠 HDR 技術模疑這個效果——人眼自動適應光線變化的能力。方法是快速將光線渲染得非常光亮,然後將亮度逐漸降低。HDR 的最終效果是亮處表現為鮮亮,而黑暗處的效果則是能分辨物體的輪廓和深度,並不是以往的一團黑。
HDR 是目前追求畫面逼真度最新最先進的手段,在 HDR 的幫助下,我們可以使用超出普通范圍的顏色值,因而能渲染出更加真實的 3D 場景。
Course: High Dynamic Range (HDR) Mastery
Instructor: Ben Willmore
Photoshop Guru, Ben Willmore, shows you step by step how to master High Dynamic Range (HDR). HDR is the process of taking a sequence of exposures, allowing you to lighten your underexposed areas and darken your overexposed areas to better simulate what your eye would actually see. You will see how to best choose subjects for HDR, such as watching for movement, clouds, sensor dust, and when you can find the ideal light to master HDR. Ben will show you how to merge exposures to enhance or add an illustrative effect to your photographs.


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| xTrain.High.Dynamic.Range.Mastery-TACTiLE |
| |
| Source : xTrain Release Date : March 08 |
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| Section : Bookware Disk Count : 36x15mb |
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| Content : Gfx Training Tactile Rating : 3/5 |
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+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------+

| Release Info : |
xTrain High Dynamic Range (HDR) Mastery
Photoshop Guru, Ben Willmore, shows you step by step how to master
High Dynamic Range (HDR). HDR is the process of taking a sequence of
exposures, allowing you to lighten your underexposed areas and darken
your overexposed areas to better simulate what your eye would actually
see. You will see how to best choose subjects for HDR, such as watching
for movement, clouds, sensor dust, and when you can find the ideal light
to master HDR. Ben will show you how to merge exposures to enhance or add
an illustrative effect to your photographs.

| Group News : |

Always on the lookout for anything useful. Unreleased Training DVD
Suppliers & other bookware welcome!
Any 100+ eu sites wanting a great bookware affil.
You know where to find us.
| Greets : |
All the people who make the scene great.
| ..TACTiLE 2008.. |



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