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《Squarespace視頻教程》(Lynda com Up and Running with Squarespace)[光盤鏡像]
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《Squarespace視頻教程》(Lynda com Up and Running with Squarespace)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : Squarespace視頻教程 英文名 : Lynda com Up and Running with Squarespace 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 主講人 : Garrick Chow 發行日期 : 2012年7月12日 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : 語言:英語 網址:http://www.lynda.com/Squ
"《Squarespace視頻教程》(Lynda com Up and Running with Squarespace)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: Squarespace視頻教程
英文名: Lynda com Up and Running with Squarespace
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: Garrick Chow
發行日期: 2012年7月12日
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

Lynda.com 出品的時長2小時22分鐘的使用 Squarespace 發布平台創建和管理交互式 web 站點視頻教程。由Garrick Chow演示如何使用 Squarespace 的發布平台創建和管理交互式 web 站點的易用性。包括設立帳戶、 導航用戶界面,以及向網站添加文本、 圖像和視頻的基礎知識。課程還包括自定義的外觀和行為的頁,添加組件,如攝影畫廊和谷歌地圖,管理網站,和跟蹤訪問者統計。

9m 50s
1m 2s
Who is Squarespace for?
1m 31s
System requirements
1m 4s
Signing up for an account
3m 1s
Upgrading to a paid account (NEW)
3m 12s
1. Getting Started
40m 25s
Interface overview
6m 23s
Editing your profile information
1m 9s
Editing the header and footer
3m 40s
Adding text, images, and videos
8m 44s
Entering raw HTML
2m 43s
Adding new pages
4m 18s
Adding sidebar content
8m 35s
Removing and recovering pages and sidebar content
4m 53s
2. Customizing the Appearance of Your Site
28m 27s
Choosing a template
3m 45s
Customizing the column and navigation layout
4m 17s
Customizing the banner and header background
7m 29s
Customizing fonts, colors, and page backgrounds (NEW)
10m 8s
Saving custom templates
2m 48s
3. Creating Common Page Types
34m 50s
Creating a photo gallery
10m 8s
Adding Google Maps
2m 43s
Creating an FAQ page (NEW)
4m 56s
Creating a contact form
1m 59s
Setting up a drop box to receive files
3m 18s
Linking to pages, files, and other sites
5m 19s
6m 27s
4. Managing and Arranging Pages
27m 50s
Arranging the order of your pages and widgets
2m 48s
Hiding pages
2m 22s
Limiting access to pages
9m 50s
Tracking changes
3m 11s
Checking your stats
3m 16s
Domain mapping (NEW)
6m 23s
1m 3s
1m 3s
Share on facebook
Share on email

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: Lynda.com – Up and Running with Squarespace
This course shows how to create and manage interactive web sites with ease, using the Squarespace publishing platform. Author Garrick Chow covers the basics of setting up an account, navigating the user interface, and adding text, images, and video to a site. The course also covers customizing the appearance and behavior of pages, adding components such as photo galleries and Google maps, managing the site, and tracking visitor statistics.
This course was updated on 7/12/2012.
Topics include:
Adding new pages and sidebar content
Customizing fonts, colors, and page backgrounds
Saving a custom template
Creating an FAQ page
Setting up a dropbox to receive files
Linking to pages, files, and other sites
Limiting access to pages
Configuring domain mapping
Upgrading to a paid account
Interested in joining iNK ? We're currently looking to expand.
: Suppliers – Cisco / Microsoft Training
: Suppliers – Online Subscriptions – TestOut/Nuggets/PrepLogic etc..
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: Suppliers – Often Buy Training/Subscriptions for yourself ?
Or if you feel you can contribute in other ways, please contact..
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