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《造夢機器》(The Dream Machine)[光盤鏡像]
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資源類別 光盤游戲
發布時間 2017/7/14
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《造夢機器》(The Dream Machine)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名稱 : 造夢機器 英文名稱 : The Dream Machine 游戲類型 : AVG 冒險游戲 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 發行時間 : 2012年 制作發行 : Cockroach Ink. 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 這是一個flash制作的在線解謎型獨立游戲,沒記錯的話他還是IGF2010的參賽作品,當時只有一章可玩,現在這個游戲已經完成三章
"《造夢機器》(The Dream Machine)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名稱: 造夢機器
英文名稱: The Dream Machine
游戲類型: AVG 冒險游戲
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行時間: 2012年
制作發行: Cockroach Ink.
地區: 美國
語言: 英文



Release Name....... The.Dream.Machine-CPY
Release Date....... 13/05/2012
Shop Release Date.. 11/05/2012
Format............. Iso
Release............ Game
Kind............... Adventure
Files N............ 8x15MB
The Dream Machine is an award-winning point and click adventure
game made out of clay and cardboard
In Chapter 1 of the 5 part Dream Machine series, you play as Victor
Neff, the husband in a young couple who've just moved into a new
apartment. While trying to get settled in you discover that all is
not as it seems in the quiet, unassuming apartment building
In Chapter 2, Victor goes to confront the landlord, Mr. Morton, only
to find his apartment empty. Can Victor find the elusive landlord in
time and is there more to Mr. Morton than meets the eye
In Chapter 3, Victor enters the dream of his sleeping wife in an ef
fort to shut down the mysterious dream machine, only to find himself
on board a leisure cruise ship manned by multiple copies of himself.
-Burn or mount the image
-Install the game


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