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《CINEMA 4D R12 基礎培訓教程》[光盤鏡像]
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發布時間 2017/7/14
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《CINEMA 4D R12 基礎培訓教程》[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 圖形圖
"《CINEMA 4D R12 基礎培訓教程》[光盤鏡像]"介紹


  • 圖形圖像平面設計教程/視頻教程
  • 計算機資料
  • Cinema 4D視頻教程與軟件

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Lynda.com 出品的時長達10小時的 CINEMA 4D R12基礎培訓 視頻教程。由Rob Garrott介紹了CINEMA 4D的工作流程,使其作為一種工具如Adobe After Effects, Photoshop和Illustrator的重要組成部分。本教程講解了關鍵的基礎概念(如多邊形,紋理和光線),至關重要的理解怎樣正確掌握這個3D 應用程序的功能。還包括創建,選擇和變換對象的實用技術,並對樣條曲線和多邊形建模,以及添加材質,光源和相機視圖的3D圖像有一個充分認識。本教程附帶練習文件。

簡介翻譯摘自 xuehui@TLF


CINEMA 4D R12 Essential Training with Rob Garrott introduces artists to the CINEMA 4D workflow, using CINEMA 4D as an important part of a toolset that includes Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, and Illustrator. The course explains the key foundational concepts, such as polygons, textures, and rays, that are crucial to understanding exactly how this 3D application functions. It also includes practical techniques for creating, selecting, and transforming objects, working with splines, polygonal modeling, and adding materials, lighting, and camera views for a fully realized 3D image. Exercise files are included with the course.
Topics include:

* Exploring the importance of object hierarchy
* Modeling with splines
* Modeling with the Knife and Extrude tools
* Applying materials and texturing
* Creating and manipulating light sources
* Animating in the timeline with keyframes
* Controlling camera movement
* Compositing in After Effects
* Texturing with BodyPaint
* Using XPresso and MoGraph
* Creating particle systems
* Rendering and adjusting final render settings

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