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《利用WordPress搭建Online Portfolio在線作品集視頻教程》( Create an Online Portfolio with WordPress)[光盤鏡像]
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發布時間 2017/7/14
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《利用WordPress搭建Online Portfolio在線作品集視頻教程》( Create an Online Portfolio with WordPress)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 網頁編
"《利用WordPress搭建Online Portfolio在線作品集視頻教程》( Create an Online Portfolio with WordPress)[光盤鏡像]"介紹


  • 網頁編程教程
  • 計算機資料
  • WordPress教程/視頻教程

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Lynda.com 出品的時長3小時13分鐘的利用WordPress搭建一個Online Portfolio在線作品集視頻教程。由Morten Rand-Hendriksen演示了如何使用免費的開源開發平台WordPress搭建一個個性化作品集博客,並陳列出各種內容。教學包含使用自定義文章類型功能創建文章與自定義分類功能分類內容,以及自定義日志模板頁面等。內容還包括嵌入YouTube視頻,建立索引頁面,顯示來自各種自定義文章類型的最新文章貼,並鏈接至單獨主題頁面。教程附帶練習文件。

Create an Online Portfolio with WordPress shows how to build an advanced portfolio site that showcases various types of content using the free open-source application WordPress. Author Morten Rand-Hendriksen demonstrates creating custom post types, differentiating and classifying content with custom taxonomies, and working with custom post templates. The course also shows how to embed YouTube videos, build index pages, display the latest posts from different custom post types, and hook custom post types into separate themes. Exercise files accompany with the course.

Topics include:
Exploring online portfolios
Creating the site architecture
Incorporating advanced custom post type functionalities
Hooking a custom taxonomy to a post type
Understanding how hierarchy relates to taxonomies
Populating content into custom post types
Handling multiple post type templates
Displaying a list of links to the latest custom post type posts
Building static pages for the front and the blog
Creating a contact page with a contact form


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