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VHS Or Beta -《Night On Fire》[MP3]
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VHS Or Beta -《Night On Fire》[MP3] 簡介: 壓縮比率:245kbps avg 專輯風格:Dance-Punk 公司廠牌:Astralwerks 專輯介紹: An epic combination of brilliant song-writing, soaring rock dynamics and razor-sharp dance grooves, "Night On Fire" is the much-anticipate
"VHS Or Beta -《Night On Fire》[MP3]"介紹

壓縮比率:245kbps avg
An epic combination of brilliant song-writing, soaring rock dynamics and razor-sharp dance grooves, "Night On Fire" is the much-anticipated new album from Louisville's VHS OR BETA. The follow up to their critically-acclaimed debut "Le Funk," Night On Fire evokes traces of the Cure, Echo & the Bunnymen, Daft Punk and Underworld, taking the best elements of the past and blazing a path into the future.
作爲由傑出的歌曲創作,飛揚的搖滾動力和如剃刀一般鋒利的舞動節奏組成的史詩般的“Night On Fire",是一張來自美國,肯塔基,路易斯維爾的VHS Or Beta很受期待的新專輯。跟隨著毀譽參半的處女作Le Funk,Night On Fire重蹈the Cure,Echo & the Bunnymen, Daft Punk和Underworld的足跡,取其精華,開拓前程。
VHS or Beta is a band from Louisville, Kentucky, that combines elements of rock, French house and dance-punk. Their self-released debut Le Funk found some success on the charts, but the band became better known in the wake of their 2004 release Night on Fire. In early 2007, after two and half years of touring, the band made the trek to Asheville, NC to record 2007's Bring on the Comets. Released in August 2007 Bring On The Comets marked a slight change in direction towards a more straightforward pop sound; all this was achieved without sacrificing the band's trademark dance sensibility.
VHS or Beta風格混雜了rock, French house和dance-punk. 2自己發行的處女座Le Funk在榜單上找到了一些成功,但樂隊在第二張專輯發行後更出名了。2007年8月他們發行了Bring on the Comets,標志著直接向流行靠攏的方向,但這沒有犧牲樂隊的招牌:舞曲的敏感性。

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