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《The Pragmatic Bookshelf開發叢書-使用Rails開發Facebook平台應用》(Developing Facebook Platform Applications with Rails)更新源代碼[PDF]
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《The Pragmatic Bookshelf開發叢書-使用Rails開發Facebook平台應用》(Developing Facebook Platform Applications with Rails)更新源代碼[PDF] 簡介: 中文名 : The Pragmatic Bookshelf開發叢書-使用Rails開發Facebook平台應用 原名 : Developing Facebook Platform Applications with Rails 作者 : Michael J. Mangino 圖書分類 : 軟件 資源格式 : PDF 版本 : 更新源代碼 出版社 : The Pragmatic
"《The Pragmatic Bookshelf開發叢書-使用Rails開發Facebook平台應用》(Developing Facebook Platform Applications with Rails)更新源代碼[PDF]"介紹
中文名: The Pragmatic Bookshelf開發叢書-使用Rails開發Facebook平台應用
原名: Developing Facebook Platform Applications with Rails
作者: Michael J. Mangino
圖書分類: 軟件
資源格式: PDF
版本: 更新源代碼
出版社: The Pragmatic Bookshelf
書號: 978-1-93435-612-8
發行時間: 2009年4月20日
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

With more than 60 million users, Facebook provides a captive audience for developers. More than 12,000 Facebook applications have been launched so far: Is yours next? It could be, with this book. You’ll see how to develop Facebook Platform applications quickly, using the popular Ruby on Rails framework. You’ll learn to use Facebook technologies such as FBML and FQL, and you’ll see how to leverage Rails and the Facebook Platform to make your application a success.
Mike Mangino is the founder of Elevated Rails. He has been building applications for the web since 1995. He has been developing for the Facebook Platform since its launch and has contributed to several of the most popular Facebook applications.
In his spare time, Mike is an avid runner. He has completed several marathons and hopes to eventually qualify for Boston.

Introducing the Facebook Platform
Getting Started with the Facebook Platform (Chapter 2 excerpt)
Creating Your First Application (Chapter 3 excerpt)
Building the Karate Poke Object Model
Getting Into the Facebook Canvas
Making it More Social
Profiles and the Facebook REST API (Chapter 7 excerpt)
Integrating Facebook and Existing Websites
Scripting with FBJS
Testing with Facebook
Scaling and Performance 

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