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《移動式設備安全防護》(Utimaco SafeGuard Easy v4.50.3.19)[光盤鏡像]
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發布時間 2017/7/13
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《移動式設備安全防護》(Utimaco SafeGuard Easy v4.50.3.19)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : 移動式設備安全防護 英文名 : Utimaco SafeGuard Easy v4.50.3.19 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 發行時間 : 2009年 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 語言:英語 網址:http://www.utimaco.com/C125748F0 ... y/W26K9K5M068OBELEN 類別:移動式設備安全防護 SafeGu
"《移動式設備安全防護》(Utimaco SafeGuard Easy v4.50.3.19)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: 移動式設備安全防護
英文名: Utimaco SafeGuard Easy v4.50.3.19
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行時間: 2009年
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

網址:http://www.utimaco.com/C125748F0 ... y/W26K9K5M068OBELEN
SafeGuard Easy提供PC或Notebook之全硬碟加密防護措施,不論您在何處(在辦公室、路上、家中…)使用電腦設備,或是此設備被移至何處(遺失、被竊取),電腦中之資料始終保持在加密狀態下,非經合法認證,無法得到其中之資料。
SafeGuard Easy利用磁軌加密原理進行全硬碟加密,即使駭客以開機破解程式也束手無策,其特有的開機前認證(PBA)技術,讓木馬程式也無法取得開機密碼與加密金鑰,亦可搭配使用Smartcard或USB Token以加強身分認證管理。
SafeGuard Easy完全不改變使用者平常使用電腦的習慣,並且支援中央派送機制進行遠端安裝,提供管理員從遠端協助密碼重設與卸除安裝加密軟體的緊急復原機制,即使是跨國企業也可以輕易的大量部署。SafeGuard Easy通過Common Criteria EAL3, FIPS 140_2國際安全認證,也連續多年SC Magazine評選為五顆星的最佳產品。
SafeGuard Easy也是全球唯一通過IBM/Lenovo認可,指定使用在ThinkPad/ ThinkCentre的資料加密產品。
SafeGuard Easy的功能特性 :
·可與Token, Smartcard或TPM整合。
·通過全球資訊安全標準Common Criteria EAL3的認證。
·支援寧靜安裝(Silent install)和背景安裝(background install)。
·支援寧靜安裝(Silent install)和背景安裝(background install),完全不需使用者學習操作方式和教育訓練。

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-+---------------------------------DVTiSo- .$$$--------------+-
| TEAM DVT presents:` .,$$$|
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. Utimaco SafeGuard Easy v4.50.3.19d$$.
Company ..: Utimaco'
Url ......: http://www.utimaco.de/
 +- Release Information -+
 The ultimate PC security solution û for both in the office and on
 the move
 Data is one of the most valuable assets that companies own today.
 These assets are increasingly vulnerable as mobile computing has
 become ever more widespread: sensitive information is often stored
 on notebooks and removable media û without any firewall protection.
 Mobile devices and media, along with the sensitive and valuable
 information that is stored on them, are especially at risk of loss
 or theft. A companyÆs management team is responsible for taking all
 the appropriate steps to protect the organizationÆs data.
 SafeGuard Easy provides this protection: No unauthorized user may
 access the device and read data or use the device as a tool to
 enter the company network. If a device gets into unauthorized hands,
 the data is securely protected even if the hard disk is removed.
 Complete encryption of the entire hard disk and a user
 authentication procedure that runs before the operating system
 boots provide secure protection.
 Whether a single laptop or 10,000 PCs are to be protected, SafeGuard
 Easy allows easy implementation and enforcement of the IT security
 policy. With more than 3 million licences sold and certified
 according Common Criteria EAL 3, SafeGuard Easy is the market leader
 for hard disk encryption world-wide.
 SafeGuard Easy is truly user-proof. It operates transparently in the
 background, so end users donÆt need training or to change how they
 work. For security officers, IT managers, and system administrators,
 SafeGuard Easy offers transparent security, easy security policy
 implementation, and simple deployment.
 +- Read Nfo -+
 UTIMACO.SAFEGUARD.EASY.V4.50.3.19.SUB100.ISO-LZ0 had older or
 not updated files. Proof:
 with any hexeditor, and go to offset 0x101C

 71 00 00 00-EC 0F 00 00-EC 0F 00 00-52 53 44 53q²ñ²ñRSDS
 BA 00 A0 79-EF 23 80 43-B9 FB 13 A0-C0 C7 84 18ª βy┤#╟Cª╣?β+├Σ?
 01 00 00 00-66 3A 5C 73-62 5C 73 67-65 61 73 79?f:\sb\sgeasy
 5F 34 78 5C-72 30 34 5F-35 30 5F 30-32 5F 31 36_4x\r04_50_02_16
 5C 73 77 5C-77 69 6E 6E-74 5C 73 72-63 5C 65 63\sw\winnt\src\ec
 64 72 69 76-65 72 5C 61-65 73 31 32-38 5C 6F 62driver\aes128\ob
 6A 66 72 65-5F 77 32 4B-5F 78 38 36-5C 69 33 38jfre_w2K_x86\i38
 36 5C 61 65-73 31 32 38-2E 70 64 62-00 00 00 006\aes128.pdb
 You should pay attention to this line: _4x\r04_50_02_16 == v4.50.2.16


 71 00 00 00-EC 0F 00 00-EC 0F 00 00-52 53 44 53q²ñ²ñRSDS
 33 81 44 30-68 69 43 40-A6 1F 3B A4-A9 F8 D5 793ⁿD0hiC@¬?;±«░iy
 01 00 00 00-66 3A 5C 73-62 5C 73 67-65 61 73 79?f:\sb\sgeasy
 5F 34 78 5C-72 30 34 5F-35 30 5F 30-33 5F 31 39_4x\r04_50_03_19
 5C 73 77 5C-77 69 6E 6E-74 5C 73 72-63 5C 65 63\sw\winnt\src\ec
 64 72 69 76-65 72 5C 61-65 73 31 32-38 5C 6F 62driver\aes128\ob
 6A 66 72 65-5F 77 32 4B-5F 78 38 36-5C 69 33 38jfre_w2K_x86\i38
 36 5C 61 65-73 31 32 38-2E 70 64 62-00 00 00 006\aes128.pdb
 Same line: _4x\r04_50_03_19 == V4.50.3.19
 So it seems that our release includes the files it is supposed to
 include and Lz0's version was a pre-version, or some packing mistake.
 So here's the "real" v4.50.3.19 - enjoy.
 +- Install Notes -+
 1. Unpack & Burn/Mount
 2. Install
 +- Group Notes -+:
:You got something to offer like|
|* supplies (either ISO or DDL) |
|* cracking skills|
|* pizza|
|. and want to join the only scene family in existance?:|
|Then just ask around on IRC (maybe even your girl-.|
|. friend may know one of our council members, be it|
|: the one or the other way...) and lets see if you|
|. fit into one of our open positions! |



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