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《走私卡車》(Smuggle Truck)7z[壓縮包]
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發布時間 2017/7/14
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《走私卡車》(Smuggle Truck)7z[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名稱 : 走私卡車 英文名稱 : Smuggle Truck 游戲類型 : ACT 動作游戲 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : 7z 發行時間 : 2011年 制作發行 : Owlchemy Labs, LLC 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 轉載自http://www.3dmgame.com [游戲簡介]    unity3D引擎作品.    本
"《走私卡車》(Smuggle Truck)7z[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名稱: 走私卡車
英文名稱: Smuggle Truck
游戲類型: ACT 動作游戲
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: 7z
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Owlchemy Labs, LLC
地區: 美國
語言: 英文


   本游戲與以前玩過的大多數游戲都有截然不同的理念,這次玩家要扮演的是走私卡車的掌控者. 活用技巧和道具,越過艱難萬險,最後越過向馬裡奧大叔致敬的旗幟,將"游客們"送到目的地。

The story
Smuggle Truck was inspired by the frustration our friends have experienced in trying to immigrate to the United States. With such a troublesome issue being largely avoided in popular media, especially video games, we felt the best way to criticize it was with an interactive satire.
In Smuggle Truck, players are driving a truck with passengers in the back, bringing them over a fictional border. This idea originated as a result of learning that the process of legal immigration was not as straightforward as we had assumed. As we lived through a painful 12 months of our friend struggling through the absurd legal minefield that surrounds U.S. immigration, we felt that we should create a game that touches on the issue. The comment was thrown around that "it's so tough to legally immigrate to the U.S., it's almost easier to smuggle yourself over the border", and thus Smuggle Truck was born. A two-day prototype eventually turned into an iPhone game, with the plan to reach as many players as possible.
Throughout the creation of the game, we maintained a meticulous eye to avoid depicting a specific stereotype or location, instead opting to generalize smuggling to its most basic abstract form. Through user testing and feedback from fellow developers and even random strangers, we worked to maintain a light and humorous representation of a subject that is normally avoided.
With a satirical angle on a real issue, we want to create a game that is fun to play but also stirs up discussion on ways to improve the problematic immigration system in the United States.



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