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《集成開發環境》(PHPEdit)v3.6.6.10609[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 集成開發環境 英文名 : PHPEdit 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v3.6.6.10609 發行時間 : 2011年 制作發行 : WaterProof SARL 語言 : 英文 簡介 : . PHPEdit是一款Windows下優秀的PHP腳本IDE(集成開發環境)。該軟件為快速、便捷的開發PHP腳本提供了多種工具,其功能包括:語法關鍵詞高亮;代碼
中文名: 集成開發環境
英文名: PHPEdit
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v3.6.6.10609
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: WaterProof SARL
語言: 英文


PHPEdit is a complete integrated development environement for PHP. Much more than a simple editor, it helps you carry out your projects in a friendly and efficient way, with a single tool integrating all the features you will need from the design of your projects, their documentation, to their deployement.
You can download a complete version and evaluate it for free for 30 days.
With PHPEdit you will:
Write your code faster with all the available code assistants and code generators
Improve the quality of your projects with the integrated debugger, and the unit tests module
Deploy easily with a single click your projects, and work transparently on remote files
Work with a team and archive the versions of your files with CVS and SubVersion
Increase your productivity with your favorite frameworks: Symfony, Prado et eZ publish

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ת °°°° °±² °±²° .
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ת ° ±   °ש ±° °±° +
° ±± °° ± ° ±° ת ±°
. °° ש ±± ± ± ± °°± ²²°
± °± ° ± ± ת±² ±° ש
±  +   ² °²°
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±° ת°±  ±  ת ° °
±    ² °  °± 08
ת °²  ±² °°°°  ת ² 07
°  ת ±±   ± . 10
+ ° ² ² ²° °±
ש ± °²° °²  ±² ²°
°²²²²°²ת ±ת°²²° ת
 °±²°°°²²° ± . ±° ±±° .
°°°° ש °°±±²²²²±±°° ת°±°°° ש °±±±°
ת + ±± 
ת . ±²²° of THETA
. ש °±±±°  ש
°°±²² ___ ___ _ ___ ___ _ ___ ²²±°°
°°±²           ²±°°
°°±²        ²±°°
 
 ID: PHPEdit v3.6.6.10609 
 
 Web: www.phpedit.com 
 
 DRM: Custom 
 
 Type: Keyfile 
 
 Unit: SupaSta 
 
 Date: 14.01.2011 
 
°°±²² _ ___ __ ___ ²²±°°
°°±²      ²±°°
°°±²      ²±°°
 
 PHPEdit is a complete integrated development environement for 
 PHP. Much more than a simple editor, it helps you carry out 
 your projects in a friendly and efficient way, with a single 
 tool integrating all the features you will need from the 
 design of your projects, their documentation, to their 
 deployement. 
 
 With PHPEdit you will: 
 * Write your code faster with all the available code 
 assistants and code generators 
 * Improve the quality of your projects with the integrated 
 debugger, and the unit tests module 
 * Deploy easily with a single click your projects, and work 
 transparently on remote files 
 * Work with a team and archive the versions of your files 
 with CVS and SubVersion 
 * Increase your productivity with your favorite frameworks: 
 Symfony, Prado et eZ publish 
 
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
 
 1. Install the software. 
 2. Check 'Keyfile' directory. 
 3. If you like this software - support the creator. 
 
°°±²² _ _ ___ _ _ _ ²²±°°
°°±²       ²±°°
°°±²       ²±°°
 
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°°±²² ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ _ ²²±°°
°°±²         ²±°°
°°±²          ²±°°
 
 Web.......................................................none 
 
 IRC......................irc://irc.street-creed.com:6667/theta 
 
 E-mail (no requests).....................theta.pubgmail.com 
 
°±² ²±°



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