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《Xcode 4單元測試iOS項目開發視頻教程》( Lynda.com Unit Testing iOS Applications with Xcode 4)[光盤鏡像]
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《Xcode 4單元測試iOS項目開發視頻教程》( Lynda.com Unit Testing iOS Applications with Xcode 4)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : Xcode 4單元測試iOS項目開發視頻教程 英文名 : Lynda.com Unit Testing iOS Applications with Xcode 4 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 主講人 : Ron Lisle 發行日期 : 2012年04月30日 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : 語言:英語 網址:http://
"《Xcode 4單元測試iOS項目開發視頻教程》( Lynda.com Unit Testing iOS Applications with Xcode 4)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: Xcode 4單元測試iOS項目開發視頻教程
英文名: Lynda.com Unit Testing iOS Applications with Xcode 4
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: Ron Lisle
發行日期: 2012年04月30日
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

Lynda.com 出品的時長1小時36分鐘的Xcode 4單元測試iOS項目開發視頻教程。Xcode是蘋果公司向開發人員提供的商業集成開發環境,用於開發Mac OS X、iPhone、iPad的應用程序。單元測試,提高生產力和提高代碼質量。在課程中,作者Ron Lisle解釋了iOS項目的單元測試工具和技術的安裝和有效使用,確保更穩定。Ron Lisle提供一個示例應用程序演示測試,並隨著課程的進展,演示開發商在單元測試iOS開發項目是如何解決日益復雜的問題。

Unit testing increases productivity and raises code quality. In this course, author Ron Lisle explains installation and effective use of unit testing tools and techniques for iOS projects, to ensure more stable, functional apps. An example application is provided to demonstrate testing and as the course progresses, developers are shown how to tackle the increasingly complex problems encountered when unit testing iOS development projects.
Topics include:
What is unit testing?
Comparing the unit testing frameworks for iOS
Using unit testing in the refactoring workflow
Writing a unit test with OCUnit
Writing GHUnit tests
Debugging product code with unit tests
Using mock objects
Testing iOS ViewControllers
Testing iOS notifications
Testing gesture recognition

2m 46s
1m 7s
What you should know
Using the exercise files
1m 8s
1. Unit Testing Concepts
9m 55s
What is unit testing?
Understanding different types of testing
Why unit test?
1m 42s
Understanding how to unit test
1m 9s
Working with unit testing frameworks for iOS
1m 48s
Understanding test-driven development
1m 35s
Understanding the use of unit tests in refactoring
1m 27s
A summary of unit testing concepts
2. Getting Started with OCUnit Tests
45m 46s
What is OCUnit?
2m 17s
Using OCUnit with Xcode 4 vs. Xcode 3
1m 46s
Including unit tests in a new project
2m 37s
Adding unit tests to an existing project
2m 19s
OCUnit: application tests vs. logic tests
6m 28s
Writing a logic unit test
9m 17s
Understanding the rules for writing good unit tests
4m 30s
Writing an application unit test
12m 1s
Exploring Xcode dependencies and schemes
4m 31s
3. Getting Started with GHUnit Tests
36m 38s
What is GHUnit?
1m 36s
Adding GHUnit to a project
6m 52s
Writing GHUnit unit tests
5m 12s
Looking at asynchronous tests
12m 18s
Testing an API with GHUnit asynchronous tests
10m 2s
A summary of GHUnit
4. Debugging Unit Tests
11m 27s
An overview of debugging
1m 29s
Debugging OCUnit tests
3m 17s
Providing debug info in STAsserts
1m 55s
Debugging GHUnit tests
2m 16s
Debugging product code using unit tests
2m 30s
5. Using Mock Objects
23m 28s
What are mock objects?
3m 20s
Installing OCMock
2m 13s
Creating OCMock stubs
4m 28s
Expecting and verifying calls to a mock
5m 20s
Exploring OCMock partial mocks
3m 58s
Reviewing unit test coverage for an existing class
4m 9s
6. iOS-Specific Examples
45m 30s
Forming an iOS unit testing strategy
3m 21s
More on OCUnit application testing
3m 16s
Setting up a ViewController for testing
3m 27s
Testing ViewControllers
6m 55s
Testing notification generation
3m 48s
Testing notification handling
5m 9s
Testing notification registration
4m 6s
Testing singletons
3m 46s
Testing gesture recognizers
6m 32s
Analyzing code coverage with CoverStory
5m 10s
1m 31s
Where to go from here
1m 31s

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: Lynda.com – Unit Testing iOS Applications with Xcode 4
Unit testing increases productivity and raises code quality. In this course, author Ron Lisle explains installation and effective use of unit testing tools and techniques for iOS projects, to ensure more stable, functional apps. An example application is provided to demonstrate testing and as the course progresses, developers are shown how to tackle the increasingly complex problems encountered when unit testing iOS development projects.
Topics include:
What is unit testing?
Comparing the unit testing frameworks for iOS
Using unit testing in the refactoring workflow
Writing a unit test with OCUnit
Writing GHUnit tests
Debugging product code with unit tests
Using mock objects
Testing iOS ViewControllers
Testing iOS notifications
Testing gesture recognition
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