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《幽靈飙車手3》(ghostrider goes crazy in europe)[DVDR]
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資源類別 人文社科
發布時間 2017/7/18
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《幽靈飙車手3》(ghostrider goes crazy in europe)[DVDR] 簡介: 中文名: 幽靈飙車手3英文名: ghostrider goes crazy in europe版本: [DVDR]發行時間: 2004年地區: 荷蘭語言: 英語簡介: 這是我非常喜歡的地下飚車的經典,vc上有兩種版本,今天我爲大家提供一個dvd的版本,好讓發燒友們刻碟在dvd中欣賞,借用了處女同學的介紹,希望您不要介意,因爲是dvd圖像比上面截圖清楚得多,請大家注意!! 全程記錄了荷蘭
"《幽靈飙車手3》(ghostrider goes crazy in europe)[DVDR]"介紹
中文名: 幽靈飙車手3英文名: ghostrider goes crazy in europe版本: [DVDR]發行時間: 2004年地區: 荷蘭語言: 英語簡介:

原  名:Ghost Rider.3:Goes Crazy In Europe. 類  型:動作/冒險/表演 片  長:178 分鍾 上  映:2004年 http://www.ghostridermovie.net
簡  介: We supply many international and national teams in all the major classes of racing worldwide, this continual development of our products on the hardest testing grounds in the world allows our technology to be passed on to you with our race to road concept. In 2001 we took this one step further with our own Mechanical Velvet MV Agusta racing team in the British endurance championship, continuing this in 2002, we also moved onto the world stage with the QB Carbon Phase One World Endurance team. In addition to racing on the short circuits our bikes have raced and won at the top level on all the major real road racing circuits including the hardest test to any machine the Isle of Man TT. In 2002 David Jefferies riding the QB supported TAS Suzuki broke the TT lap record several times on his way to memorable victorys in both formula One and Senior TT's.

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