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《室外燈光照明教程 》(Gnomonology Maya Outdoor Lighting)
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《室外燈光照明教程 》(Gnomonology Maya Outdoor Lighting) 簡介: Gnomonology 網站最新Maya教程,Outdoor Lighting 官方發行時間:May 29, 2007! Gnomonology Maya Lighting Tutorials - Outdoor Lighting Maya室外燈光照明教程,祥細講解如何使用室外燈光的方法和步驟.有關室外光線,太陽光,天空,陰影和使用到的參考原料.主要集中於如何利用Maya中的native
"《室外燈光照明教程 》(Gnomonology Maya Outdoor Lighting)"介紹
Gnomonology 網站最新Maya教程,Outdoor Lighting 官方發行時間:May 29, 2007!
Gnomonology Maya Lighting Tutorials - Outdoor Lighting Maya室外燈光照明教程,祥細講解如何使用室外燈光的方法和步驟.有關室外光線,太陽光,天空,陰影和使用到的參考原料.主要集中於如何利用Maya中的native renderer 和 Mental Ray渲染技術.一天當中早上,中午,下午,傍晚和晚上,各種時間段的燈光效果都不一樣,分別給予了創造性的論述.
Gnomonology 教程短小精悍,專業性和技術性極強,提供以來,得到網友的極佳好品,要求大量提供.
Gnomonology 爲Gnomon培訓機構最新開發的一個教程資源網站.目前提供了資深專家Alex Alvarez、Meats Meier、Zack Petroc和Scott Spencer等約50個小時的視頻內容,涵蓋的軟件有Maya、Photoshop、3ds Max Zbrush、After Effects、Headus、Houdini。官方網址:http://gnomonology.com/
This tutorial provides a detailed demonstration of how to approach outdoor lighting for any time of day. We begin by discussing the nature of outdoor light, the sun, the sky, shadows and the use of reference material. In Maya we focus on a direct illumination approach utilizing both the native renderer and Mental Ray, while also discussing the use of skyDomes, bounce light, raytracing, optiFX, Final Gather and Ambient Occlusion. Various times of day are created, including morning, noon, afternoon, evening and night. Animated lighting tests are rendered and composited in After Effects, incorporating Z-depth based Depth-of-Field, Highlight Blooming and other filter adjustments to make our renders feel more photographic.
Post Date: May 29, 2007
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