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Various Artists -《Instant Karma - The Amnesty International Campaign To Save Darfur》[MP3!]
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發布時間 2017/7/18
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Various Artists -《Instant Karma - The Amnesty International Campaign To Save Darfur》[MP3!] 簡介: 專輯介紹: 這張專輯,爲了聲援國際大赦組織減輕達爾富爾人道主義危機,國際大赦組織經大野洋子授權後請世界上許多著名歌手演唱John Lennon的歌曲而出的專輯。也是紀念John Lennon而特別出的專集...,John Lennon是個偉大的人,不僅僅在音樂方面,他的音樂更多的還是在表現自己對世界的期望,一生都緻力於改變這個缺少關愛的世界...而他所做的就是真正英雄的工作...如果J
"Various Artists -《Instant Karma - The Amnesty International Campaign To Save Darfur》[MP3!]"介紹

這張專輯,爲了聲援國際大赦組織減輕達爾富爾人道主義危機,國際大赦組織經大野洋子授權後請世界上許多著名歌手演唱John Lennon的歌曲而出的專輯。也是紀念John Lennon而特別出的專集...,John Lennon是個偉大的人,不僅僅在音樂方面,他的音樂更多的還是在表現自己對世界的期望,一生都緻力於改變這個缺少關愛的世界...而他所做的就是真正英雄的工作...如果John Lennon還活著,那他肯定會義無返顧地爲達爾富爾做出他的貢獻...而現在在做這英雄的工作的人又有多少呢?——轉自抓蝦,譯者:一騎紅塵河馬來
沒想到這麽經典的合輯VC上居然沒有……看看歌手陣容吧!!相當強大啊!!而且全是John Lennon的作品。這些歌手並不是簡單的把Lennon的歌曲翻唱,應該說每位歌手都將自己的風格融入了進去。比如 Imagine 就有Jack Johnson 和Avril Lavigne的兩個版本。
Instant Karma: The Amnesty International Campaign to Save Darfur is a compilation album of various artists covering songs of John Lennon to benefit Amnesty International's campaign to alleviate the crisis in Darfur. This project coincides with Amnesty International's "Make Some Noise" project.
John Lennon would have turned 67 in 2007. If alive, he could well be at the forefront of bringing peace to Darfur, where more than half a million have died from violence and disease during four years of rebel discord. So to create awareness of the ongoing conflict, Amnesty International (with permission from Yoko Ono) has mined Lennon's solo work and rounded up nearly two dozen current artists to reinterpret the music, which spans the ex-Beatle's entire post-band catalog (plus a pair from while the Fab Four were still in business). As with any attempt to cover Beatles-related music, results are hit and miss, with kudos going to Snow Patrol and the Postal Service for capturing the starkness of "Isolation" and "Grow Old with Me," respectively, Mexican rock band Jaguares for uncovering the fear and fury in "Gimme Some Truth," and (surprise!) Christina Aguilera for nailing the complex composition and mood of "Mother." Other highlights include Jackson Browne's piano-led "Oh My Love," Green Day's louder straight take on "Working Class Hero," and the Black Eyed Peas turning "Power to the People" into a gospelly protest. Will resurrecting 30-to-40-year-old messages of peace and love be enough to help end the brutalities in Darfur? That remains to be seen. But selecting John Lennon as the author of those messages will make people listen and, with this collection, may keep them listening.

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