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《探索管理的藝術》(Exploring Management)文字插圖版
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《探索管理的藝術》(Exploring Management)文字插圖版 簡介:   導讀: 簡介: 內容介紹:這本書介紹了管理的概念和理論,它用一個獨特的,吸引人的簡潔方式介紹了管理的藝術。是一本很不錯的管理書。亞馬遜售價¥ 1,140.10 ,書友們要抓住機會哦~ The p 簡介: 內容介紹: 這本書介紹了管理的概念和理論,它用一個獨特的,吸引人的簡潔方式介紹了管理的藝術。是一本很不錯的管理書。亞馬遜售價
"《探索管理的藝術》(Exploring Management)文字插圖版"介紹
  導讀: 簡介: 內容介紹:這本書介紹了管理的概念和理論,它用一個獨特的,吸引人的簡潔方式介紹了管理的藝術。是一本很不錯的管理書。亞馬遜售價¥ 1,140.10 ,書友們要抓住機會哦~ The p 簡介:

這本書介紹了管理的概念和理論,它用一個獨特的,吸引人的簡潔方式介紹了管理的藝術。是一本很不錯的管理書。亞馬遜售價¥ 1,140.10 ,書友們要抓住機會哦~
The primary goal of this edition of Exploring Managementis to help build core management competencies for today's global and more complex workplace, including issues related to planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (POLC) - with more hands-on type materials such as cases, exercises, and application. Schermerhorn uses a conversational and interactive writing style to master concepts in a bite-size and fundamental approach. This text presents managerial concepts and theory in a straight-forward, interesting style with a strong emphasis on application. The discussion of theory is framed in a unique, engaging, and concise way. The goal is to promote critical thinking and ability to make sound business decisions using managerial theory. Concepts are explored and reinforced by most hands-on applications, exercises, cases, and the integration of technology. The text also focuses on the most important aspects of the POLC model, emphasizing skill-building.


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