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《HTML5 & CSS3 (第1版)》(HTML5 and CSS3: Develop with Tomorrows Standards Today)英文文字版/更新源代碼[PDF]
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《HTML5 & CSS3 (第1版)》(HTML5 and CSS3: Develop with Tomorrows Standards Today)英文文字版/更新源代碼[PDF] 簡介: 中文名 : HTML5 & CSS3 (第1版) 原名 : HTML5 and CSS3: Develop with Tomorrow's Standards Today 作者 : Brian P. Hogan 圖書分類 : 軟件 資源格式 : PDF 版本 : 英文文字版/更新源代碼 出版社 : Pragmatic Bookshelf 書號 : 978-1934356685
"《HTML5 & CSS3 (第1版)》(HTML5 and CSS3: Develop with Tomorrows Standards Today)英文文字版/更新源代碼[PDF]"介紹
中文名: HTML5 & CSS3 (第1版)
原名: HTML5 and CSS3: Develop with Tomorrow's Standards Today
作者: Brian P. Hogan
圖書分類: 軟件
資源格式: PDF
版本: 英文文字版/更新源代碼
出版社: Pragmatic Bookshelf
書號: 978-1934356685
發行時間: 2011年01月14日
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

HTML5 and CSS3 are the future of web development, but you don't have to wait to start using them. Even though the specification is still in development, many modern browsers and mobile devices already support HTML5 and CSS3. This book gets you up to speed on the new HTML5 elements and CSS3 features you can use right now, and backwards compatible solutions ensure that you don't leave users of older browsers behind.
Brian P. Hogan has been developing web sites professionally since 1995 as a freelancer and consultant. He currently builds web applications using Ruby, jQuery, HTML 5, and CSS 3. He enjoys teaching and writing about technology, particularly web design and development. He is also an advocate of accessibility for the disabled, particularly as it pertains to the visually impaired. When not experimenting with web-based languages and technology, he’s… well, who are we kidding? He’s always hacking on something.

Part I—Improving User Interfaces
New Structural Tags and Attributes
Tip 1 Redefining a Blog using Semantic Markup
Tip 2 Creating Popup Windows with Custom Data Attributes
Creating User-friendly Web Forms
Tip 3 Describing Data with New Input Fields
Tip 4 Jumping to the First Field with Autofocus excerpt
Tip 5 Providing Hints with Placeholder Text
Tip 6 In-Place Editing with ContentEditable
Making Better User Interfaces with CSS3
Tip 7 Styling Tables With Pseudo Classes
Tip 8 Making Links Printable with :after and content excerpt
Tip 9 Creating Multi-Column Layouts
Tip 10 Building Mobile Interfaces with Media Queries
Improving Accessibility
Tip 11 Providing Navigation Hints with ARIA Roles excerpt
Tip 12 Creating An Accessible Updatable Region
Part II—New Sights And Sounds
Drawing on the Canvas
Tip 13 Drawing a Logo
Tip 14 Graphing Statistics with RGraph
Embedding Audio and Video
Tip 15 Working with Audio
Tip 16 Embedding Video
Eye Candy
Tip 17 Rounding Rough Edges
Tip 18 Working with Shadows, Gradients and Transformations
Tip 19 Using Real Fonts
Part III—Beyond HTML5
Working with Client-side Data
Tip 20 Saving Preferences with LocalStorage
Tip 21 Storing Data in Client-Side Relational Database
Tip 22 Working Offline
Playing Nicely With Other APIs
Tip 23 Preserving History
Tip 24 Talking Across Domains
Tip 25 Getting Chatty with Websockets
Tip 26 Finding Yourself: Geolocation
Where To Go Next
Features Quick Reference
jQuery Primer
Encoding Audio and Video

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