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《數據備份工具》(Genie Timeline 2012)Professional|Home|Server v3.0.3.300 Multilingual[壓縮包]
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《數據備份工具》(Genie Timeline 2012)Professional|Home|Server v3.0.3.300 Multilingual[壓縮包] 簡介: 資料介紹 軟件類型:軟件>數據備份 軟件性質:免費破解軟件 操作系統:Windows 應用平台: Windows XP, Vista & 7 (32 & 64
"《數據備份工具》(Genie Timeline 2012)Professional|Home|Server v3.0.3.300 Multilingual[壓縮包]"介紹


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應用平台: Windows XP, Vista & 7 (32 & 64 bit)

Genie Timeline是由Genie9推出的一款數據備份工具。Genie Timeline簡單易用,只需要通過3步即可進行數據備份,其界面友好,可選擇智能或自定義備份。Genie Timeline可智能備份文件,您也能夠設置每個備份之間的時間間隔,采用塊級技術,只備份新的和修改過的部分文件。

Genie Timeline可備份各種數據,如電子郵件,文件,桌面,辦公文件,電子書,書簽,圖片,視頻和音樂,以及iPhone/iPad/iPod和BlackBerry Smartphone等。另外,安全也不用擔心,Genie Timeline采用256位AES軍事級加密保護您的數據安全。

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What's new in Genie Timeline Professional 2012

Internal Deduplication (Machine-Level) to eliminate multiple copies of files stored in multiple locations in the backup.
The ability to schedule backups on specific date and time.
Power saving options after backup.
File Retention specified by date.
New and Enhanced Interface.
Improved Backup Speed (2x Faster).
Folder backup marker to indicate what folders are taken into backup.
The ability to decrypt files with any Zip engine that supports AES encryption.
New Disaster Recovery startup engine.
Removed restrictions on drive selection.
Easier smart selection.
Enhanced search engine.

What's new in Genie Timeline Server

Internal Deduplication (Machine-Level) to eliminate multiple copies of files stored in multiple locations in the backup.
The ability to schedule backups on specific date and time.
Power saving options after backup.
The ability to detect Windows login credentials change.
File Retention specified by date.
New and Enhanced Interface.
Improved Backup Speed (2x Faster).
Folder backup marker to indicate what folders are taken into backup.
The ability to decrypt files with any Zip engine that supports AES encryption.
New Disaster Recovery startup engine.
Removed restrictions on drive selection.
Easier smart selection.
Enhanced search engine.

What's new in Genie Timeline Home

Internal Deduplication (Machine-Level) to eliminate multiple copies of files stored in multiple locations in the backup.
New and Enhanced Interface.
Improved Backup Speed (2x Faster).
Added the ability to limit the size of backup.
Enable file retention by days.
Folder backup marker to indicate what folders are taken into backup.
New Disaster Recovery startup engine.
A simplified backup setup: Removed restrictions on drive selection and easier smart selection.
Enhanced search engine.





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