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《系統優化設置》(Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 )v9.01[壓縮包]
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《系統優化設置》(Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 )v9.01[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 系統優化設置 英文名 : Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v9.01 發行時間 : 2012年 制作發行 : Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG 地區 : 德國 語言 : 英文,多語言 簡介 : 軟件類型:軟件>系統工具 軟件性質:破解軟件 操作系統:Windows 應用平台:Window
"《系統優化設置》(Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 )v9.01[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 系統優化設置
英文名: Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v9.01
發行時間: 2012年
制作發行: Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG
地區: 德國
語言: 英文,多語言

應用平台:Windows XP/Vista/7
問題反饋: http://www.ashampoo.com/frontend/support/p...angid=18
讓你的 Microsoft Windows® 系統性能始終如一的旗艦套裝!
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 能幫助您…
將您的系統從大量不必要的數據和拖慢系統的服務中解放出來。Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 可以為你進行完成的系統分析。它使用了設計精妙的算法來查找無用數據,同時軟件有著直觀的操作軟件,非常容易使用。掃描完成後,你可以方便的篩選掃描結果。為了安全起見,Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 使用備份機制,保證所有被刪除的數據可以在需要時隨時被還原。
為了讓系統性能一如既往的快,Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 提供了多種模塊,包括碎片整理,檢查錯誤,分析使用情況以及判斷健康狀況。於用於保存文件的硬盤類似,在使用一段時間後 Windows® 注冊表也會充滿著碎片。清潔注冊表可以釋放出更多的注冊表空間,使訪問注冊表的速度更快,從而加快計算機的速度。新的注冊表整理功能可以分析整個注冊表,找出可能的缺陷,並提供一鍵優化方案。
不知道你有沒有遇到過這種情況?有時啟動計算機要如此之久,以至於你都可以去先喝杯咖啡。其實不必這樣的!Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 讓你可以自定義隨系統啟動的程序,讓系統啟動時不再需要煩人的程序和說明。此模塊可以檢測所有自動啟動的程序,讓你自己選擇哪些是需要自動啟動的。列出的程序和服務都可以禁用和啟用。這樣您就可以“開”著需要的軟件,“關”掉不再需要的軟件。
…個性化 Windows®!!
人們都會根據自己的個人習性裝扮自己的居室,其實 Windows® 系統也可以根據個人需求進行自定義。Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 能幫助您調節系統的詳細設置。它能讓你調整系統中的隱藏設置,更全面的理解您的系統和安裝的程序。圖標保存工具可以保存桌面圖標排列,並在需要時隨時還原。這樣你花在排列的時間就不會白費了。
20 多個模塊,100 多個功能和選項,開始時聽起來似乎有點復雜,但是你可以查看建議。 時候調節助手就有用了。首先你得先回復一些專門設計好的有關您的 Windows® 系統需求方面的問題。然後調節助手就能自動幫助你選擇最佳設置了。
更多的了解計算機信息,更深入掌握您的計算機將讓你能更好的理解其短板並合理的修正可能的錯誤。此目錄下的五個模塊能徹底檢查整個系統,提供有關操作系統,硬盤,軟件,內存,硬盤驅動器及其特征、使用情況,S.M.A.R.T 值等重要信息。
您有不小心誤刪過重要文件嗎?這絕對讓人非常難受。有了 Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9,您就可以救回刪除的數據了。反刪除模塊可以查找已刪除的文件和文件夾,並進行還原。如果您希望永久刪除數據,您可以使用文件粉碎功能絕對安全的擦除數據,保證您的敏感數據不落入旁人之手。
如果您希望更快些完成整個過程,或者您不太了解這方便,一鍵優化就是維護系統的首選,它安全而又合理。一鍵優化功能會根據預定義的設置運行驅動器清潔模塊,注冊表清潔模塊和 Internet 清潔模塊。這樣您可以使用最少的操作完成最好的清潔效果,同時又保證系統安全。
阻止程序 “聯系其主機”!系統經常會未經確認上傳信息。這些行為有造成潛在的安全隱患,可能會洩露您的隱私。利用反間諜模塊,你只需要幾下點擊就能更好的保護您的隱私。還能夠阻止其它程序訪問指定的文件和文件夾。文件加密和解密模塊可以加密所有需要保護的內容,防止未授權的訪問。
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 那高效、快捷、安全的 Windows® 系統維護功能讓用戶受益非淺,其大量強大而又有好的工具讓用戶能完全按自己的需求自定義 Windows® 系統。為滿足大量客戶的要求,Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 提供了兩個新的強大模塊,注冊表整理 和 硬盤監測。
只需要一鍵,所有無用數據就全部清除了!一鍵優化 會根據預定義的特殊設置調用 驅動器清潔模塊,注冊表清潔模塊和 Internet 清潔模塊,快捷的優化和清潔系統。當然這幾個模塊也都可以按個人需求分別單獨運行。碎片整理 3 有著最新的最高效的碎片整理算法之一,能快速副刊硬盤碎片。它可以在系統啟動時自動加載並在後台運行,保證無碎片。新的 注冊表整理 模塊能分析並整理 Windows® 注冊表,讓其排列更整齊,加快訪問注冊表的速度。
服務管理 模塊可以管理和優化系統中已安裝的服務。你還可以在這裡發表自己的意見。可以對服務進行評分,或是查找其它用戶的評分。啟動項調節 可以設置隨系統自動啟動的程序。而在 Internet 調節 模塊中你可以改進你的網絡連接。還有 進程管理 模塊,提供了所有正在運行的程序的概況。而在 卸載管理 中則可以卸載不需要的程序以及刪除有問題的條目。
完美的自定義和配置 Windows®
利用這些工具您可以根據自己的需求自定義系統設置。調節 模塊中有著很多隱藏的系統設置,以及各種詳細的調節信息。反間諜模塊提供了各種隱私方面的程序界面選項、隱藏選項及其設置。而如果你需要管理已安裝的文件格式,或是修復錯誤的文件格式關閉,則可以使用 文件關聯 模塊。還有右鍵菜單管理模塊,您可以在這裡管理和自定義關聯右鍵菜單。而 圖標保存 工具則可以保存桌面的圖標排列順序,並在需要時還原。
系統信息 模塊提供了已安裝的硬件和軟件的信息概況,包括操作系統、處理器信息等。 想知道音頻文件在你的硬盤中占了多少空間?硬盤空間浏覽器 就可以直觀的告訴你類似這些信息。而您的處理器和內存性能,則可以使用 系統基准測試 模塊進行測量,並且還可以與 Internet 上的其它用戶進行對比。磁盤醫生 則能檢查您的硬盤,找出潛在的錯誤,必要時還原出錯的文件。新的 硬盤監測 模塊能根據久經考驗的算法分析硬盤的 S.M.A.R.T 值。利用這些值,此模塊能判斷系統中硬盤的 “健康” 狀況和可能存在的問題。
使用 文件粉碎 工具可以安全永久的刪除文件和文件夾。為了數據安全,有時一些文件和文件夾內容需要被保護,不讓第三方訪問這些內。這時 文件加密和解密 工具就能派上用處了。還有 文件分割和合並 工具能將大文件分割成幾個小文件,方便通過 Email 發送。之後接收者可以將它們合並起來。反刪除 工具則幫助你恢復被不小心誤刪除的文件。
在 備份管理 中有著所有保存的更改的概況和詳細信息,方便一鍵快速恢復這些設置。在 設置 保您可以更改各個模塊的設置,自定義 Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 的通用設置。調節助手 模塊幫助初級用戶維護他們的系統,他們所需做的就只是回答一些預置的問題。還有 計劃任務 模塊,讓你精確的指定每個任務的執行時間。讓任務自動運行。
Windows® XP,Windows Vista® (32 位/64 位) 和 Windows® 7 (32 位/64 位)。
內存 (RAM):
內存的大小對於程序的部署沒有多大影響。我們采用 Microsoft 操作系統中建議使用的值。
程序文件需要約 90 MB,備份文件還需要額外空間。


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   TE 2012 PRESENTS   
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   ANOTHER FINE RELEASE   
 
Release: Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 v9.01 (c) 2012 Ashampoo
Date: 02/15/2012
Cracked By: Twisted EndZ
Release Type:
[ ] Registration/Serial Crack
[ ] Activation Crack
[ ] Trial Crack
[ ] Server Check Crack
[X] Serial
[ ] Hidden/Added Features Enabler
[X] Other: Server Check Bypass
[ ] Loader Patcher [ ] Patch [ ] Precracked [X] RegFile
[ ] Keygen
 
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²²  RELEASE NOTES  ²²
²     ²
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 
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 users benefit from an efficient, quick
and safe Windows® maintenance as well as a large number of
powerful and user-friendly tools which enable them to customize
their Windows® computer exactly according to their needs. In
response to numerous customer requests, Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9
offers two new powerful modules, Registry Defrag and HDD
System maintenance with efficient cleaning and defragmentation
One click and all unnecessary data are gone! The One-Click
Optimizer enables a quick optimization and cleaning of the system
with an especially configured call-up of the modules Drive
Cleaner, Registry Optimizer and Internet Cleaner. Of course those
modules can also be run separately and be customized according to
individual requirements. Defrag 3 allows the defragmentation of
hard disk drives on the basis of one of the latest most effective
algorithms. This function can be launched on system startup and
then runs in the background permanently. The new module Registry
Defrag analyzes the Windows® Registry and defragments it for a
quicker workflow and improved access to the registry.
Modules for system maintenance at a glance:
· One-Click Optimizer: Quick optimization of the system with just
one click.
· Drive Cleaner: Finds and deletes unnecessary files.
· Registry Optimizer: Finds and deletes unnecessary or faulty
entries of the registry.
· Internet Cleaner: Removes traces from surfing on the Internet.
· Defrag 3: Defragmentation of hard disk drives (Pro-active
defrag and boot-time defrag)
· NEW Registry Defrag:Analyses and defragments the Windows®
Get more out of your system!
The Service Manager helps with the management and optimization of
installed services. Here your opinion counts. You can rate
services and see other users’ ratings. The StartUp Tuner adjusts
the startup behavior of applications. You can improve your
Internet connection with the Internet Tuner. The Process Manager
provides an overview of all running processes. The UnInstall
Manger allows you to uninstall unnecessary applications as well
as faulty entries.
Overview of modules that increase efficiency:
· Service Manager: Optimization and management of installed
services and own ratings of services.
· StartUp Tuner: Management of applications that are launched on
Windows® start.
· Internet Tuner: Automatic or manual optimization of system
settings for hardware and bandwidth of your Internet
· Process Manager: This module gives an overview of all currently
running processes.
· UnInstall Manager: Successfully uninstalls applications and
faulty entries.
Perfectly personalize and configure Windows®
With these tools you can customize the settings of your system
according to your personal requirements. Tweaking allows you to
access hidden system settings and a detailed adjustment. The
AntiSpy module provides access to interfaces, hidden options and
their settings. The management of installed file formats and
repair of faulty formats is done by the File Associator module.
With the Context Menu Manager you can manage and customize
context menus. The Icon Saver saves the arrangement of icons on
your desktop and restores it, if necessary.
Modules for Windows® configuration at a glance:
· Tweaking:Provides access to many hidden system settings and
allows detailed adjustment of the system and frequently used
· AntiSpy: Adjustment of interfaces and hidden options in
Windows® that submit information undesirably.
· File Associator: Management of installed file formats as well
as repair or deletion of faulty file formats.
· Context Menu Manager: Context menus of the Windows® Explorer
can be managed and customized according to individual
· Icon Saver: The arrangement of icons on the desktop is saved
and can be restored, if necessary.
Nothing stays hidden from these tools!
The module System Information provides an overview of the
installed hardware and software, including information on the
operating system, processor etc. How much disk space do your
audio files take up? This and similar questions are answered by
the DiscSpace Explorer in a comprehensive overview. The
performance of your processor and main memory is measured by the
System Benchmark and can be compared with other users’ values on
the Internet. The Disk Doctor checks your hard disk drive for
potential errors and restores faulty files, if necessary. The new
HDD Inspector analyses the S.M.A.R.T values of your hard disk
drive on the basis of a tried and tested algorithm. This way this
module can make a statement about the “health” and possible
problems of hard disk drives in the system.
The modules for system analysis at a glance:
· System Information: Comprehensive and clear information on the
installed hardware and software (operating system, processor,
chipset, drives etc.)
· DiskSpace Explorer: Analysis of the file groups, for example
audio and video files and information on how much disk space is
taken up by each file group.
· System Benchmark: The processor is tested and the performance
of the main memory is measured. The results can be compared
online with those of other users.
· Disk Doctor: Hard disk drives are checked for errors and faulty
files can be restored.
· NEW HDD Inspector: Detailed information on and analysis of the
S.M.A.R.T values of your hard disk drives.
Tools that you will not want to do without again!
Files and folders are deleted safely and permanently with the
File Wiper. For data protection reasons, it is sometimes
necessary to protect the contents of files and folders from
third-party access. In this case the File Encrypter & Decrypter
module helps with the encryption. The File Splitter & Joiner
splits large files into several smaller ones so that those can
then be sent by email. Later on the recipient can join those
again. The Undeleter helps you to restore accidentally deleted
File tools at a glance:
· File Wiper: Deletes files and folders safely and permanently.
· File Encrypter & Decrypter: Encrypts and decrypts files and
· File Splitter & Joiner:Splits large files into smaller ones,
which can for example emailed, and be joined again later on.
· Undeleter: Restores accidentally deleted files.
Always stay on the safe side with backups
The Backup Management provides a comfortable overview and
information on all saved changes, in order to quickly restore
those with just a click. In the Settings you can change the
settings of each module and customize the general settings for
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9. The Tuning Assistant helps new users to
maintain their system in the best possible way by only answering
a few questions. The Taskplaner helps you to exactly plan the
execution of task at a certain time. They will then be executed
Modules of backup management and fine adjustments:
· Backup Management: Manages existing backups.
· Tuning Assistant:: Helps new users to optimize their system.
· Taskplaner: Allows you to plan tasks and automatically execute
them at a certain time.
· Settings: Settings for this software and for single modules can
be changed and adjusted here.
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 helps you to:
…clean your system and free up space!
· Free your system from unnecessary data and services that slow
down your system. Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 performs a complete
system analysis for you. Although it uses a cleverly devised
method to find unnecessary data, the software is very easy to
use with its intuitive handling. After the scan you can easily
sift through the results. To be on the safe side, Ashampoo
WinOptimizer 9 uses backup mechanisms so that deleted data can
be recovered, if necessary.
…reach constant performance on your system!
· For a constantly fast system performance Ashampoo WinOptimizer
9 provides several modules that defragment, check for errors,
analyze utilization or determine the health status. Similar to
hard disk drives containing data, also the Windows® Registry is
liable to fragmentation of data after a while. Cleaning up the
registry leads to more free space as well as quicker access
times and therefore accelerates work on your computer. An
analysis with the new Registry Defrag identifies possible
weaknesses and offers solutions for optimization with just one
…accelerate your PC!
· Have you ever experienced this? Sometimes booting your computer
takes such a long time that you could go for another coffee.
Things do not have to be like that! Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9
allows you to customize the settings for startup programs and
therefore also the start of your system without annoying
operations or instructions. The module detects all
automatically starting programs and lets you decide whether
they should start automatically. In the result list
applications and services can be activated or deactivated. This
way you can turn required applications “on” and “off” again
when they are not needed any more.
…individualize Windows®!!
· The way that you furnish your living space according to your
personal circumstances, you can also perfectly customize your
Windows® system according to your individual requirements.
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 helps you to adjust your system to
detail. It lets you access hidden system settings for
comprehensive adjustments to your system and installed
applications. The Icon Saver even saves the arrangement of
icons on your desktop and is able to restore it, if necessary.
This way all the time you spent on the ideal arrangement was
not in vain.
…get the best advice!
· If over 20 modules with over a hundred functions and options
seem a bit confusing at first, you can seek advice. In this
case the Tuning Assistant is there to help. You just have to
answer a few especially defined questions about your
requirements for your Windows® system. Then the Tuning
Assistant will select the best possible settings automatically.
…get to know your PC better!
· Advanced knowledge and more information about your PC enable
you to identify weak spots and to correct possible errors. The
five modules of this category completely examine the whole
system and provide the most important information on areas such
as operating system, hardware, software, main memory, hard disk
drives with their characteristics, usage and S.M.A.R.T values.
…rescue your data!
· Have you ever accidentally deleted an important file? This can
be very upsetting. With Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 you can rescue
your deleted data. The Undeleter module finds deleted files and
folders and restores those. If you would like to delete data
permanently, you can do this absolutely safe with the File
Wiper so that your sensible data will not fall into the wrong
…optimize your system with just one click!!
· If you want quick results or you are inexperienced user, the
One-Click Optimizer is a safe and comfortable solution to
maintain your system. The One-Click Optimizer runs the modules
Drive Cleaner, Registry Cleaner and Internet Cleaner fully
automatic according to the predefined settings. This way you
will get the best cleaning performance at the least effort and
guaranteed safety for your system.
…protect your privacy!
· Prevent applications from “calling home”! Very often your
system unsolicited submits information. Such actions can pose a
potential risk to your privacy. With the AntiSpy module you are
only a few clicks away from a better privacy protection. Even
files and folders can be protected from third-party access. The
File Encrypter & Decrypter encrypts anything that you would
like to protect from unauthorized access.
maintain your system – easily, intuitively and quickly!!
Operating System:
· Windows® XP, Windows Vista® (32bit/64bit) and Windows® 7
· Any computer that runs one of the above operating systems at a
reasonable speed.
Main Memory (RAM):
· The size of the main storage is insignificant for the
employment of the program. We refer to the recommendations of
the operating system in use from Microsoft.
Hard Drive Space:
· 90 MB for the program files plus some additional space for
backup files.
· Full administrative rights are required to use the program.
For More Info Visit:
TE Release Filename: tawo991x.zip
 
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 
Install ashampoo_winoptimizer_9_e9.1.0_sm.exe. Do not launch
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 yet. Next import the Registration.reg
file into your registry, which can be found in the Reg folder.
Make sure you have administator mode if you have problems
importing the regfile. Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 is now fully
registered and activated!
Thats it! Enjoy.
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 Don't Hate The Hacker, Hate The Code °
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