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《清理磁盤》(Wise Disk Cleaner Pro)5.52[壓縮包]
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《清理磁盤》(Wise Disk Cleaner Pro)5.52[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 清理磁盤 英文名 : Wise Disk Cleaner Pro 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : 5.52 發行時間 : 2010年 制作發行 : Wisecleaner 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : Wise Disk Cleaner是一個友好界面,快速簡便的清理垃圾空間,進行磁盤整理的工具.它能識別多達50種垃圾文件,可以讓你輕松地把垃圾文
"《清理磁盤》(Wise Disk Cleaner Pro)5.52[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 清理磁盤
英文名: Wise Disk Cleaner Pro
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: 5.52
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Wisecleaner
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

Wise Disk Cleaner是一個友好界面,快速簡便的清理垃圾空間,進行磁盤整理的工具.它能識別多達50種垃圾文件,可以讓你輕松地把垃圾文件請出你的計算機.

Wise Disk Cleaner Pro is a user friendly, fast and easy to use application developed to free up disk space by deleting junk files that are no longer used by any software on your system. Even the least experienced user can easily remove junk files with this tool. Your hard disk is littered with junk files you don't need, taking up precious hard disk space, and potentially slowing down your PC's performance. There are files of all kinds, such as temporary files that applications should delete when they're no longer needed, and various log files, index files and backup files. You'd be amazed at how much space these junk files take up.
Wise Disk Cleaner can identify more than 50 types of junk files, and you can customize the list. The program only deletes the files that you tell it to. You can choose to have the files permanently deleted, or else first moved to the Recycle Bin. And you can have the program do the cleanup automatically, or you can do it manually. You'll be amazed at how much hard disk space this program can gain for you, so automatically got back plenty of hard disk space. (For example: On my laptop, it found 872 MB of junk) The Professional Edition provides many advanced options. It lets you identify more junk files and old files. And for your safety, you can move these files to a designated folder, allowing you to restore them if needed.
Home page - http://www.wisecleaner.com/

應用平台:WinXP SP3
[已通過安全檢測]小紅傘 V10.0 病毒庫:2010.08.10


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