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《硬盤加密軟件》(SecurStar DriveCrypt Plus Pack)加強型v3.97/x32/x64/含注冊機和補丁[壓縮包]
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《硬盤加密軟件》(SecurStar DriveCrypt Plus Pack)加強型v3.97/x32/x64/含注冊機和補丁[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 硬盤加密軟件 英文名 : SecurStar DriveCrypt Plus Pack 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : 加強型v3.97/x32/x64/含注冊機和補丁 發行時間 : 2010年 制作發行 : SecurStar 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 軟件類型: 安全相關 - 數據加密 軟件性質: 免費破解軟件 操作系統: Win
"《硬盤加密軟件》(SecurStar DriveCrypt Plus Pack)加強型v3.97/x32/x64/含注冊機和補丁[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 硬盤加密軟件
英文名: SecurStar DriveCrypt Plus Pack
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: 加強型v3.97/x32/x64/含注冊機和補丁
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: SecurStar
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

軟件類型:安全相關 - 數據加密
應用平台:Windows NT /2000 /2003 /XP/ Vista 32/64 bit/ Windows 7
問題反饋: http://www.securstar.com/support.php
網站鏈接: http://www.securstar.com/products_drivecryptpp.php
軟件簡介:SecurStar DriveCrypt 是一個計算機數據安全保護工具,它可以為你提供高達1344 Bit軍用硬盤加密技術,加密速度快,加密強度高,而且非常容易安裝和使用,最大限度的保護你的私人數據,並把風險降的最低,程序支持隱形加密技術,支持對磁盤單獨分區進行加密,內置完善的密碼權限管理功能,而且程序采用了特殊的技術可以防止密碼被黑客或者木馬程序所竊取,並可以防止密碼被用黑客用字典或者用暴力破解。程序支持系統熱鍵,使得操作和管理更加簡單方便,程序還可以對一些敏感數據進行徹底刪除操作。如果你無意之中忘記了密碼,程序也可以通過預先設定的管理密碼進行恢復數據或者找回丟失的密碼,非常安全。
Full Disk Encryption (Encrypts parts or 100% of your HardDisk including the operating System)
Pre-Boot authentication (BEFORE the machines boots, a password is requested to decrypt the disk and start your machine)
Allows secure hiding of an entire operating system inside the free space of another operating system.
Strong 256bit AES encryption
USB-Token authentication at pre-boot level
DriveCrypt Plus Pack provides true real-time "on the fly" 256-bit disk encryption. Providing advanced FDE (Full disk encryption) as opposed to VDE (Virtual disk encryption) or "container" encryption, DCPP is an important evolutionary step in the field of transparent data protection.
DCPP allows you to secure your disk(s) (including removable media) with a powerful and proven encryption algorithm (AES-256) at the sector level, ensuring that only authorized users may access it. The encryption algorithm used by DCPP is a trusted, validated algorithm chosen by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and stated to be the cryptographic standard for years to come. AES-256 is a FIPS-approved symmetric encryption algorithm that may be used by U.S. Government organizations (and others) to protect sensitive information.
DCPP file encryption software is automatic and completely transparent to the user. Not only does this decrease user involvement and training requirements, but also it creates the foundation for enforceable security. The careful integration of boot protection and automatic encryption provides a high degree of security with minimal impact on users. Boot protection prevents subversion of the operating system (via floppy boot-up, for example) or the introduction of rogue programs while sector by sector encryption makes it impossible to copy individual files for brute force attacks. DCPP Windows encryption safeguards the operating system and the important system files (which often contain clues to passwords for Windows).
DCPP is the fastest and most feature-rich real-time full disk encryption system available, Special care has been taken to render all cryptographic parts as invisible & transparent as possible.
Features and Benefits
Some of the main features & benefits:
Boot protection
Pre-Boot authentication: Login before starting the operating system
Multiple OS boot support (Microsoft)
Invisible operating system (allows hiding the entire operating system
Full or partial hard disk encryption
Sector level protection
Complete "power off" protection i.e. unauthorised users are prohibited from starting up the PC
AES 256 bit encryption
No size limitation for encrypted disks
Manages an unlimited amount of encrypted disks simultaneously.
Allows steganography to hide data into pictures
Trojan and keyboard sniffer protection preventing passwords from being sniffed / captured (red screen modus).
Anti dictionary and brute-force attack mechanisms (due to the nature of DCPP, it is the most difficult system to attack compared to anything else available.)
Encrypts almost any kind of media (hard disks, floppy disks, ZIP, JAZ, etc...)
Administrator /user specific rights
USB-Token authentication at pre-boot level (Aladdin R2 and Rainbow USB-Token)
Facility to validate the integrity of the encryption method.
Recovery disk for "disaster recovery"
Easy to install, deploy and use.
Completely transparent to the user
Minimal administration and user training.
System Requierments:
DCPP currently works on Windows NT /2000 /2003 /XP/ Vista 32/64 bit/ Windows 7

[D]igital nsanity b!
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We are the dreamers of dreams... 
 Today's magic presented by the Digital Insanity heroes is:
 SecurStar DriveCrypt Plus Pack v3.97
 Cracker [ Brainrain & DarkSide ] Protection [ Keyfile ]
 Supplier [ Digital Insanity ] Release Date [ 22/03/2010 ]
 Packager [ Digital Insanity ] Release Type [ Keyfilemaker + Patch ]
 Tester [ Digital Insanity ] Release Size [ 3x4.77mb ]
³ [ Description ] ³ 
ְִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִ 
DriveCrypt Plus Pack provides true real-time "on the fly" 
256-bit disk encryption. Providing advanced FDE (Full disk 
encryption) as opposed to VDE (Virtual disk encryption) or 
"container" encryption, DCPP is an important evolutionary 
step in the field of transparent data protection. 
DCPP allows you to secure your disk(s) (including removable 
media) with a powerful and proven encryption algorithm 
(AES-256) at the sector level, ensuring that only authorized 
users may access it. The encryption algorithm used by DCPP 
is a trusted, validated algorithm chosen by the National 
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and stated to 
be the cryptographic standard for years to come. AES-256 is 
a FIPS-approved symmetric encryption algorithm that may be 
used by U.S. Government organizations (and others) to 
protect sensitive information. 
DCPP file encryption software is automatic and completely 
transparent to the user. Not only does this decrease user 
involvement and training requirements, but also it creates 
the foundation for enforceable security. The careful 
integration of boot protection and automatic encryption 
provides a high degree of security with minimal impact on 
users. Boot protection prevents subversion of the operating 
system (via floppy boot-up, for example) or the introduction 
of rogue programs while sector by sector encryption makes it 
impossible to copy individual files for brute force attacks. 
DCPP Windows encryption safeguards the operating system and 
the important system files (which often contain clues to 
passwords for Windows). 
DCPP is the fastest and most feature-rich real-time full 
disk encryption system available, Special care has been 
taken to render all cryptographic parts as invisible & 
transparent as possible. 
Pre-Boot Authentication 
The user is authenticated by means of pre-boot 
authentication (PBA) before the system is started and 
therefore before the operating system is booted. This kind 
of authentication cannot be manipulated, PBA therefore 
guarantees maximum security. Neither keys nor passwords are 
stored on the PC's hard disk. All of the information 
required to boot the operating system is derived from the 
password. This makes the use of hard disk tools for 
analysing the hard disk completely ineffective. PBA in 
provided by a system call BootAuth and is a fully graphical 
login screen. 
Full disk Encryption 
Automatic & transparent Full disk encryption (FDE) offers 
several key advantages relative to file encryption. FDE 
secures the system and temp files that often contain 
sensitive data but are missed by file encryption. Even 
removing the drive itself does not give access to any file 
or directory structure. FDE is performed sector by sector 
without creating temp or backup files. As a result, large 
files will decrypt without delay whereas file encryption is 
normally much slower. Whole disk encryption also avoids such 
time consuming tasks as secure deletes of temp files or work 
files in clear text, and obviates the need to do a full 
delete on disks to be discarded. 
How does it work? 
As data is read from the hard disk, DCPP automatically 
decrypts the data before it is loaded into memory. When data 
is written back to the hard disk, it is automatically 
re-encrypted. This process is completely transparent to the 
user or any application programs, the data is caught "on the 
fly" as it transfers back and forth between the hard disk 
and memory. Consequently, users don't need to remember to 
decrypt or re-encrypt their data, or change the normal 
operation of their PC. In addition, only individual sectors 
are decrypted at any one time, not the whole hard disk. 
Other products that claim to be "on the fly" decrypt an 
entire file and load it into memory, creating significant 
security risks. DCPP is smarter and more secure because it 
decrypts only the specific sectors of a file that are in 
use. Unprotected data never resides on a DCPP encrypted 
disk. 
Hidden Operating System: 
DCPP is the only disk encryption software on the market able 
to hide an entire operating system inside the free disk 
space of another operating system. You can practically 
define two passwords for your DCPP encrypted disk: One 
password is for the visible operating system, the other for 
the invisible one. The first "fake" password gives you 
access to a pre-configured operating system (outer OS), 
while the other gives you access to your real working 
operating system. This functionality is extremely useful if 
you fear that someone may force you to provide the DCPP 
password; in this case, you simply give away the first 
(fake) password so that your attacker will be able to boot 
your system, but only see the prepared information that you 
want him to find. The attacker will not be able to see any 
confidential and personal data and he will also not be able 
to understand that the machine is storing one more hidden 
operating system. On the other hand, if you enter your 
private password (for the invisible disk), your system will 
boot a different operating system (your working system) 
giving you the access to all your confidential data. The 
creation of a hidden operating system is not obligatory and 
as such, it is not possible for anyone who does not have the 
hidden OS password to know or find out if a hidden operating 
system exists or not. 
For more info,visit -> http://www.securstar.com 
 ³ [ Install notes ] ³
 ְִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִ
 Install, apply patch and generate a keyfile with the
 keyfilemaker.
 Machine Profile should be generated automatically and
 properly according to our tests, but in case if it fails
 or wrong Machine Profile is generated then type it manually
 in the following format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
 Enjoy!;)
³ [ About the team and some thing what's worth to know... ] ³ 
ְִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִ 
Some people met in a hidden place of the internet long time 
ago. They realized quickly that they are interested in the 
same things, and their thinking is similar too. A nice 
friendship started, and they were working on a lot of common 
reversing projects. Later this friendship wasn't only 
"virtual", they became friends in real life too. This is what 
makes us a REAL team... We are dedicated to do quality 
keygens. Don't cry with stupid requests, nobody cares about 
it, because we are reversing for OUR entertainment and not 
for yours! We aren't a new team, just our name seems to be 
new. In the years we got some friend, contact and "fan". An 
important note to our "fans": We put a hidden trojan in every 
release, so when you execute our keygen, it logs all activity 
in your computer and sends it to the FBI. HAHA, DIE ALL 
[內容被過濾,請注意論壇文明]IN NOBODIES! And finally a few thinks about legality, 
copyright, etc: We give a shit on the users, we don't support 
any torrents, DCs and other gay things.Our releases are 
internal, ONLY for the scene. It's not our business that the 
scene is full of shitbones who spread the releases to public 
places. It's not our fault that idiots own this world... 
"Coolin' out with style - like back in the days. 
Representin' the skills, puttin' suckers in their place..." 
 ³ [ Greetings ] ³
 ְִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִ
 Greetings to all souls in hell...
³ [ Contact ] ³ 
ְִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִ 
If you are skilful enough, you may reach us... 
 [ NFO Created by b & Last Updated on 09/02/2007 ]


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